Study Guide for Learning CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Discuss the importance of experience in learning and describe the role of association in learning. Describe the nature of classical conditioning and show how it demonstrates associative learning. Explain the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization and discrimination. Explain why learning theorists consider classically conditioned behaviors to be biologically adaptive. Discuss the importance of biological constraints in classical conditioning. Describe two issues that have led to the recent reconsideration of behaviorism. Discuss the importance of Pavlov’s work in classical conditioning. Explain how Pavlov paved the way for the behaviorist position. Explain why the study of classical conditioning is important. Describe the Watson & Rayner experiment. Provide a brief definition of the following KEY TERMS: Learning Associative learning Classical conditioning Behaviorism Unconditioned response (UCR) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) Conditioned response (CR) Conditioned stimulus (CS) Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous recovery Generalilzation Discrimination OPERANT CONDITIONING Describe the process of operant conditioning, including the procedure of shaping. Identify the different types of reinforcers and describe the four major schedules of partial reinforcement. Discuss the effects of punishment on behavior. Describe the typical patterns of response under fixed-interval, fixed-ratio, variableinterval and variable-ratio schedules of reinforcement. Describe some drawbacks to the use of physical punishment. Discuss evidence of the importance of biological processes in operant conditioning. Describe some major applications of operant conditioning. Provide a brief definition of the following KEY TERMS: Associative learning Operant conditioning Respondent behavior Operant behavior Law of effect Operant chamber (Skinner box) Learning Shaping Reinforcer Primary reinforcers Continuous reinforcement Partial (intermittent) reinforcers Fixed-ratio schedule Variable-ratio schedule Fixed-interval schedule Variable-interval schedule Punishment Cognitive map Latent learning Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation Negative reinforcement LEARNING BY OBSERVATION Describe the process of observational learning. Discuss the impact of viewing televised aggression on children. Provide a brief definition of the following KEY TERMS: Observational learning Modeling Mirror neurons Prosocial behavior