Manual Muscle Testing Laboratory

Manual Muscle Testing Laboratory
Faculty-in-charge: Aila Nica J. Bandong, PTRP
Kristoferson G. Mendoza, PTRP
At the end of the laboratory session, the students should be able to
1. Perform manual muscle testing properly, with due consideration to the following:
a. Correct and concise Instructions
b. Recommended position for testing (therapist and patient)
c. Therapist hand placement, direction of resistance
d. Stabilization
e. Patient execution
2. Differentiate test grades in performing manual muscle testing.
3. Demonstrate professionalism during peer interactions and demonstration.
General Instructions:
Review the manual testing procedures for the muscles listed below. Prepare to demonstrate any of the
tests with a partner during laboratory class.
Hislop, H. and Montgomery, J. (2002). Daniels and Worthingham’s muscle testing: Techniques of manual
examination (7th ed). Philadelphia:WB Saunders Company.
Muscles of the neck
 Combined neck extension (capital
plus cervical extensors)
Muscles of the trunk
 Trunk extensors
 Trunk flexors
Muscles of the upper extremity
 Shoulder flexors
 Shoulder abductors
 Shoulder external rotators
 Shoulder internal rotators
 Elbow flexors
 Elbow extensors
 Wrist flexors
 Wrist extensors
 Thumb abductors
 Thumb opposition
 Finger abductors
Muscles of the lower extremity
 Hip extensors
 Hip abductors
 Hip adductors
 Hip external rotators
 Hip internal rotators
 Knee flexors
 Knee extensors
 Ankle plantarflexors
Muscles of the face and eyelids
 occipitofrontalis
 corrugator supercilii
 orbicularis oris
 jaw opening