United States Constitution Study Guide

1. Eighteen year olds were given the right to vote by the
2. The Chief of Justice of the United State Supreme Court is
3. The President of the U.S. must be elected every
4. A President may be elected to
5. The President officially assumes his duties on
6. ¾ of state legislatures must approve an amendment to the
US Constitution
7. Division of power between the national and state
government is
8. All Federal Courts
9. There are how many Supreme Court Justices?
10. Chief duty of the Executive Branch
11. Eminent domain is the power of the government to
12. Who decides who is President when there is no majority
electoral votes?
13. The Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces is
14. How many total amendments are there to the
15. The Judicial Branch
16. The government of the US is divided into 3 separate
17. A naturalized citizen is entitled to all privileges of
citizenship EXCEPT what?
18. One check the legislative branch may use against the
judicial branch is
19. The process in which a court system interprets the laws
and finds them unconstitutional is
20. Type of tax Congress is forbidden to use
21. The ‘Full Faith and Credit” Clause applies mainly to
22. Qualifications of Presidency
23. President’s term of office
24. Cabinet Officer responsible for foreign affairs
25. The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia concluded
its work in
26. Serious weakness of the Articles of Confederation
27. What was written first? Articles of Confederation or the
US Constitution
26th Amendment
Appointed by the President
4 years
TWO successive terms
January 20th
Before ratified
Supreme Court
Circuit Court of Appeals
District Courts
Enforce Laws
Take private property for
public use
House of Representatives
The President
Interprets the Laws
Legislative-makes laws
Executive-carries out laws
Judicial-evaluates laws
To become president
To disapprove appointments to
the Supreme Court
Judicial Review
Export Tax
Between Federal and state
 Be a natural born US
 35 years or older
 Must have resided in the
US for at least 14 years
4 years
Secretary of State
There was no real power to tax
The Articles of Confederation
28. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is
29. Congress cannot pass
The Vice President
Ex Post Facto Law
Latin for "from a thing done afterward." Ex
post facto is most typically used to refer to
a criminal law that applies retroactively,
thereby criminalizing conduct that was
legal when originally performed.
Cornell University Law School
30. If the President fails to sign a proposed bill after 10 days it
31. The goals of the Constitution are stated in the
32. The ‘elastic clause’
33. When the President receives a bill from Congress, he can
34. How many members of the House of Representatives?
35. If a senator dies in office
36. A senator’s term is
37. Chief duty of the Legislative Branch
38. The Bill of Rights is composed of
39. The presiding officer of the US Senate is
40. 1 of Senators are elected every
41. The 17th Amendment changed
42. Congress has the right to
43. The 14 advisors of the President are called
44. The federal government has each of these powers
45. Senators must at least
46. Guilt or innocence in federal impeachment trials are
decided by
47. The 25th Amendment allows the President to
48. The Judicial Branch checks the power of the Executive &
Legislative Branches by
49. Term of office for a US Representative is
Automatically becomes law
Increases the power of
 Veto
 Sign into law or
 Let the bill set & it
automatically becomes law
after 10 days
The Governor will appoint
another from that state
6 years
Make Laws
THE FIRST TEN Amendments
The Vice President
2 years
The way US Senators are
Raise, Borrow & Coin money
The Cabinet
 Set foreign policy
 Establish taxes
 Grant immunity from
30 years old
the US Senate
Appoint a Vice President if the
office becomes vacant
Declaring laws
2 years