Name: _________________________ Date: ____________ Per: ________ The World Economy

Name: _________________________
Date: ____________
The World Economy
Chapter 16
Per: ________
What advantages allowed Spain and Portugal to expand 1st?
___________________ leaders drawn to excitement of Exploration and desire to hurt
the _______________________
____________________________________ funded exploration
Spanish explorers had been in the ________________________ since the 1400s
Spanish wars against the ____________________ led to _________________
Spanish and Portuguese Exploration
Portuguese explorers push down the ___________________________ of Africa
Set up small forts as they go
___________________________ discovers Cape of Good Hope and sails around
Spain pushes west across the Atlantic looking for a ______________________
__________________ discovers new lands across the Atlantic
Spain and Portugal: Conflict
Rather than fight over territory, Spain and Portugal appeal to the ________________
for help.
The ______________________________ establishes a line of demarcation dividing
the world into Spanish and Portuguese spheres
The Treaty of __________________ moves the line west to give the Portuguese
access to __________________
Control of Exploration moves North
By the late 1500s, ___________________________ countries get involved in
•Looking for _______________________ and ________________________
•____________________Reformation weakens papal power (Kings can defy the
Pope’s Line of Demarcation)
England and the Dutch
Try to match _______________________ holdings
________________________________ better able to fund the expenses of exploration
and trans-Atlantic trade than southern monarchies
Although _____________________l in gaining northern passages to the Indies, they
do settle lands around the Atlantic
The Commercial Dominance of the West
Western Europe _______________________ most of Atlantic trade
_____________________ countries gain dominance
Europeans set up small trade posts, but are ____________________________ in
setting up large land colonies (Spain in the new world = exception)
Imbalances in Trade
___________________________________________________________ make
majority of profits
___________________ expensive finished goods and ___________________ raw
____________________________: Economic policy in which countries try to
increase their wealth by importing more than they import
International Inequality
Dependent areas like _________________________ and Western Africa were not
•________________________ in South America grew wealthy
•Commercial estates made money on __________________________
•Some West Africans states grew rich on the sale of
•Most of the world has ____________________
Is it really a world economy?
Most of the world is not effected
•China is ___________________, some trade but limited
•Most Japanese were __________________n to interact with
•Mughals and Safavid could not compete with
_____________________________ traders
•Most of Africa isolated due to _____________________