Causes: need for resources, new markets, strategic

American Imperialism -1920s Test Topics:
Causes: need for resources, new markets, strategic
Other reasons: extension of Manifest Destiny, desire for
colonial control
Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power upon
Pan Americanism
Samoan Crisis
Venezuela boundary dispute
Hawaii, business interests, dealings/ existing govt,
Cuba, Ostend Manifesto, US economic interests, Wilson
Gorman Tariff
Re-concentration, Cuban Revolt, The battleship
Spanish American War, Yellow journalism, Teller
Amendment, San Juan Hill
and the Rough Riders- Teddy Roosevelt
Treaty of Paris, 1898
Anti-Imperialist League
Insular Cases, Platt Amendment
China, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion
Teddy Roosevelt’s Presidency
Panama Canal, Clayton-Bowler Treaty, Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty, Hay-Bunau-Varilla
Roosevelt Corollary
Gentleman’s Agreement
Russo-Japanese War 1904 and Japanese-American
Dollar Diplomacy- Taft
Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy, Mexican Revolution
1914 WWI begins, what was America’s role? How did
Wilson manage the following:
Supplying the belligerents, staying out of the conflict
until 1917, and all the while
managing public opinions for and against entry into
the war
Wartime: How did the US gear up for war, manage
production, finance the war, get soldiers into the war,
and manage a victory for the Allies?
What was the impact of US entry into the war on the
following: US economy, US society, US domestic policies,
US political tenor; the fighting of the War itself, and the
role of the US in international affairs, going forward
WWI US domestic policies in the war effort, agencies,
managing public opinion
National War Labor Board
The Volstead Act
Russian Revolution
African Americans during the war
Treaty of Versailles
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Balfour Declaration
Problems with Treaty of Versailles,
Economy and politics of the decade, laissez-faire policies,
lack of regulation in business and finance
Consumerism, credit, stock market; Distribution of
Teapot Dome Scandal
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Charles Lindbergh
The Man Nobody Knows
The Jazz Age
The Harlem Renaissance
Margaret Sanger
Social changes in the 1920s, polarization (see lecture
Prohibition, bootlegging, “speakeasies” Dance Halls
Christian Fundamentalism
Immigration, National Origins Act of 1924, banned East
Asians entirely
Red Scare, Palmer Raids
KKK, nativism
Agric Sector: Parity, McNary Haugen Bill
Women, changes, (Pink-Collar Jobs), Women’s rights,
Alice Paul, Sheppard-Towner Act
Labor issues: AFL, Sleeping Car Porters
The Radio and its impact on society
Lost Generation writers
Scope Trail, Evolution vs Creationism
Split in Democratic Party
Harding’s weaknesses
Republican Party on role of government, taxes