MYTHOLOGY CH.3 CREATION: HOW THE WORLD BEGAN At first there was only Chaos Chaos gave birth to: The night and Erebus (Darkness -“the unfathomable depth where death dwells” (Hamilton, p. 65).) Erebus and Night gave birth to: Eros, or Love Eros gave birth to: The Day And The Light Day and Light had two children: Gaia or the Earth And The Heavens Called “Uranus” The first children of Gaia and Uranus were monsters-*3 had 100 hands, 50 heads *3 were Cyclops “wheeleyed” *12 were Titans THE 12 TITANS • • • • • • Cronus Oceanus Iapetus Hyperion Crius Coeus • • • • • • Rhea Thetis Dione Mnemosyne Themis Phoebe THE MONSTER CHILDREN… • Cyclopes MONSTER CHILDREN CONT… • Giants A Bad Father Uranus- the Heavens - hated his children • He imprisoned the monsters as soon as they were born (100 hands and 50 heads) • Gaia was upset and asked for help from her other children. • Her son Cronus wounded his father “terribly”. From his blood other monsters were born: the Erinyes (Furies) • And Giants Erinyes (Furies) • Fourth race of monsters – Sprang up from Uranus’ blood • Their job was to pursue and punish sinners • Called “Those who walk in the darkness” • Had snakes for hair and cried tears of blood • As long as there was sin in the world they couldn’t be banished from earth. CRONUS AND RHEA • Cronus (also known as Saturn) was the lord of the universe • Rhea (Ops in Latin) was Cronus’ sister CRONUS AND RHEA MARRIED • But Cronus feared a child would overthrow him as king • So he ate his first five children!!! ONE CHILD WAS SAVED! • Before Cronus could eat the last baby, Rhea hid the baby and sent him to Crete. • This baby was “Zeus (Jupiter)” • Gave Cronus a Rock to eat instead! WHEN THE BABY GREW UP • He came back and with the help of his grandmother forced his father to “disgorge” his siblings (Hamilton, p. 69). THIS “BABY” WAS ZEUS • Called Jupiter by Romans • He became King of the gods A DREADFUL WAR • A dreadful war followed between Cronus and his brothers, the Titans, and Zeus and his five brothers and sisters. • This war supposedly almost “wrecked the universe” (Hamilton, p. 68). • Zeus wins because he released the hundredhanded monsters who fought on us his side, with Prometheus, a son of the Titan Iapetus who sided with Zeus. PROMETHEUS AND ATLAS • As a result of the war, Prometheus’ brother, Atlas was forced to bear on his back the weight of the world. • The Titans were crushed, but Earth still gave birth to her last, most frightening creature – Typhon. – His eyes flashed fire – had a hundred heads THE WAR {RECAP} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cronus kills his father (Uranus) and becomes supreme Titan Cronus and Rhea have children. Cronus eats all the children, fearing one of them will grow up and overthrow him as king. Rhea tricks Cronus with the sixth Child-Zeus Rhea tricks Cronus by giving him a rock wrapped in a baby blanket, allowing Zeus to escape. Zeus grows up to be a very strong god Zeus goes back to Mt. Olympus, gives Cronus a poisonous drink that makes him vomit up all the children he swallowed. Zeus defeats Cronus and becomes ruler of all the gods. HOW THINGS STARTED OUT… Mother Earth (Gaea) Titan Children Rhea Zeus Hades Father Heaven (Uranus) Monster Children Cronus Poseidon Hestia Demeter Hera THE TITAN CHILDREN… Cronus-The Ruling Titan Rhea-Wife of Cronus Oceanus-the unending stream of water encircling the world Hyperion-the Titan of light, the father of the sun, the moon, and the dawn. Prometheus-wisest of the titans Atlas-fought against Zeus. Zeus punished Atlas by making him hold up the earth for all eternity. ZEUS’ REIGN • Zeus gained thunder and lightning under his own control and used it to strike Typhon down • One more attempt was made to defeat Zeus: – The Giants rebelled and tried to defeat him. – Zeus had the help of Hercules, his son, and he defeated them and threw them into Tartarus • Now that there were no more monsters, the earth was ready for mankind. MANKIND CREATED • Prometheus – means forethought • His brother, Epimetheus – means afterthought, he was very scatterbrained who jumped on his first impulse then changed his mind. – He gave all the good qualities to the animals and left nothing for men. – He asked his brother, Prometheus for help. • Prometheus then fashioned man after the gods – He went to heaven and the sun where he lit a torch and brought down fire – a better protection than fur or feathers MANKIND CREATED • In another account, the gods made men together. – The first race was a golden race that had neither work nor pain. – The next race was an inferior silver race. – The following was the brass, who were terrible and followed by a race (#4) of heroes that fought glorious wars and went on to blessed lands. – The fifth race was that of iron, modern man. This race grows more wretched with each generation, and someday Zeus will have to destroy them. ZEUS ANGERED BY PROMETHEUS • Both stories agree that there were no women in the early age. – Zeus created them as revenge because Prometheus tricked the gods into accepting fat wrapped around bones instead of real meat for sacrifice. – Zeus swore by Styx to keep this sacrificial procedure and made women as a punishment. THE FIRST WOMAN • The first woman created was Pandora. • She is described as a “sweet and lovely thing to look upon” (Hamilton, p. 74). • Her name means “the gift of all” (Hamilton, p. 74). • In this myth, women are described as “evil to men” (Hamilton, p. 74). PANDORA • The source of her misfortune wasn’t her wicked nature, it was her curiosity. • The gods gave her a box that held harmful things and told her not to open it. • Zeus sent Pandora to Epimetheus, but Prometheus warned Epimetheus to never accept anything from Zeus. He didn’t listen. • Pandora, in her curiosity, opened the box. PANDORA • When Pandora lifted the lid plagues and sorrow flew out. • The only positive thing that came out of the box was HOPE. It was the only solace offered to man to comfort them in their misfortune. • Zeus did this to remind Prometheus that he would never be able to deceive him again. ZEUS SEIZES PROMETHEUS • Zeus forgot his debt that he owed Prometheus for helping Zeus in his fight against the Titans. • Instead, Zeus had his servants, Force and Violence, seize Prometheus and take him to Caucasus. • Zeus knew that according to fate, he would be dethroned by a son that would inevitably force the gods from their home in heaven. • Prometheus was the only Titan who knew who it would be, but he would tell no one, not even Hermes. PROMETHEUS’ PUNISHMENT • Prometheus refused to tell Hermes or Zeus who would dethrone Zeus. • He knew he served Zeus well and wouldn’t respond to such cruelty and tyranny. – Hermes told Prometheus that an eagle would visit him each day and feast upon his liver • It’s said that the Centaur, Chiron, sacrificed himself for Prometheus • There is also another myth that indicates that Hercules slew the eagle and saved Prometheus. PROMETHEUS’ LEGACY • In both myths, Prometheus never gave in. • He is known as the “great rebel against injustice and the authority of power” (Hamilton, p. 76). Prometheus and IO • When Prometheus was first bound to the rock, a heifer named Io spoke to him like a woman. • She felt bad for Prometheus, but surprisingly Prometheus knew who she was. • Zeus tried seduce Io and Hera found out and changed her into a “starving beast” (Hamilton, p. 79). IO’S STORY • Zeus tried to hide his relationship with Io from Hera by putting a cloud over the earth. • Hera was too smart for this and flew down to earth. • Hera told Zeus to give Io to her as a gift. Zeus couldn’t refuse or it would indicate his guilt. • Hera then turned Io over to Argus, who had a hundred eyes. IO’S STORY • Zeus is saddened to see Io in her misery so he devices a plan that has Hermes read a story to Argus and lull him to sleep. • Hermes killed Argus when he was asleep, but Hera thought ahead and placed eyes in the tail of the peacock, her favorite bird. • Hera then sent a “gad-fly” to plague Io as she wandered from place to place. IO’S LEGACY • Prometheus only pointed Io to her future. • Io meets Zeus near the Nile River where he restores her to her human form.They later have a son named Epaphus. • Io’s descendant would be Hercules, who we already know rescues Prometheus from his torture.