European Exploration of the East Worksheet

Chapter 19 – 1
Europeans Explore the East
As you read 19 – 1, answer the following questions thoroughly. Be prepared to discuss your answers in
1. Identify and explain the three main reasons for European exploration.
a. Desire for new sources of wealth (“Gold”)
i. What item was most desired by Europeans and where did it come from?
Spices from Asia
ii. Who controlled East-West trade?
Muslims and Italians
iii. How did other European countries plan to bypass the Italian merchants?
By-pass Italians who controlled land trade routes across Mediterranean region by
finding a sea route directly to Asia
b. To spread Christianity (“God”)
i. What did European countries believe was their duty?
Continue fighting Muslims and convert non-Christians to Christianity
c. To bring fame to themselves (“Glory”)
i. How did technology make exploration possible?
1. Caravel: sturdier boat with triangular sails – more effective against wind
2. Improved navigational techniques:
a. Astrolabe: calculated latitude (N/S)
b. Magnetic compass: track direction
2. Portugal Leads the Way
a. Why was Portugal the leader in overseas exploration?
Had strong government support (Prince Henry)
b. Who was Prince Henry and what did he found (establish)?
Son of Portuguese king; founded navigation school
c. What had the Portuguese established by the time Henry died?
Trading posts along west Africa coast
3. How could the Portuguese get to Asia?
By sailing around the southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)
a. How far did Dias get?
Rounded cape but then turned back
b. What did Vasco da Gama do?
Explored East Africa coast; 1498 – reached Calicut on India’s southwestern coast; brought
spices and other luxury goods (silk, gems) and made a fortune
4. Spain Also Makes Claims
a. What did Spain’s monarchs want?
Direct sea route to Asia; compete with Portuguese
b. What was Christopher Columbus’ goal? Where did he end up?
To find Asia by sailing west across Atlantic; reached the Caribbean which opened the way for
European colonization of the Americas
c. What was the cause of tension between Spain and Portugal?
Control of Asian trade
d. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas, where was it, and who got what lands from it?
An imaginary line of demarcation in Atlantic, drawn by Pope, which divided world into land
for Portugal (east) and Spain (west of line)
5. Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean
a. Why was Portuguese control on the Strait of Malacca so important?
Gained control of the Moluccas (Spice Islands)
b. What was the benefit to people of Europe of the Portuguese breaking the Muslim-Italian
domination of trade from the East?
Made spices cost 1/5th of what they had under Arab-Italian control; could afford them
c. What other countries competed for Asian trade?
English and Dutch
d. How did the Dutch East India Company drive out the English and Portuguese
Was more powerful and richer; had own army
e. Why didn’t the Europeans have more influence on the countries of southeast Asia?
Took control of ports, not inland; mostly interested in trade