1. What did expansionists want to acquire? • Expansionists wanted to gain the territories of northern Mexico 2. What role did • Mountain Men explored the Rocky Mountains and established new trails, which Mountain Men play in the settlers used to travel westward. settlement of the West? Reading Check – Who led the Mormons to settle on the shore of the Great Salt Lake? • Brigham Young Commencing: • commencing: beginning a project or an enterprise Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas – What was the most common method for settlers to move westward? • Most settlers took wagon trains on major trails 1. Expansionist: an American who favored growth of the nation and its territories. 2. Santa Fe Trail: connected Missouri to the capital of New Mexico and served as an important trade route. 3. Mountain Men: American trappers who worked in the Rockies. 4. Oregon Trail: Important route to the Pacific Northwest 5. Brigham Young: Led an exodus of Mormons across the Great Plains and the Rockies 6. Treaty of Fort Laramie: protected emigrants by restricting the Plains Indians 7. C - the Apaches 8. B - Manifest Destiny 9. A - the Great Plains 10. C - New Zion 1. How did Texas come to be dominated by American settlers? Mexico invited Americans to settle in Texas, and the American settlers soon outnumbered the Tejanos 2. What was the Lone Star Republic? The Lone Star Republic was the new nation that the Texans created after rebelling against the Mexican government. Reading Check: What was Polk’s reason for declaring war on Mexico? Vocabulary: reluctant Reading Skill: After Congress voted to annex Texas in 1845, what step led the United States closer to war with Mexico Americans were killed in a border clash. unwilling; marked by mental hesitation or reservations Polk ordered U.S. troops into the contested borderlands in Texas. 1. Scene of a 12-day long battle between Mexicans and Texans – 2. First President of the Republic of Texas – 3. Led American troops to occupy the Texas-Mexico border – 4. Led a group of emigrants to settle farmland east of San Antonio – • Alamo (E) • Sam Houston (F) • Zachary Taylor (H) • Stephen F. Austin (A) 5. Independent control over one’s affairs – • autonomy (C) 6. American general who captured Veracruz and Mexico City – • Winfield Scott (I) 7. C – Texas 8. B – Led an Attack on the Alamo 9. A – Democrats 10. C - Chapultepec 1. Why was the Wilmot Proviso controversial? 2. How did California contribute to the slavery debate? The Wilmot Proviso would have prohibited slavery in the new territories. California’s application for statehood threatened to tip the balance in favor of free states. Reading Check – What was the name for people who moved west during the California Gold Rush Vocabulary – Comprised Reading Skill – What unforeseen consequences occurred during the settlement of California? • Forty-niners • Included; made up • During the rapid settlement of California, Native Americans were killed and terrorized by the thousands. Also, many Mexican Americans lost their land and their rights. 1. Mass migration of people seeking their fortunes D - California Gold Rush 2. Added 1.2 million square miles of territory to the United States A – Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 3. Using pans and shovels to harvest gold flecks from sand near rivers and streams E – Placer Mining 4. Banned slavery in any lands won from Mexico C – Wilmot Proviso 5. Transferred ownership of land in southern Arizona from Mexico to the United States B – Gadsen Purchase 6. B – New Mexico and California 7. C – One third 8. B - It divided Congress 9. A – China 10 B – California’s application for statehood