APUSH - Edublogs @ Macomb ISD

AP US History-- APUSH
Course Information 2015-16
Utica Academy for International Studies
Instructors: Mr. Crossen & Mrs. Hall; Support Teachers: 9th Grade Government & Economics
Mr. Burak, Sensei Sullivan & Mr. Dobbie
The American Pageant, 13th Edition, Kennedy, Cohen, & Bailey
United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination—2015
Edition. We refer to this book as the AMSCO book. It is available for purchase
online or through the Michigan rep.
Ron Johnson, Sales Consultant. Phone 866-252-6580, ext: 1123.
I have copied the first “Period Standard” text from this book and have given
it to students. I’ve attached the cover sheet for more information.
1. We think students would benefit best by being able to access this test prep
book. It is aligned with the APUSH realigned realignment. After reviewing
many other test prep books, most AP instructors agree that this is the best
for the money.
2. However—we realize money is tight; I have received a free access to The
AMSCO APUSH history book. It is available; I am told, for one more month.
3. Go to the following link, look to the top right and sign in with the following
u: michigan
p: michigan1
4. We will still make “hard copies” of the chapters for students who cannot get
this book—however, we will have them scanned in our website for printing
or reading. If students are having trouble, please see any of us.
5. Please talk to me! I answer emails—sometimes after I feed my cranky and
hungry little family, but I do! I also try my hardest to have up to date lesson
plans on my website.
 http://edublogs.misd.net/khall87/
office hours: 7:30-8:30 am on “B” days & 12:30-2:00 “A” days—I can also make
appointments before and after school and lunches—We have “A” lunches (10:00 am) both
 Mr. Crossen and I will hold many after school and Saturday (if the school is available)
review and study sessions. They are not mandatory but we feel it helps students feel better
about approaching the TEST!
Secondary texts:
The American Spirit, 10th Edition, Volumes I & II, Kennedy & Bailey
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History, 11th Edition,
Volumes I & II, Madaras & SoRelle
The Peoples History of the United States 25th Anniversary Edition, Howard Zinn.
Also found online at http://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html
We prefer you to buy the book—but in a pinch if you need to check on a chapter—this is a
reliable cite.
Excerpts will be read from:
Frederick Douglass, Narrative of an American Slave, The Jungle, Upton Sinclair, Selected short
stories from Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Ambrose Bierce, Jack London, Ernest
Hemingway, & John Updike, Lengthy excerpts from Publius, Emerson, Thoreau, Turner,
Twain, & Steinbeck
 Several Period or Unit tests will be offered as instructors sees fit. Most of these will
consist of “practice” multiple choice and written response. Instructors will use
these assessments to guide practice for the exam. Students will have chances to reasses certain Period Standards. More information will be forthcoming in the
individual classes.
Frequent in class short quizzes will be the norm. Students will be assessed often—
mini entrance or exit quizzes. Several in class projects will also be assigned—this is
dependent on students’ interest and time allotted.
Course Outline
Please note that all dates are tentative and subject to change—especially because we live
in Michigan. No need to go further.
Semester One: Please note: we are in Michigan; we are bound to a state law that insist that
students do not return to public school until after Labor Day. We are always trying to catch
up for this lost time.
Also, please note that it is against our school policies to assign homework during the
summer months.
Period One1 – 1491-1607 (September 8-15th)
American Pageant, Chapter 1, “New World Beginnings” & Chapter 2, “The Planting of
English America, 1500-1733”
1. Read and take 3-Column or Cornell style notes: Plenty of practice in class
2. Be able to discuss content with peer in Socratic style discussion
3. Small quiz
4. Map and class group activities.
Please refer to the 2014/15 newly adopted APUSH Periodization outlines and suggested
focus. The APUSH new suggested periods will be attached to this document. Students are
well aware of them.
Periodization Practice: In class activities
Period Two – 1607-1754 (September 17th- September 30)
American Pageant, Chapters 3-6
1. Chapter 3, “Settling he Northern Colonies, 1619-700”
2. Chapter 4, “American Life in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1692”
3. Chapter 5, “Colonial Society on the Eve of the Revolution, 170-1775”
4. Chapter 6, “The Duel for North America, 1608- 1763”
a. Continue with note taking; more geographic lessons; more maps, more
b. Short in class essay, “Discuss the origins & outcomes of the French & Indian War”
Period Three – 1754 – 1800 (September 30th-October 22)
American Pageant, Chapters 7-10—Notes, discussion and quizzes.
1. Chapter 7, “The Road to Revolution, 1763-1775”—Introduce & Complete DBQ #2 in
2. Chapter 8, “America Secede from the Empire, 1775-1783”
3. Chapter 9, “The Confederation & the Constitution, 1776-1790”
4. Chapter 10, “Launching the New Ship of State, 1789-1800”
a. These chapters offer many opportunities for students to compare and
b. Students will also analyze political cartoons during written during the
period of high tensions over the French problem.
c. Students will be introduced to DBQ and Free Response Essays—plenty
of practice and assessing other’s work will be built in to this unit.
Exam One –Mid October —A & B blocks. This assessment will assess Periods 1,2 &3.
Frequent in class short quizzes will be the norm. Students will be assessed often—mini
entrance or exit quizzes. Most quizzes assess how well the student picked up on, and how
well the instructor taught, the previous lesson’s day’s main ideas.
Period Four – 1800-1848 (October 21st-November 4th)
American Pageant, Chapters 11-17
1. Chapter 11, “The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic, 1800-1812”
2. Chapter 12, “The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism,
3. Chapter 13, “The Rise of a Mass Democracy, 1824-1840”
4. Chapter 14, “Forging the National Economy, 1790-1860”
5. Chapter 15, “The Ferment of Reform and Culture, 1790-1860”
6. Chapter 16, “The South and the Slavery Controversy, 1793-1860”
7. Chapter 17, “Manifest Destiny & Its legacy, 1841-1848”
The American Pageant, 13 Edition offers students many opportunities to interpret graphs
and maps. These chapters also include “Varying Viewpoint” essays. We will introduce
historiography during these readings and have students try to take sides. We will
supplement with Taking Sides.
Period Five – 1848-1877 (November 4th-December 2nd)
American Pageant, Chapters 18-22
1. Chapter 18, “Renewing the Sectional Struggle, 1848-1854”
Chapter 19, “Drifting Toward Disunion, 1854-1861”
Chapter 20, “Girding for War: The North & the South, 1861-1865”
Chapter 21, “The Furnace of Civil War, 1861-1865”
Chapter 22, “The Ordeal of Reconstruction, 1865-1877”
Exam Two – December 4th-5th (maybe?)
Period Six—1865-1898 (December 8-23)
Selected essays by Twain, Helen Keller, Andrew Carnegie
American Pageant, Chapters 23-26
1. Chapter 23, “Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age, 1869-1896”
2. Chapter 24, “Industry Comes of Age, 1865-1900”
3. Chapter 25, “America Moves to the City, 1865-1900”
4. Chapter 26, “The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution, 1865-1896”
Period Seven— 1890-1945 (January 5-February 27)
Selected readings from The Jungle, Johnny Got his Gun, Flyboys
American Pageant, Chapters 27-35
1. Chapter 27, “Empire and Expansion, 1890-1909”
2. Chapter 28, “Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt, 1901”
3. Chapter 29, “Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad, 1912-1916”
4. Chapter 30, “The War to End Wars, 1917-1918”
5. Chapter 31, “American Life in the ‘Roaring Twenties, 1919-1929”
6. Chapter 32, “The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1932”
7. Chapter 33, “The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1933-1939”
8. Chapter 34, “Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War, 1933-1941”
9. Chapter 35, “America in World War II, 1941-1945”
This unit offers students the opportunities to examine art, music, literature and issues of
race. Student groups will choose an art form and time frame and present them to the class
during this unit. Usually students choose well—Jazz and the Harlem Renaissance, Post
WWI literature and poetry—and the works of Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, W. E.
B. DuBois will be considered.
Exam Three—No date yet . . .
Period Eight—1945-1980 (March 4- April 2)
American Pageant, Chapters 36-39
1. Chapter 36, “The Cold War Begins, 1945-1952”
2. Chapter 37, “The Eisenhower Era, 1952-1960”
3. Chapter 38, “The Stormy Sixties, 1960-1968”
4. Chapter 39, “The Stalemated Seventies, 1968-1980”
This unit lends itself to music, fashion and art. Students will examine the changing and
charged art scenes of the sixties and eighties. It also lends itself to a study of geography.
Period Nine—1980-Present & Review (April 3-May 8)
American Pageant, Chapters 40
1. Chapter 40, “The Resurgence of Conservatism, 1980-1992)
2. Chapter 41, “American Confronts the Post-Cold War Ear, 1992-2004”
3. Chapter 42, The American People Face a New Century”
Grading Criteria (Reality—do the work; ask questions, think, talk, make mistakes and fix
them—get a good attitude . . . and you will ROCK this class & grade—I promise )
In-Class Activities include three different assessments to be given throughout the
semester. One will be a document-based project. The second will be an individual oral
presentation. The third will be a graded group discussion. More information on these
assessments will be given as we approach the date of these assessments.
Students are required to write one historiography paper during the Semester One. In the
Second Semester students will debate historical positions. The parameters and due date of
this paper & debate will be given at a later date.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is of the utmost importance to the instructors of this course and is a vital
part of maintaining a credible institution of learning. Academic dishonesty tarnishes the
integrity of everyone involved and ruins careers and reputations. There is absolutely no
excuse for academic dishonesty. If this does occur, it most likely will result in a failing grade
for the assessment or course. It will also be marked on the student’s record, which, along
with occurring offenses, could lead to expulsion.