Merit Badge Notes for Scouts


2015 Thunder Wolf Merit Badge Day Class Information

Notes for Merit Badges

The following are notes for merit badges taught at the 2015 Thunder Wolf Merit Badge Day.

Aviation MB


8AM-12PM classroom at CUMC

1PM-4PM offsite at Anson Air Flight School (Sugar Land Regional Airport)

** Will need drivers to transport participants – contact barbroy6@gmail if you are available***

PREREQUISITE: read Aviation Merit Badge Book


1 hour flight with instructor. The cost is $140.00 per person and parent or guardian should sign permission document. The pilot information and guardian needed for the Discovery of Flight is on

. You must be signed up 2 weeks prior to MB day.

Citizenship in the Community MB

Partial without requirements 5 & 7c. Read MB book.

Citizenship in the World MB

Partial without requirement 7. Read MB book.

Photography MB

Read the MB book and come with a camera that they know how to operate. (No camera phones or ipad cameras) a simple point and shoot or SLR is fine. Upon completion of class, scout will need to complete 4a or 4b in the Photography MB workbook to complete the MB.

Inventing MB

Read MB book. If possible visit a museum as per the MB Booklet req. #8 and create a presentation of your visit to share. Also scouts may bring models of their invention ideas that they show in class. Scout should try to identify a need someone has or a technical problem in their home, school, or community. For example, one boy’s father’s cell phone went dead while camping far from a charger. The boy came to class with his invention: a solar charger he built with parts he got from the Dollar store plus Radio Shack! Another boy made his mom a secure water bottle holder with a cooling sprayer for her bicycle.

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2015 Thunder Wolf Merit Badge Day Class Information

Family Life MB

Read MB Book. Partial without req. 3,4,5,6b

First Aid MB

Read MB Book. First Aid Requirements for Tenderfoot, 2nd & 1st class must be completed prior to class.

Communications MB

These requirements should be done in advance or the badge will be incomplete. Req.#4 -

Interview someone you know fairly well, like, or respect because of his or her position, talent, career or life experiences. Listen actively to learn as much as you can about the person. Then prepare and deliver to your counselor an introduction of the person as though this person were to be a guest speaker, and include reasons why the audience would want to hear this person speak.

Show how you would call to invite this person to speak. Req. #8 -Plan a troop or crew court of honor, campfire program, or an interfaith worship service. Have the patrol leaders' council approve it, then write the script and prepare the program. Serve as master of ceremonies.

Geocaching MB

Partial without requirement 9. Before MB Day, set up a free user account and geocaching nickname on and search on your zip code to see nearby geocaches. Ask your parent for permission/help before you do so. Please review requirement 9 and we will develop an action plan to complete (and the MB) during the class. You will need your geonickname in class. Personal handheld GPS units, iPhones, and Androids can be used for this class.

Law MB

Read MB Book and come prepared to discuss all requirements.

Nuclear Science MB

Recommended for more First Class scouts and above. Read MB Book. In order to provide a better MB experience register for remind info link before class at:

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2015 Thunder Wolf Merit Badge Day Class Information

Personal Fitness MB

Partial w/o requirements 1, 7, 8. The 12 week training program will be needed to complete the merit badge. I am usually at the Clements track on Sunday evenings to supervise participants.

So, anyone signing up for the merit badge is welcome to come then to complete the merit badge.

Personal Management MB

Read MB Book. In order to provide a better MB experience register for remind info link before class at:

Stem NOVA Start Your Engines/Electricity MB

This is a combination class. NOVA class in the AM and Electricity MB in the pm. For

Electricity MB - 1. Read MB Book and then do:

Req. 2: Complete an electrical home safety inspection of your home, using the checklist found in this pamphlet or one approved by your counselor. (We will discuss during class)

Req. 8: Make a floor plan wiring diagram of the lights, switches, and outlets for a room in your home. Show which fuse or circuit breaker protects each one.

Req. 9a: Read an electric meter and, using your family's electric bill, determine the energy cost from the meter readings

Digital Technology MB

Partial - Read MB Book.

Radio MB

Read the merit badge Book. Prepare their materials for Requirement 8 and bring them to class for discussion. Bring paper and pen or pencil.

Art MB

Read MB Book. Partial w/o Req. 6

Chess MB

Read MB Book.

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