Experiment Review

Objective 09/10/2012
Review the Scientific Method
Take out HW: Experiment Review worksheet
Experiment Review
1. Hypothesis: If I sleep in space, then I
will sleep longer.
• Alex sets up an experiment to test his hypothesis.
Some things he will keep the same are: the time
he goes to sleep, wears the same pajamas, and
he’ll begin sleeping on his right side. The only
thing he changes is that he’ll fly up into space and
sleep in zero gravity. Alex stays up in space for
ten days and writes down the time he wakes up
each day. When he gets back to Earth he has to
compare his experiment to another one, so he
sleeps for ten days, at the same time, with the
same pajamas and same sleeping position and
records his data on Earth.
1. Hypothesis: If I sleep in space, then I
will sleep longer.
• Independent variable
– sleeping in space
• Dependent variable
– length of sleep
• Constants
bed time
Same pajamas
Start sleeping on right side
Experiment takes ten days
• Control
– sleeping on Earth
2. Hypothesis: If I give my plant Special
X Fertilizer, then it will grow taller.
• Jane tests her hypothesis by getting two
plants. For both plants she places them at the
same window and gives them the same
amount of water. She gave Plant A the Special
X Fertilizer and gave Plant B no fertilizer. Each
day, for two weeks, she measures how tall the
plants grew.
2. Hypothesis: If I give my plant Special
X Fertilizer, then it will grow taller.
• Independent variable
– Special X Fertilizer
• Dependent variable
– Height of plant
• Constants
Same plants
Same window
Same amount of water
Take measurements everyday
• Control
– Plant with no fertilizer
3. Hypothesis: If I drive the Batmobile,
then I will go faster than a regular car.
• Ethan asked Batman if he could borrow the
Batmobile for his test. Ethan is going to
compare the Batmobile to a Honda Civic, one
of the most common cars on the road. He’s
going to have to time both cars, by having
them drive a straight two mile course. Other
things he will keep the same are: dry road and
having the same driver test drive both cars.
3. Hypothesis: If I drive the Batmobile,
then I will go faster than a regular car.
• Independent variable
– Batmobile
• Dependent variable
– Speed of car
• Constants
– 2 mile course
– Dry road
– Same test driver
• Control
– Honda Civic (regular car)
4. Hypothesis: If I stay in the dark for 3
hours then I will see farther.
• Marty is testing his hypothesis, by standing in
the dark for 3 hours and then immediately
reading letters at 10ft, 20ft, 30ft, 40ft, and
50ft away. He does this ten times. He then
compares his experiment to standing in a
lighted room for 3 hours and taking the same
test of reading the letters.
4. Hypothesis: If I stay in the dark for 3
hours then I will see farther.
• Independent variable
– Staying in the dark room
• Dependent variable
– How far he can see
• Constants
– Standing 10ft, 20ft, 30ft, 40ft, and 50ft for both tests
– Staying in each room for 3 hours
– Each test done ten times
• Control
– Staying in a lighted room
Objective 09/10/2012
Review the Scientific Method
Write one question you still have about the scientific method.