Mrs. Kennedy’s Course Syllabus for Pre Calculus Email: Course Website: 2015-2016 About the Course We are currently using Pre Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 9th Edition, Demana 2015 edition published by Pearson. This course is an extension of Algebra II with the emphasis in Trigonometry. The course is designed to encompass topics necessary to be successful in a college calculus course. The following is a list of our units of study: I. Functions and Graphs (1) V. Analytic Trigonometry (2) II. Polynomial, Power & Rational Functions VI. Applications of Trigonometry (3) (1) VII. Analytic Geometry in 2 & 3 Dimensions III. Trigonometric Functions (1) IV. Trigonometric Functions and Graphs (2) (3) VIII. Discontinuity and Limits (4) Grading Policy Grades are determined by an accumulation of points earned. These points are earned from assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects. Assessments will make up approximately 80% of your quarter grade. I do give pop quizzes, so be prepared daily for this possibility. Please note that all tests and quizzes must be completed during the time allotted unless otherwise specified in your academic plan. Assignments Daily assignments are an important component of the learning process. You must self-check your own work for correctness. Select questions will be covered in detail during class, so it is important to come to class having attempted each problem, and well prepared with questions for the next day. You are expected to keep a classroom journal, which will include all class notes, assignments and any necessary corrections to your assignments. Your interactive classroom journal will be checked for completion & effort on a regular basis. For this reason, it is necessary for your journal to be brought to class daily and kept well organized.. Follow these simple steps to receive full credit for each assignment: 1) attempt each and every problem assigned, 2) check answers in the back of the book, when provided 3) check any additional answers in class, and 4) ask questions during the review or at help sessions if any problems were missed. To receive full credit for every problem, the problem must be copied or paraphrased with all relevant information, the diagram must be copied, and all work must be shown. Web Resources: Student Edition textbook website: Web-based Assignments/Assessments: Web‐ Code: azk ‐ 4007 account! Account Access Code: HSMXL-PRINK-CREAK-HONAN-FIERI-VOTES 5th Period: XL04-41UV-7021-80N3 Create your own 6th Period: XL04-C1GI-3021-00N3 8th Period: XL04-C1H3-5021-10N3 Interactive Classroom Journal: A 70-100 page, single subject spiral notebook is required: Class notes, including the date, objective, essential question and daily assignment All assignments with all work and necessary corrections. Materials You will need to bring to class with you each day your journal, textbook, pencil, and graphing calculator, graph paper, and straight edge. Your graphing calculator is an important tool for Pre- Calculus and will be used throughout the course. However, you will be assessed both with and without a calculator. Any model of the TI84 family would be best for Pre Calculus. Help Sessions I am available for help sessions and for make-up tests after school on Mondays and Thursdays until 3 p.m. Additionally, I am often available during my lunch period. Study groups are encouraged and can be quite helpful; several minds working together can reveal many different approaches and insights into the higher-level concepts with which we will be dealing. Talking through ideas can also assist in conceptual understanding. Do not wait to take advantage of these resources! Make-up Policy Your regular attendance is critical for your success in this course! However, if you must miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain all notes and make-up work. Please make arrangements to take make-up tests as they are given after school within one week of the test date. Any previous assignments are due on the day of your return. Assignments will be posted on both the classroom website and on the assignment board in class. Please check the website from home or the assignment board upon arrival after being absent. Make-up work should be completed within the same number of days you were absent. Make-up tests are not identical to the originals. Please note that students absent the day before a test or on a designated “review day” may be required to take the test as originally scheduled. Academic Integrity: Take pride in your work! Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism, and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty will be reported to the appropriate AP. o Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for work by the use of any dishonest, fraudulent, or unauthorized means. o Plagiarism is the act of taking the specific substance of another and offering it as one’s own without giving credit to the source. Class Procedures School rules as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct will be strictly adhered to. Disruptive and poor behavior of any kind cannot be tolerated. Students are to be in their seats and ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings. When the bell rings, the door will close and anyone late will report to the tardy office. Once the seating plan has been finalized, attendance will be taken using the seating chart. Students must sit in their assigned seats. Students may be reassigned to another seat at any time during the school year in order to meet changing classroom and student needs. Hall passes are for emergencies only. The use of electronic devices, eating, and drinking is not permitted during class. Above all, treat the classroom and everything in it with respect. Let’s keep this a pleasant year and follow all rules. Classroom Rules: 1. Be Prompt 2. Be Prepared 3. Be Productive 4. Be Polite 5. Be Positive