Human Growth & Development Final Exam Study Guide First Semester: 2015 – 2016 This is a comprehensive final over the key information we have studied this semester. When reviewing, please pay special attention to each chapter’s vocabulary, major concepts, and overall essential information. I suggest that you re-read the summaries of each chapter and review the following: vocabulary definitions, chapter notes, Progress Tests, and old tests. Information from the following chapters will be included on your final exam. NOTE: This review is a guide for studying, not an exact copy of your test. Chapter 1 - Introduction The study of Human Development: Know what it is and what it encompasses Characteristics of The Life-Span Perspective: Multidirectional, Multicontextual, Multidisciplinary, etc. Three domains: Biosocial, Cognitive, and Psychosocial Cohort Butterfly Effect Plasticity: Define and understand how it applies to Human Development Social construction Socioeconomic Status (SES) Culture, Ethnicity, and Race: Know what they are and how they are different The Scientific Method: Identify and describe, know the basic steps, and the importance of replication Hypothesis and Variable (dependent and independent) Research Methods: Observations, Correlation, Experimentation, Naturalistic, Survey, Case-study In experiments, be able to identify the experimental and control groups Dependent and independent variables: Identify examples of each and know the definitions of each Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Distinguish between Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal, and Cross-Sequential Research Validity, Accuracy, and Reliability: Know what they are and distinguish between them Correlations: Know what they are, know the difference between positive and negative correlations and know that they do not mean causation Scientific Ethics The Ecological Approach to Human Development Chapter 2 – Theories of Development Theory: Be able to define Developmental Theories Three Grand Theories: Psychoanalytic (Freud), Learning Theory (Watson), Cognitive Theory (Piaget) Emergent Theories: Define them and know that they are relatively new Sociocultural and Epigenetic Theories Eclectic Perspective Chapter 3 – Heredity and Environment Genetics and Environment: Understand the balance and influences of nature and nurture Heredity: Know the basic Principles Gamete, Zygote, Embryo, Fetus Know the male and female Gametes (Sperm and Ovum) Duplication, Division, and Differentiation Genes, Chromosomes, DNA Understand that the Genetic Code is used to make proteins Know the four bases on genes and know how they are paired The Human Genome Project: Know what a genome is Sex Chromosomes (the 23rd pair) and X-linked Genes: Be able to identify the differences between males and females, know who determines the sex of the child, etc. Know the number of Possible Genetic Combinations Distinguish between Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins Polygenic traits, multifactorial traits, additive genes Genotype and Phenotype: Know what they refer to Dominant and Recessive Genes Know what alleles are Spontaneous abortion Chromosomal Miscount/Abnormalities (such as Alpha-fetoprotein and ultrasounds) Know why we study genetic abnormalities Chapter 4 – Prenatal Development and Birth Germinal Period Period of the Embryo Period of the Fetus: Longest period of development Implantation: Know when and how it occurs Neural Tube: Know what it will become Development of the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nervous, Digestive, and Reproductive System Placenta: Know what it does Age of Viability: Define it, know the critical factor in attaining it Teratology, Teratogens, and Behavioral Teratogens Critical Period Threshold and Interaction Effects HIV and AIDS: Know how it is passed from mother to child Effects of drugs on Prenatal Development Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Effects and Causes Low Birthweight, Preterm, and Small for Gestational Age The Normal Birth: Know how it occurs, average weight, etc. Apgar Scale: Know the five characteristics that are evaluated Cesarean Section, Cerebral Palsy, Anoxia Postpartum Depression Chapter 5 – The First Two Years Understand the growth in Size and Shape Know what a “norm” is Know the factors that influence growth (genes, food, etc.) SIDS Head Sparing Brain Growth: neuron, axons, dendrites, synapse, neurotransmitters, and transient exuberance Know the role of the Cortex Know why the brain experience proliferation and pruning Immunizations: Know what they are and their impact on society Reflexes: Breathing, sucking, rooting Senses: Know the senses of the newborn, the changes they experience, and the strength/weaknesses of each Binocular vision Gross Motor Skills: Know what they are and identify examples Fine Motor Skills: Know what they are and identify examples Walking: Know when a child can walk well unassisted Sensation and Perception: Know what they are and distinguish between them Nutrition: the benefits of Breast Feeding, first solid foods, etc. Protein-calorie malnutrition, Marasmus, Kwashiorkor Toddlers: Know why this name is appropriate Chapter 8 – The Play Years The effects of genetics, health care, and nutrition on growth Know the weight of preschoolers and compare to other periods Brain Growth: How quickly it grows and the dynamic changes that occur Myelination Lateralization Corpus Callosum: Know how it connects the hemispheres of the brain Injury Control: Know the leading cause of death is accidents Understand the changes in Gross and Fine motor skills in this period Child Maltreatment: Know what it is and how it is defined Abuse & Neglect: Know what they are and their differences Obesity: Know the effect on children Nutritional differences between children of developed and developing nations Early tooth decay Know the correlation of abuse and neglect: SES, education, home, supervision, etc. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Preventions Chapter 11 – The School Years Know the major changes in size and shape, overall growth slows down Body Mass Index: Distinguish between “overweight” and “obese” Reaction time Differences/Similarities in male and female athletic ability Achievement, Aptitude, and IQ Tests: distinguish between and identify examples of each Developmental Psychopathology DSM-IV Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Define and know impact of each on development Learning Disability Dyslexia and Dyscalcula ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): Know and identify the symptoms Least Restrictive Environment, Mainstreaming, Resource Room, and Inclusion: Distinguish between each Asthma Automatization