Club Service Funding

Club Service Funding
To Recognize and Encourage Involvement
(aka “CSF”)
What is CSF?
CSF refers to funding that the ASCC
allocates to highly active clubs for their
service to the campus and the
• ASCC provides funds to the clubs so that they can fund
activities that further their goals in accordance with
their Statement of Purpose.
How much can I earn?
• Club members will receive $10 per hour per member of
• A club may earn up to, but not more than $1,000 dollars
during Fall and Winter quarter. Spring quarter will
depend on the amount of money left in the budget.
• Allocated on a weekly basis during fall, winter and
spring quarters by the Club Coordinator.
What is the purpose of CSF?
The purpose of Club Service Funding (CSF) is to
recognize and encourage the involvement of clubs
and student organizations in the campus and
Highly active clubs are financially rewarded for
providing events and activities and/or supporting
events and activities that promote educational,
cultural, athletic, and social well-being of Clark
College students and our community.
Benefits besides the money…
• Benefits:
Becoming more involved in the campus and community
Generating energy and enthusiasm for the campus
Providing human resources for the community
Developing skills for interpersonal relationships
Developing team and individual organizational skills
Eligibility Requirements
1. Club Service Funding requests must be completed
correctly and must be returned to the Club Coordinator
before the quarterly deadlines.
2. At least three different club members must volunteer
hours during the quarter for the club to qualify for Club
Service Funding.
3. The club must attend 4 Club Committee meetings per
4. The club must turn in a quarterly report each quarter.
Types of CSF:
• There are 6 different types of CSF
Host an Event
Host a Movie
Club Fair
On-Campus Volunteering
• Events that occur anywhere on the
Clark College campus
• Examples:
• Donating blood
• Helping set-up at an ASCC event
• Ushering at a play
Off-Campus Volunteering
• Any off-campus outreach volunteering that at
least 3 club members participate in
Must turn in a Travel Authorization Request form
and a Risk Waiver form to the Club Coordinator
at least 2 weeks before the planned trip, along
with the CSF form
• Your advisor or a college employee must be
present the entire duration of the event
Host an Event
• Events are activities that are sponsored by one or
more chartered clubs.
• Sponsoring clubs can earn money as follows:
Two (2) hours of planning for each hour of the event
+A maximum of two (2) hours for set up
+The actual hours of the event
+A maximum of two (2) hours for takedown
= The total hours earned for the event
You must advertise your event for at least 1 week to qualify for CSF
Host a Movie Event
• A licensing fee is required to show movies in public
• Sponsoring clubs can earn money as follows:
2 hrs max planning time
+2 hrs max for set-up
+Actual hrs of event
+2 hrs max for take-down
= the total hrs earned
You must advertise your event for at least 1 week to qualify for CSF
Club/Involvement Fair
• An ASCC event that clubs participate in to show
off their club to the college and recruit new
Clubs are expected to participate and this event
is held every quarter.
4 hrs max allotted for Involvement Fair
Service as a member of approved Committee
Examples: Tenure review committee, eLearning
Committee .
The ASCC Vice-President assigns students to committees
• There is a separate application form required for this type of
CSF Forms for Committee are grey and can be
found in PUB 160
Caveats to CSF
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
• You cannot earn CSF if you are getting paid, earning
extra credit etc.
• Up to $1000 per quarter as money allows
• No more then 4 people per Club for Committee
Available in PUB 160 at the Club Information stand
• Or online at
Reference the CSF Packet or Club Handbook for
more information