
Basic laboratory tests
in renal diseases
Jana Granátová
Dept. of clinical chemistry,
Thomayer Hospital
and 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University
Useful references:
• The presentation
• Important numerical values
• Basic laboratory tests – practical advices („a cookery – book“)
• https://sites.google.com/site/nphrologic/Home/course-8edema-and-renal-disorders
When and whom to examine?
• asymptomatic population: 17% with GFR < 1,0 ml/s, renal
disorder = preexisting risk
• pre-operative (peri-, postoperative complications)
• potentially nephrotoxic therapy (aminoglycosides, contrast
media, nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs)
+ age, diabetes, hyper/hypotension, combined therapy
• drug administration (doses cumulation)
• Diseases that can damage kidney - diabetes, hypertension,
cardiovascular diseases
• long-term observation in renal diseases
Glomerular filtration rate
a basic test of renal function
severity of damage:
- chronic - K/DOQI classification (Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative)
appropriate therapy, drug administration, indication to renal
replacement therapy, predialysis care
CKD stage
GFR (ml/s/1,73m2)
≥ 1,5
normal GFR + kidney damage (PU, HU)
„mild renal insufficiency“
1,0 – 1,49
„moderate renal insufficiency“
0,50 – 0,99
„severe renal insufficiency“
0,25 – 0,49
kidney failure, ESRD/RRT
< 0,25
(mild, moderate, severe renal insufficiency – descriptive - no definition,
no clinical classification)
- acute – RIFLE criteria (s-creat., GF, urine output)
Glomerular filtration rate
ultrafiltrative pressure (blood flow in the kidney), filtrative area, number of
• approx. 2 ml/s/1,73m2
lower in female
• physiological decrease with age 0,17 ml/s/1,73m2/10 years
(80 – 90 y. = 50 % of function in 20 y.)
• decreases in kidney disease – acute (AKI) and chronic
chronic kidney disease (FSGS): decreased number of nephrons,
compensatory residual hyperfiltration
… overload, nephron death, fibrosis….progressive worsening, fall in GF
• indirect indicator = renal clearance (plasma volume cleaned off from
substance XY in a time unit)
Renal clearance
GF = clearance + tubular secretion (or - tubular resorption)
• Clearance of inulin: a golden standard, GF = Cin, not for
daily practice
• Radionuclid methods: 99mTc-DTPA, 51Cr-EDTA,
- more accurate (drop in plasma after i.v. administration)
- both the kidneys separately (before kidney transplant.,
stenosis of a. renalis)
Clearance of endogenous creatinine, Ccr
- daily 1-2 % creatine (muscles, brain) → creatinine (liver)
- free filtred + secreted in tubuli
(physiologically 10 % x in a chronic kidney failure > 100%,
+ excreted through a gut)
- as decreased GF, as overestimated Ccr
- calculation based on u-creat., urine volume, time period (24 h),
- adjusted to body surface (weight, height) – ml/s/1,73m2
- reference values: 1,5 – 2,0 ml/s/1,73m2 (gender, age)
females: 8 - 10% lower
- limitations:
- to collect urine correctly
better in a hospital stay (x confused collecting vessels)
(outpatient dpt.: 40% pts. differ > 30% in collected
volume = more than 50% in calculated GFR value)
low muscle mass (low s-creatinine)
obese, fluid retention, swellings (creatinine distribution)
short time of collection (circadial rythms)
urine output < 500 ml / 24 h
- less realiable in late stages of CKD (overestimated GF)
• elevated:
- low excretion: altered structure of kidney (glomerulonephritis,
interstitial nephritis, obstruction, malformation,…)
- functional: altered renal perfusion (hypoxia, severe cardiac
- high production (polytrauma, acromegalia,…)
• muscle mass, physique, diet, physical excercise, hydratation
• limitations:
- muscle atrophy (age, immobilization, malnutrition)
- swellings, hyperhydrated patient, (pregnancy)
- rapid changes (biological half-time 24 h!) – critically ill patients
(s-cystatin C, u-NGAL are better )
Reference values:
male: 62 – 115 µmol/l
female: 53 – 97 µmol/l
• non-linear dependence s-creat. and GFR (hyperbolic)
• a late indicator of kidney damage (GFR ≤ 50% = CKD-3)
• not to use for early diagnostics of decreased function
(nephrotoxic therapy, early therapy)
• only 6/10 with slightly decreased
GFR has increase in s-creat.
s-cystatin C
• produced by all nuclear cells at a constant rate
• serin proteases inhibitor
• free filtered in glomeruli + completely resorbed + metabolized
in proximal tubuli
• its concentration in serum = glomerular filtration
• estimated GFR (Grubb: eGFR = 1,412 x Scyst. -1,68 x F)
• an early indicator of decreased GF („creatinine-blind “, GF 50 – 99%)
• independent on age, muscles, height and weight
indication: children, elderly, long-term immobilized, nephrotoxic therapy
muscle atrophy, cachexia, pregnancy
- steroid therapy („worse“ GF)
Δ 25 – 50 %, evaluate with s-creat., dependent on a dose
- decompensed thyroid function („better“ in hypofunction)
Estimated GFR (eGFR)
S-creat., age, gender, (black/other), without an urine collection
recommended together with s-creatinine if it is standardized (enzymatic)
„value“ + clinical conditions, patient´s individuality
≥ 1,5
- „normal“, higher values not given (underestimate -15-17%)
1,0 – 1,49 - to evaluate individually (age, clinical conditions)
< 1,0
- pathological (LM: in screen - if 0,67 ml/s/1,73m2: CKD 3 – 5
in > 90% pts., AUC 0,97 for CKD 3- 5)
not to use: -
rapid sudden changes
muscle atrophy (s-creat. < 40 µmol/l)
young, healthy
• MDRD formula:
eGFR = 515,3832 x (s-creat)-1,154 x age-0,203 x F1 (x F2)
• CKD-EPI formula:
female: eGFR = 144 x (S-creat. / 62-F) x 0,993age , F: S-creat < / > 62 μmol/l
eGFR = 141 x (S-creat. / 80-F) x 0,993age
F: S-creat < / > 80 μmol/l
• Lund-Malmö formula:
eGFR = eX - 0,1124 x age + 0,339 x ln(age) – 0,226 (if female)
X= 4,62 – 0,0112 x (s-creat), if < 150 μmol/l
X = 8,17 + 0,0005 x (s-creat) x ln(s-creat.), if >150 μmol/l,
(correct. To LBM (lean body mass)
• (Cockroft – Gault: age, weight, s-creat., gender – not recommended)
Formulas are relatively comparatible:
better: for GF 0,5 – 1,0 ml/s/1,73m2
worse: elderly > 80 let (+18%)
CKD-EPI: better: for GFR 1,0 – 1,5 ml/s/1,73m2 (differs at 10 - 12 x 17%)
for general screen, elderly
the both are inaccurate:
- in young, healthy individuals (CKD-EPI +22%, MDRD +14%)
- in males with low BMI < 20 (CKD-EPI +36%, MDRD +46%)
- if GF < 0,5 ml/s/1,73m2
- in children
better: for GFR near to 1,5 ml/s/1,73m2
for GFR < 0,5 ml/s/1,73m2
can be used for children older 1 y.
• Schwartz: s-creat., age, gender, height
eGFR = (F. height) : s-creat.
• based on cystatin C (the same as in adults)
Lund-Malmö (the same as in adults)
• maximal s-creatinine: height (cm) x 0,54
= the highest „normal“ s-creat . value fitted to „normal“ GF (1,5 ml/s/1,73m2)
(3 years = approx. 100 cm: 54 μmol/l x 2 years = 86cm – 46,5 μmol/l f.e.)
Závěr do praxe 1:
Chci v praxi vědět, jakou funkci ledvin má můj pacient?
Dospělý „běžný“ pacient : S-kreatinin (+odhad GF)
(eGF: MDRD, event. CKD-EPI, Lund-Malmö)
kreatinin ne → S-cystatin C (+ odhad GF z cystatinu):
funkce štítné žlázy???, steroidy???
svalová atrofie (kachexie, po imobilizaci, dystrofie, senioři) / muskulatura
extrémně obézní
pro dávkování léků
Dítě: S-cystatin C (fyziognomie, svalová atrofie /dystrofie, věk)
s-kreatinin (+ eGF-Schwartz nebo Lund-Malmö,
orientačně maximální S-kreatinin
diagnosis and management of AKI
Traditional diagnosis:
- rise in s-creatinine
(24 – 72h, fluctuating,
50% of function lost)
- fall in GF
- fall in urine output
(!! non-oliguric AKI)
- changes in a function
- real-time (30 – 120 min)
- changes in a structure
From: Vaidya, et al. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2008
(neutrophil gelatinase-asscociated lipocalin)
physiologically in neutrophile granules – binds iron – bacteriostatic effect
produced early after the renal insult by epithelial cells in distal tubuli
significan rise in 2 – 4 hours after nephrotoxic, ischemic insult
- protective: early, protects/reduces tubular epithelium damage
- proliferative: late, growth and differentiation of new tubular cells
• predicts the development of AKI on 2 days earlier than s-creat.
(sepsis, major operations, cardiogenic shock, nephrotoxins,…)
• proportional reponse to injury, no differentiation in causes
• measured in urine, results early (till 1 hour)
• indications: ICU patients, major operations, cardiac surgery, contrast
induced / cis-Pt nephropathy, graft recovery prediction
s-urea (blood nitrogen)
• protein metabolism (NH2) end-catabolite, in liver
• excreted 90 % in kidney: GF + tubular resorption (30 – 40%),
(+ gut, skin in chronic kidney failure)
• increase not only if damaged kidney
high protein intake
catabolism (fever, sepsis, starvation, bleeding)
hydration (volume depletion)
congestive heart failure
• increases later than s-creatinine (if GF < 30%)
• faster and more in dehydrated and volume depleted patients
• diff. dg prerenal x renal causes of renal failure:
prerenal: ↑ s-urea > > ↑ S-creat., ↑ u-urea, ↑ u-osmol.
• reference values: 1,7 – 8,3 mmol/l
Závěr do praxe 2:
Podezření na postižení ledvin – běžný pacient, susp. chronické onemocnění:
S-kreatinin (+ eGF: MDRD, event. CKD-EPI, Lund-Malmö)
S-urea, albumin v moči - ACR (je-li diabetik, hypertonik)
Podezření na akutní poškození ledvin (AKI):
Ambulant: trend s-kreatininu 3- 4 dny (event. cystatin C, viz výše)
pokračující trend → hospitalizovat
biologická + analytická variabilita s-kreat. mezi dny cca 15%
změny s-kreatininu se zpožděním 24 – 48h po inzultu
Hospitalizovaný: S-cystatin C, (event. NGAL)
The kidney:
very efficiently ultrafiltrates water, mineral and small molecules
→ efficiently restricts protein loss from plasma to ultrafiltrate
(recirculation, resynthesis)
blood flow rate at 1,2 l / min → daily 40 - 50 kg albumine
→ 2 - 3 g/d into the ultrafiltrate
→ only 30 mg/d into a definitive urine
glomerular wall integrity, tubular resorption, physical-chemical
characteristics of proteins, microcirculation in glomeruli
The glomerulus wall
Endothelium negatively charged
Base membrane – 3D sieve,
loops – diameter, negatively
Podocytes – amount of water (and
protein) passing through a
glomerulus wall
• transient: functional – in healthy kidneys
- excessive physical excercise, severe stress
- orthostatic: in a standing, not in a lying position,
till adolescence, asthenic physique,
other laboratory tests normal, observe
• persistent: repeately, always observe
- kidney disease, even if normal GFR
• a sign of kidney / urinary tract disease
• an independent risk factor
Protein in urine
– urinary strips
• different limit of detection: 0,15 - 0,30 g/l, low reliable
• concentration of proteins in urine, dehydration/polyuria
false negative: other proteins than albumine (tubular proteins
– interstitial nephritis, myeloma)
false positive: dehydrated, hematuria, pH > 7-8,
disinfectants, artificial (malingerers)
(normal total protein amount + patological composition,
other proteins than albumin,
proteinuria ≤ 15 g/mol creat. - in 1/3 pathological composition)
(early stages not detected, no intervention, no prophylaxis)
• not recommended for screen or follow-up
(low reliability of changes in a semiquantitative scale)
if positive ≥ 1+ → a quantitative test
plus a test with 20% sulfosalicylic acid (the same reaction
with all proteins in urine, „confirmation“ of a negative result)
Proteinuria = risk factor – renal (ESRD)
and cardiovascular (mort., morbid.)
Proteinuria - quantity:
• physiological:
previously: ≤ 0,150 g/d (0,07 - 0,10 g/l) - consensual
now: adjusted to u-creat. - PCR (protein-to-creatinine-ratio)
≤ 15 g/mol creat
• pathological:
< 1 g / 24 h
1 - 3 g /24 h
> 3 g /24 h, PCR > 100 g/mol
> 3,5 g/24 h
nephrotic PU = a risk of nephrotic syndrome (NS)
NS = nephrotic PU + clinical and laboratory signs
(swellings, low s-albumin, low s-total protein, dyslipidemia
(↑cholesterol, later triglycerides), accelerated atherosclerosis,
28 (children)
thromboembolic complications (adults), infection
• mild elevated urinary albumin undetectable by ususal
urinary strips (< < 150 mg/l)
microalbuminuria strips: limit of detection 30 - 40 mg/l - for GP (positive)
• measure quantitative - ACR (mg/mmol creat.)
ACR: albumin-to-creatinine-ratio
(not recommended in ug/min, mg/l, mg/d)
• a random urine sample, not collected urine
• physiological values: < 2,6 mg/mmol (male),
< 3,6 mg/mmol (female) – lower?
• microalbuminuria: ACR 2,6 (3,6) – 29,9 mg/mmol
(30 mg/l)
MAU = elevated cardiovascular and renal risk
• elevated risk also in high normal albuminuria
(higher than 2 mg/mmol in male / 3 mg/mmol in female)!
Incidence of ESRD and albuminuria – 10,3 r.
follow-up, HUNT-2 (Hallan et al, JASN 2009)
cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality / 5 years, LIFE
• not to test:
- urinary tract infection,
- after physical exercise
- menses,
- if positive protein in urinanalysis,
- in acute diseases
• high variability in excretion (CVi 30%) - to test repeately
• criteria: positive in ≥ 2/3 tests in 3 - 6 months
• recommended to test regularly in:
- hypertension,
- diabetes
- cardiac ischemia
Microalbuminuria in diabetes (DM):
DM+MAU = a sign of incipient nephropathy (stage 2-3 from 5)
10x higher risk of ESRD
4x cardiovascular complications
2x total mortality / 5 years
DM-1: 50% MAU → 80% dia nephropathy (DN) with PU
50% without MAU → vascular changes
DM-2: 40 - 50% MAU, manifest DN in fewer patients,
more often nephrotic syndrome
good metabolic control, corrected hypertension, ACEI
= to reduce / stop the progression to renal failure
screen: 1x in a year,
- DM type 1: in 5 years after the diagnosis is given,
- DM type 2: immediately
PU composition – PU types:
- diff. dg. (f.e. PU 1 g/l – cause: GN / DM, HT / TIN?)
- new PU (esp. in young, with a nephrotic sy, typical
diagnosis and atypical findings)
PU in DM: 30 – 50% = other than dia nephropathy
- indication to renal biopsy (profit x risks)
- „replacement“ of renal biopsy if RB is not possible / at risk
- how much altered – progression - appropriate therapy
(conventional x immune-supressive)
- therapeutic response, compliance
Proteinuria types:
according to its composition:
- glomerular
- tubular
- mixed (glomerulo-tubular)
- prerenal
- (postrenal)
• qualitative pattern
(electrophoresis in urine)
• quantitative (some excreted proteins)
albumin, IgG, α1microglobulin
+ ratios, graphs, cut-off values
Physiological PU:
• selective glomerular filter (charge, large, Mr, shape)
Mr < 67 kD (albumin)
• tubular resorption (99%)
• secretion
• 50 - 80 mg / 24 h
• consensually 150 mg / 24 h
• PCR ≤ 15 g/mol creat.
uromodulin, THP 30 - 50 mg
10 - 30 mg
10 - 15 mg
polyclonal light chains
10 - 15 mg
Schneiderka P.: Vybrané kapitoly z klinické biochemie
Glomerular PU:
altered glomerular filter
selective PU:
• loss of a negative charge
• albumin, (transferin)
• minimal change nephritis,
early stages of glom. diseases
• better prognosis
nonselective PU:
• more severe wall alteration
– large molecules are passed
• albumin, IgG
index of selectivity : IgG / Alb
≤ 0,03 - selective PU (MCN,
response to steroids)
> 0,04 – nonselective
Tubular PU:
altered tubular resorption
• mild PU (less than 1 g/d)
• microproteins (Mr < albumin)
α1microglobulin, β2micro, RBP,
• strips often negative
(sulfosalicylic acid positive)
• toxins (cisPt, aminoglycosides,
heavy metals, X-ray contrast,
toxins), ischemia, hypoK,
hyperCa, hyperuricemia, acute
obstruction, inflammation
• also a late consequence of
glomerular PU (tubular atrophy
+ fibrosis) - advanced changes
Mixed PU:
advanced disease (glomerular, systemic disease, severe
chronic interstitial nephritis)
tubular cells and glomeruli are altered by PU - toxicity of PU
(glomerular sclerosis, atrophy of tubuli, sterile inflammation,
nephrons are replaced by interstitial fibrosis)
• moderate / heavy, nonselective
• albumin, IgG + α1microglobulin, and other proteins, …
• as higher PU, as faster progression
• in DM, HT earlier than in GN
1 – normal tissue
2 – mild fibrosis and atrophy
3 – moderate fibrosis and atrophy
4 – severe fibrosis
and atrophy
Prerenal PU:
healthy kidney initially
+ ↑↑↑ microproteins from blood
(monoclonal light chains,
hemoglobin, myoglobin)
overestimated capacity of
tubular resorption
• strips often negative
(sulfosalicylic acid positive)
• myeloma, intravascular
hemolysis, muscle contusion,
catabolism, fever, inflammation,
tissue necrosis
• leads later to altered tubuli
Postrenal PU:
proteins secreted in a lower
urinary tract
• mild (less than 0,5 g/d)
• dominates leucocytes +
• typical: α2-macroglobulin, IgG
• inflammation, trauma, tumors
Patient 1: 25 y., male:
1/2011: 2 weeks ago tonsillitis (antibiotics) + cold
clinical: fatigue, mild hypertension
S-creat. 140 … 168 µmol/l, border Ckr 1,82 ml/s/1,73m2,
urinanalysis: active sediment (ery ++++, leucocytes ++, casts)
microHU, PU 2,8 g/l
elevated C3+C4, ASLO normal, negative autoantibodies (ENA, ANA,…)
suspected: acute GN (post-infectious)?
children 3 – 10 y, young, 10% > 60 years
infection in a history (bacterial, viral, toxopl., parazit.),
may be asymptomatic - only with HU,
↑ ASLO (anti-DNase, anti-hyaluronidase),
PU 0,5 – 2 g/d, mixed nonselective
↑ S-creat, active sediment (erythrocytes + casts, leucocytes),
↓C3+C4, ↑ CIK, cryoglobulin
PU typing: PU 2,8 g/l,
↑↑↑ albumin, ↑ IgG + ↑ transferin, normal a1micro, IgG/Alb. 0,07
Concl.: glomerulonephritis with glomerular nonselective PU,
without tubulo-interstitial damage, glomerular HU
renal biopsy: IgA nephropathy with crescents 30%, active form
IgA nephropathy: always hematuria
- repeately macroHU (respiratory, intestinal infecton) + mild PU,
with/without renal insuficiency,
- proportional PU a HU, as higher PU, as worse prognosis
- asymptomatic microHU (without PU / mild PU),
- in all age, children and young, more often males (6x)
- PU < 1 g/l, if PU > 1,5 g/l (10 - 15%) – steroid therapy
- correct diagnosis → renal biopsy
- appropriate therapy: acute GN – non specific, if steroids – worse reparation
x IgAN mild form – regime, active form / heavy PU –43imune-supressive
Patient 2: 26 y., male:
2004 minimal change nephritis, MCN (RB), nephrotic sy, imune-therapy,
repeated relapses (the last one month ago)
MCN: fusion of podocate pedicels + regressive changes,
normal glomeruli; normal GFR
develops fast nephrotic PU without microHU,
children 2 – 7 y., in adults rare, worse prognosis (relapses)
typical: glomerular selective PU: selectivity – effective steroid therapy
1/2011 admission to hospital – worsening conditions – relapse? other?
swellings of both lower extremities, rise in PU
s-creat. 86 µmol/l, urea 10,6 mmol/l, low total protein (38 g/l), very low
albumin (16 g/l), high cholesterol (9,4 mmol/l), high triglycerides (4,5 g/l),
very low IgG (< 1,4 g/l), IgA + IgM norm., PU 3,6 g/l (10,1 g/d)
PU typing :↑↑↑↑ albumin, ↑ IgG, norm. a1micro, IgG/Alb. 0,008
Concl.: GN with glomerular high selective PU, without altered interstitium,
without microHU
another relaps – effective steroids:
in 5 days: total protein to 53 g/l, albumin to 35 g/l, PU drop to 0,13 g/l
Patient 3: 52 y., female
2 weeks ago abdominal pains, fatigue, anorexia, diarrhea, dyspnea,
S-krea 253 ... 410 µmol/l (in 4 days !), elevated CRP (144…129 g/l),
inflammation and acute obstruction excluded
suspected rapid progressive GN (RPGN) → renal biopsy
rapid progressive GN (RPGN):
HU + PU + rapid fall in glomerul. function (> 50% / 3 mths, crescents > 50%
- vasculitis (c-ANCA+) – Wegener granulomatosis
- immune-complexes (post-infectious, collagenosis, other GN)
- anti-GBM-nephritis (without/with pulmonal damage – Good-Pasture sy)
- can complicate any GN
weakness, fatigue, fever, anorexia, abdominal pain, swelling of joints,
(viral infection in the history)
if not treated, in 3 months progression to ESRD
S-krea 871 … 532 … 242 µmol/l (10 days), normal value in 4 months
urea 24,9…28,9…17,3 mmol/l, elevated s-K+ (6,1 mmol/l), elevated s-P+
elevated s-CK, very high myoglobin (non-cardial),
urinanalysis: protein +, blood ++, erythrocytes 5/ul, leucocytes 44/ul
CRP 84…120,8…9,3 mg/l, elevated s-LD, high s-IgE (486…227)
metabolic acidosis (pH 7,276, BE -11mmol/l)
blood count: low Hb 86…120…83 g/l, eosinophiles
PU typing: mild PU 0,16 g/l: ↑↑↑ α1-microglobulin, ↑ albumin
Concl.: interstitial nephritis, interstitial mHU
renal biopsy: acute interstitial nephritis
Concl.: acute kidney failure - aTIN hypersensitive
+ rhabdomyolysis, hemolytic anemia, iridocyclitis,
good response to steroids
rhabdomyolysis: ↑s-CK + myoglobin, urinanalysis: blood ++, low ery
hemolysis: ↓ Hb, ↑ s-LD, hypersensitivity: eosinofiles, high IgE
AKF (s-creat. + urea)+ altered tubular functions: ↑ P; ↑ K, metabolic acidosis
46 functions
diff. dg AKF (GN x TIN), therapy, early diagnosis → repaired
(chemical and morphological)
• results dependent on the quality of samples
(middle stream of morning urine, hygiene, not if menses)
• analyze to 1hour (changes in pH, destroyed elements)
• diagnostic strips
• semiquantitative scale
• pH, specific gravity, protein, leucocytes, glucose, nitrites,
blood/erythrocytes, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen
pH in urine:
usually: 5 – 6,5
• possible 4,5 – 8,0 (strips, pH-meter)
• changes in pH - acidobase regulation
• alkalic pH (> 7):
- vegetarians,
- alkalizing therapy (diuretics, secondary prophylaxis
of urolithiasis, hyperuricemia),
- vomiting
- prolonged storage
x - bacterial infection
- compensatory in metabolic alkalosis
- renal tubular acidosis
(altered HCO3- resorption and acid urine production)
Blood in urine - strips:
• positive: erythrocytes / free hemoglobin / myoglobin (hem)
erythrocytes - urinary tracts, kidney disease, bleeding
hemoglobin - destroyed erythrocytes, intravascular
hemolysis (↑LD, total bilirubin, Coombs +)
myoglobin – muscle contusion (↑ s-Mgb)
• false positive:
- menses, gynecologic (uterine cervix, vaginitis)
- artificial (malingerers),
- porphyria, dietary (red beet), drugs (rifampicine)
Why hematuria?
• glomerular: glomerulonephritis, systemic diseases, hereditary
(sy of thin membranes, Alport. sy)
• tubulointerstitial: acute nephritis, toxicity, acute obstruction
• vascular: malignant hypertension, thrombosis / embolism
• other: tumors (Grawitz / Wilms), cysts, necrosis of papila, trauma,
• lithiasis, prostate, permanent urinary catheter, urothelial carcinoma,
urinary tract infection (cystitis), trauma, tuberculosis, malformation,
post-radiative, fistuli
persistent macroHU in elderly = in 20 % suspected urothelial ca
• anticoagulants, polycytemia, hematological malignancies, bleeding
Hematuria / Erythrocyturia
Hematuria (HU) = blood in urine
visible - macroHU – brown color
(in)visible microHU - strips / urinary
sediment („microscopy“)
Erythrocyturia = erythrocytes > 30/µl
- glomerulonephritis,
- other glomerular diseases,
usually with PU
if HU + PU = usually GN
- interstitial (nephritis, Grawitz tu, cysts),
- lower urinary tracts (urolithiasis,
infection, trauma, urothelial/renal
carcinoma, prostate)
usually only a mild PU
Erythrocyturia typing:
1. Erythrocytes in phase contrast:
≥ 80 % dysmorphic or ≥ 5 % acanthocytes,
„doughnuts-cells“, erythrocyte casts
non-glomerular: ≥ 80% eumorphic
limitation: only in fresh urine, amount of cells in sediment,
subjective evaluation, experience, grey zone
2. protein indexes (if proteinuria is present):
u-albumin/u-total protein proteinurie: glomerular
≥ 0,59
non-glomerular < 0,40
protein indexes (α2macroglobulin, IgG, α1microglobulin
und their ratios) – only in some laboratories
- more specific differentiation, objective
Patient 4: microHU renal glomerular
male, 61 y.:
his history: 12/06 microHU, examined by an urologist
(excluded urolithiasis, lower urinary tract infection and prostate disease)
first examined by a nephrologist (1/07): exanthema, PU 2,6 g/l,
microHU, elevated IgA, urinanalysis: protein +++, blood ++++
phase contrast: 90 % dysmorphic ery, 10 % acanthocytes
PU typing: PU 2,8 g/l
↑↑↑ albumin, IgG ↑, mildly α1micro, u-Alb/total protein = 0,80
Concl.: glomerular nonselective PU, with mildly altered interstitium)
- glomerulonephritis, glomerular HU
renal biopsy: focal segmental mesangioproliferative IgAN with crescents
(RPGN), Henoch-Schönlein purpur
→ early biopsy = early therapy, recovered renal function
Urinary sediment
morning urine, not older than 2h (destroyed elements),
carefully centrifuge, differentiate elements - flow cytometry / camera
imaging + SW analysis (+ microscopy 400x)
erythrocytes: 0 - 12 /µl
leucocytes: 0 - 20 /µl
sporadic hyaline casts (more frequent: diuretics, excercise,
fever, low water intake)
Collected urine 3 h – „Hamburger sediment“ - quantified elements
- disease „activity!
erythrocytes: ≤ 2000/min
leukocytes: ≤ 4000/min
≤ 60 - 70/min
leucocyturia > 15 / µl
• interstitial nephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, carcinoma,
• surrounding organ diseases (gut, gynecological)
leucocyturia without bacteriuria:
• glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus, papila necrosis, cysts,
• possible contaminated by vaginal fluid
physiological: hyaline - Tamm-Horsfall. protein (THP), sporadic
pathological: precipitates of THP + content of distal tubuli and collecting ducts:
leukocytar: interstitial nephritis, urinary tract infection, glomerulonephritis
erytrocytar: glomerular diseases (GN)
granular: glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, acute tubular necrosis
wax: typical in diuresis-recovery stage just after oligo/anuria (obstruction),
chronic renal failure
• fatty – nephrotic sy
• Bacterial
• Epithelial – tubular
damaged tubuli
Urinary syndromes
nephritic: dysmorphic erythrocytes, leucocytes, casts
GN, systemic lupus, Henoch-Schönlein purpur, systemic vasculitis
(Wegener granulomatosis, Goodpasture sy,…), hemolytic-uremic sy
nephrotic: if nephrotic proteinuria (> 3,5 g / 24 h)
hyaline and fatty casts, possible cholesterol crystals,
dysmorphic erythrocytes less frequently
glomerular diseases (MCN, FSGS, MGN, diabetic nephropathy)
minimal abnormalities: isolated microHU
IgA nephropathy, residual after acute GN, systemic lupus,
Alport sy, hypertension,…
Concentration of urine
urine is hypertonic (if compared to ultrafiltrate):
- regulation: antidiuretic hormone (ADH )
stimulus: s-osmolality changes
↑ S-osmol.: (pure water loss – unconsciousness, polyuria,
↓ intake)
→ ↑ ADH → ↑ water resorption…. ↓ urine output,
concentrated urine (↑u-osmol) ….. drop in s-osmol.,
hypertonic urine
osmolality in urine >> in serum (≥ 600 mmol/kg)
If not: u-osmol. < 600: diabetes insipidus
- central (tumors, trauma hypophysis/hypothalamus)
- peripheral (interstitial nephritis, toxins, hypoK)
- mixed
↓S-osmol.: (polydipsia)
→ very low ADH …0 → impermeabile for water, only NaCl
resorbed → hypotonic urine, low u-osmol.
osmolality in urine < in serum
If not: u-osmol. > s-osmol: SIADH (sy of inadequate ADH secretion)
(ADH secretion stimuled if not ↑ S-osmol, ↑U-osmol, ↓ S-Na)
– „water overdilution“
(pneumonia, tuberculosis, brain trauma or operation, tumors –
lung, pancreas, large operation)
• How to test?
- (fluid restriction 24 – 36 h → u-osmol.)
in a daily practice: u-osmol. in morning urine = 2x s-osmol.
(approx. 600 mmol/kg), in young 900 mmol/kg (3x)
if not: isostenuria: u-osmol. = s-osmol.
(advanced chronic renal insuficiency)
- adiuretin test: (DDVAP = ADH analogue):
(DDVAP i.nas. administration in the morning, measured u-osmol. in 4 h)
u-osmol. 1100 – 800 mmol/kg H2O - age)
Refer. values : serum: 275 – 295 mmol/kg H2O
urine: 400 – 900 (50 – 1200) mmol/kg H2O
(u-osmol. lower in breast-feeding and elderly)
in a daily practice – calculated osmolality:
serum = 2 x s-Na + glucose + urea
osmolal gap: big difference measured vers. calculated value
normal = 5 - 10 mmol/kg H2O
elevated: toxins (1‰ alcohol = + 23 mmol/kg H2O),
catabolism, hyperglycemia
urine = 2 x (u-Na) +(u-K) + (u-urea) + NH4+
(NH4+ – approx. 30 – 50
Sodium (Na)
• main extracellular cation – osmotic pressure
to evaluate together with water: Na+ retention = water retention,
Na+ overload = water overload
• regulation:
A) depleted EC fluids:
- loss of isotonic fluids (vomiting, bleeding, ascites, ileus)
= risk of collapsed circulation - blood pressure (BP) falls…
→ renin (juxtaglomerular): angiotensinogen (liver) … angiotensin-II
→ vasoconstriction … rise in blood pressure
→ aldosterone (adrenal cortex)
Na+ and water reabsorbed in distal tubulus … rise in BP
u-Na+ < u-K+, u-Na + < 20 mmol/l (< 10 mmol/l)
- loss of pure water - low ADH, ↑ S-osmol. … changes between EC
and IC space, collapsed circulation observed until severe
B) excess Na + and water, expanded EC fluids – natriuretic peptides
regulates extracelular volume and blood pressure
ANP, BNP, CNP: left ventriculus and atrium, endotelium, brain, lung,
kidney, aorta, suprarenal glands
stimulus: ↑ volume / filling pressure atrial / ventricular
to protect pressure and volume overload - endogenous diuretics:
- ↑ urine output, u-Na excretion,
- against renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
- vasodilatation (sympathetic antagonists)
overloaded circulation (heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, renal
failure with oliguria, hyperaldosteronismus)
Reference values: serum: 135 – 146 mmol/l
urine: 50 – 220 mmol/l
FENa: 0,010 – 0,012
Potassium (K):
• main intracellular cation (EC: IC = 4,5 : 140), irritability
• to evaluate together with acidobase - H+ (acidosis - ↑K+, alcalosis - ↓K+)
pH Δ 0,1 = 0,3 - 0,4 mmol/l K+
• regulation:
- resorbed in proximal tubulus,
- secreted in distal tubulus (K+, H+/Na+)
– aldosteron (stimulates K+ excretion)
elevated in urine: renal failure, loop diuretics, catabolism,
!! hyperaldosteronism: unclear hypoK, ↑ u- K+, u- K+ > u-Na+
• decreased in urine: extrarenal loss - gastrointestinal (K+ 3x more vers
plasma), low intake, anabolism
Reference values: serum: 3,8 – 5,4 mmol/l
urine: 45 – 100 mmol/d
0,04 – 0,19
Excrete fractions:
• ratio of compound XY filtred by glomeruli and excreted in definite urine
• show tubular functions: FEx = Ux x Pkr / Px x Ukr
0,01 – 0,02
(max. 0,035)
0,004 – 0,012 (max. 0,30 – 0,40)
0,04 – 0,19
(max. 1,5 – 2,0)
< 0,035
(max. 0,035)
• without long urine collection
• diff. dg.: prerenal x renal failure
prerenal: low FENa < 0,01, (+ low u-Na + < 20 mmol/l)
(intra)renal: high FENa > 0,03, (+ u-Na + > 30 mmol/l)