Test Topics: Digestive System

Test Topics: Digestive System
Functions of the digestive system
Six digestive processes
o What are they?
o Locations where each occurs
Mechanical v. Chemical digestion
o Describe how each is carried out in various regions of the digestive tract
Be able to label diagram of major digestive structures, including regions of small & large intestine
Organs of the alimentary canal
o Know order from mouth to anus
o Describe structural adaptations and/or regions of stomach, small intestine & large intestine
 Ruggae
 Secretory cells: mucus neck (goblet), chief, parietal & endocrine
 Villi, Microvilli, plicae circulares, Brush border
o Divisions of the S.I.
 Duodenum
 Jejunum
 Ilium
o Boundaries of stomach & small intestine (sphinters/valves)
o Describe primary function of each structure & events that occur in each location
 Mechanical v. Chemical events
 Peristalsis/segmentation
 Absorption (know what is absorbed)
o Location of major nutrient digestion
o Enzymes, hormones & accessory substances – purpose of each; location made/used
 Amylase
 HCl
 Pepsinogen
 Pepsin
 Trypsin
 Lipase
 Bile
o What is chyme? Approximately how long is chyme in small intestine?
o What are the mesenteries?
o Importance of Bacteria in the L.I.
GI Tract tissue layers – description of each layer and order from superficial to deep
o Mucosa
o Sub-mucosa
o Muscularis
o Serosa
Function of accessory structures/organs
o What alimentary structure is each associated with?
o Salivary glands; What is saliva composed of? What role(s) does saliva play?
o Pancreas
o Liver
o Gallbladder
Diagrams – structural identification and functions
o Overall digestive system (Figure 24.1, page 888)
o Layers of the walls of the alimentary canal (Fig 24.6, page 893)
o Structural modifications of the small intestine (Figure 24.21, page 916)