Materials • 1 scoop of frosting = Asthenosphere • 1 graham cracker = Continental Plate • 1 fruit roll-up = Oceanic Plate • wax paper • water • paper towels Plate Movement Lab 1. Two persons per group 2. Each group will be given materials. 3. Each person will perform two boundary types. 4. For each page, you will illustrate a comic strip and answer the questions in complete sentences. Divergent Plate Boundaries 1. Cut the oceanic plate into two pieces. 2. Add one scoop of asthenosphere to the wax paper. 3. Place the oceanic plates on top of the asthenosphere. Divergent Plates 4. Press firmly on the oceanic plates, and separate from the center. 5. See the results, and write your answers in the comic strip. Answering the Questions • Draw a comic strip. Before Show asthenosphere on wax paper. During Draw oceanic plate on top of asthenosphere. After Draw plates diverging and final result. Convergent Boundaries Continental-Oceanic 1. Remove one oceanic plate. 2. Place one continental plate down on top of the asthenosphere. Convergent Boundaries 3. Slowly and gently push the continental crust over the oceanic crust. 4. Look at result. 5. Answer the questions, and record in the comic strip. Answering the Questions • Draw a comic strip. Before During After Both crust The motion of the crust The final result of convergent plates colliding Convergent Boundaries Continental-Continental 1. On a new piece of wax paper, divide the continental crust into two pieces. 2. Dip one end of the continental crust in the water for three seconds. Convergent Boundaries Continental-Continental 3. Push the two wet sides together. 4. Record results after the continental crust collide. Answering the Questions • Draw a comic strip. Before During After Both crust before colliding Illustrate the motion of the crusts. The final result of convergent plates colliding Transform Boundary 1. Place your last continental crust on the wax paper. Break it into two pieces. 2. Shear the plates against each other, in an up and down motion. Transform Boundary 3. Shear the continental plate for 10 seconds. 4. Record the results, and see how the shape has changed. 5. Label fault line. Answering the Questions • Draw a comic strip. Before During After Both crust before shearing Illustrate the motion of the crusts. The final result of transform plates shearing Answer Concluding Questions Answer the conclusion questions in part II. Clean your area, and throw away the trash.