routes devastated

Week#_________ Chapter 2 section 1 Notes
I. Europeans Set Sail
A. Vikings
1. Leif Eriksson
a. first to discover N. America
b. son of Erik the red
c. landed in present day Canada
2. European Raiders
a. large trading networks
b. settled Iceland
3. Skilled Sailors
a. longboats
B. Portuguese
1. Prince Henry the Navigator
a. Built an observatory
b. Founded a school of navigation
c. Financed research
d. Paid for expeditions
C. Advancement of Exploration
1. Motivations for Exploration
a. Find sea routes to develop additional trade with Asia.
b. To spread Christianity and convert more people.
c. Curiosity–Europeans wanted to learn more about Asia and
its cultures.
2. Technological Advances
a. Better instruments made it possible for sailors to travel the
open seas.
b. The astrolabe enabled navigators to use the stars to chart
c. The Portuguese designed ships that were smaller, lighter,
and easier to steer.
d. Caravels used triangular sails that allowed ships to sail
against the wind.
D. Portuguese sailors sailed around Africa and found a sea route to Asia.
1. In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias led an exploration from Portugal
southward along African coast, discovering the southern tip of
Africa, the Cape of Good Hope.
2. In 1497, Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of Good Hope
and landed in India, winning the European race for a sea route to
E. Results of Exploration
1. Portuguese sailors explored the west coast of Africa, trading for
gold, ivory, and slaves.
a. Devastated African communities
b. Broke up many families
c. Led to increased warfare among kingdoms
2. Slaves sent to Europe and islands in the Atlantic where they
endured brutal living conditions.
3. New trade increased Portugal’s wealth and power.
4. Other European countries launched their own voyages of