Personal Management Merit Badge

Objective of this presentation:
To help you pass of as many requirements
as you can during the next 2 weeks!
BSA Advancement ID#: 11
Source: Boy Scout Requirements, #33215
Revised Oct. 25, 2007
When will you work on each requirement?
Day 1 (begin & do homework for each):
Req. 1:
Req. 2:
Req. 5:
Req. 8:
Req. 9:
Req. 10:
Shopping Strategy
5 Stocks
To Do List & Schedule
Written Project
Career Research
– Begin today, pass off day 2
– Begin, pass off in 13 weeks
– Begin today, pass off day 2
– Begin today, pass off day 2
– Begin today, pass off day 2
– Begin today, pass off day 2
Day 2 (pass off everything but Req. 2):
Req. 3:
Req. 4:
Req. 6:
Req. 7:
Discuss “Feelings on $$”
Discuss “Investing”
Discuss “$1,000”
Discuss “Debt”
– Begin day 2, pass off day 2
– Begin day 2, pass off day 2
– Begin day 2, pass off day 2
– Begin day 2, pass off day 2
1. Do the following:
 A. Choose an item that your family might want to
purchase that is considered a major expense.
 B. Write a plan that tells how your family would save
money for the purchase identified in requirement 1a.
▪ 1. Discuss the plan with your merit badge counselor
Day 2!
▪ 2. Discuss the plan with your family
▪ 3. Discuss how other family needs must be considered in this
 C. Develop a written shopping strategy for the
purchase identified in requirement 1a.
▪ 1. Determine the quality of the item or service (using
consumer publications or rating systems).
▪ 2. Comparison shop for the item.
▪ Find out where you can buy the item for the best price.
(Provide prices from at least two different price sources.)
Call around; study ads. Look for a sale or discount coupon.
▪ Consider alternatives. Can you buy the item used? Should
you wait for a sale?
Day 2!
2. Do the following:
 A. Prepare a budget reflecting your expected income
(allowance, gifts, wages), expenses, and savings.
▪ Track your actual income, expenses, and savings for 13
consecutive weeks. Start this budget today!
 B. Compare expected income with expected
▪ 1. If expenses exceed income, determine steps to balance
your budget.
▪ 2. If income exceeds expenses, state how you would use the
excess money (new goal, savings).
Day 2!
 What is a budget?
▪ A budget is probably the single most important process for
achieving your personal goals.
▪ While it is easy to understand, it takes discipline to follow.
 What is in a budget?
▪ All cash inflows (income) and outflows (expenses).
▪ Income: money coming in from work, savings, gifts, parents.
▪ Expenses: money going out for things that do not change from
month to month (fixed expenses), as well as money going out for
things that can change (variable expenses).
Personal Goals
Available for
Elder L. Tom Perry affirmed this when he said:
“After paying your tithing of 10 percent to the Lord, you
pay yourself a predetermined amount directly into
savings. That leaves you a balance of your income to
budget for taxes, food, clothing, shelter, transportation,
etc. It is amazing to me that so many people work all of
their lives for the grocer, the landlord, the power
company, the automobile salesman, and the bank, and
yet think so little of their own efforts that they pay
themselves nothing.”
L. Tom Perry, “Becoming Self-Reliant,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 64
Pay the
Personal Goals
5. Select FIVE publicly traded stocks from the
business section of the newspaper. Explain to
your merit badge counselor the importance of
the following information for each stock:
Day 2!
 A. Current price
 B. How much the price changed from the previous day
 C. The 52-week high and the 52-week low prices
HINT: Go to either…
Wall Street Journal or
8. Demonstrate to your merit badge counselor your
understanding of time management. Do the following:
 A1. Write a list of "to do" tasks or activities that must be done in
the coming week. Prioritize this list in order of importance to you.
Examples of “to do” activities:
Homework time, chore time, and personal projects
 A2. Write a list of “set activities” that are scheduled to happen in
the week. Prioritize this list in order of importance to you.
Examples of “set activities”:
School classes, sports practices or games, jobs or
chores, Scouts, and church or club meetings
 B. Make a seven-day calendar or schedule. Put in your “set
activities”, then plan when you will do all the tasks from your
"to do" list between your set activities.
 C. Follow the one-week schedule you planned. Keep a daily
diary or journal during each of the seven days of this week's
activities, writing down when you completed each of the tasks
on your "to do" list compared to when you scheduled them.
 D. Review your "to do" list, one-week schedule, and
diary/journal to understand when your schedule worked and
when it did not work.
▪ With your merit badge counselor, discuss and understand what
you learned from this requirement and what you might do
differently the next time.
Day 2!
Day 2!
9. Prepare a written project plan demonstrating the steps below, including the desired
outcome. This is a project on paper, not a
real-life project.
 Examples :
▪ Planning a camping trip
▪ Developing a community service project or a school or
religious event
▪ Creating an annual patrol plan with additional activities not
already included in the troop annual plan
▪ Other ideas that may be interesting to you
 Discuss your completed project plan with your merit
badge counselor.
▪ A. Define the project. What is your goal?
▪ B. Develop a timeline for your project that shows the steps you
must take from beginning to completion.
▪ C. Describe your project.
▪ D. Develop a list of resources. Identify how these resources
will help you achieve your goal.
▪ E. If necessary, develop a budget for your project.
10. Do the following:
 A. Choose a career you might want to enter after high
school or college graduation.
 B. Research the limitations of your anticipated career
and discuss with your merit badge counselor what you
have learned about qualifications such as education,
skills, and experience.
Your homework for two weeks from now is
to complete the following requirements:
 Req. 1: Write a Shopping Strategy
 Req. 2: Prepare a 13-Week Personal Budget
 Req. 5: Collect Info for 5 Stocks
 Req. 8: Prepare and Follow a 7-day Schedule
 Req. 9: Write a Project Plan
 Req. 10: Research Career Qualifications