100 points

100 points
Why did the United States become involved in Vietnam?
a. The United States feared that the Vietnamese would cut
off needed shipments of oil.
b. The United States feared that if Vietnam fell to
communism, then all of Southeast Asia might fall.
c. The United States was allies with North Vietnam and had
promised to protect it from China.
d. The United States was allies with France and sent troops to
help the French.
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100 points
Why did the United States become involved in Vietnam?
a. The United States feared that the Vietnamese would cut
off needed shipments of oil.
b. The United States feared that if Vietnam fell to
communism, then all of Southeast Asia might fall.
c. The United States was allies with North Vietnam and had
promised to protect it from China.
d. The United States was allies with France and sent troops to
help the French.
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200 points
Public reaction in the United States to the Vietnam War can
best be described as what?
Supporting the war
Opposed the war
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200 points
Public reaction in the United States to the Vietnam War can
best be described as what?
Supporting the war
Opposed the war
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300 points
Which of the following greatly expanded the president’s powers and
ultimately led to the increased presence of US military forces in
a. The War Powers Act
b. Détente
c. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
d. The Pentagon Papers
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300 points
Which of the following greatly expanded the president’s powers and
ultimately led to the increased presence of US military forces in
a. The War Powers Act
b. Détente
c. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
d. The Pentagon Papers
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400 points
Which of the following marked the end of any official US
involvement in Vietnam?
a. The Geneva Accords
b. The Paris Peace Accords
c. The Pentagon Papers
d. The fall of Saigon
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400 points
Which of the following marked the end of any official US
involvement in Vietnam?
a. The Geneva Accords
b. The Paris Peace Accords
c. The Pentagon Papers
d. The fall of Saigon
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500 points
The incident at Kent State that resulted in the death of four
students was an example of
a. The suspension of habeas corpus
b. The federal government’s crackdown on Communism
c. The violence that sometimes surrounded the Civil Rights
d. Protests against the Vietnam War
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500 points
The incident at Kent State that resulted in the death of four
students was an example of
a. The suspension of habeas corpus
b. The federal government’s crackdown on Communism
c. The violence that sometimes surrounded the Civil Rights
d. Protests against the Vietnam War
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100 points
What was the “Manhattan Project”?
a. It was the code name for an invasion of Europe.
b. It was the code name for construction of the atomic bomb.
c. It was a plan to industrialize New York.
d. It was the political plan introduced by Ronald Reagan.
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100 points
What was the “Manhattan Project”?
a. It was the code name for an invasion of Europe.
b. It was the code name for construction of the atomic bomb.
c. It was a plan to industrialize New York.
d. It was the political plan introduced by Ronald Reagan.
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200 points
Which of the following helped lead to the Spanish-American
a. US isolationism
b. US imperialism
c. The Red Scare
d. The Cold War
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200 points
Which of the following helped lead to the Spanish-American
a. US isolationism
b. US imperialism
c. The Red Scare
d. The Cold War
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300 points
Which of the following resulted from the Holocaust?
a. Germany was divided into two nations.
b. Truman initiated the Marshall Plan.
c. The UN approved the founding of Israel.
d. The Soviet Union built a nuclear weapon.
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300 points
Which of the following resulted from the Holocaust?
a. Germany was divided into two nations.
b. Truman initiated the Marshall Plan.
c. The UN approved the founding of Israel.
d. The Soviet Union built a nuclear weapon.
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400 points
What impact did World War II have on the Great Depression?
a. It ended the Depression by creating jobs and demand for
b. It lengthened the Depression by causing high military
c. It had no effect on the Depression because it did not
impact the economy.
d. It temporarily improved the Depression for a few years.
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400 points
What impact did World War II have on the Great Depression?
a. It ended the Depression by creating jobs and demand for
b. It lengthened the Depression by causing high military
c. It had no effect on the Depression because it did not
impact the economy.
d. It temporarily improved the Depression for a few years.
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500 points
In which of the following ways did the Spanish-American War
help transform the United States in terms of international
a. It weakened the United States in the eyes of other nations.
b. It caused the United States to sink further into
c. It established the United States as a world power.
d. It hurt the United States economically by limiting markets.
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500 points
In which of the following ways did the Spanish-American War
help transform the United States in terms of international
a. It weakened the United States in the eyes of other nations.
b. It caused the United States to sink further into
c. It established the United States as a world power.
d. It hurt the United States economically by limiting markets.
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100 points
U.S. citizens became more exposed to advertisements, politics,
and cultural influences nationwide as a result of
a. The Cold War.
b. Radical Reconstruction.
c. Radio, television, and movies.
d. The New Deal
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100 points
U.S. citizens became more exposed to advertisements, politics,
and cultural influences nationwide as a result of
a. The Cold War.
b. Radical Reconstruction.
c. Radio, television, and movies.
d. The New Deal
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200 points
In what way did television greatly impact culture in the ‘60s
and ‘70s?
a. Its popularity made radios obsolete.
b. It ended social and political strife by promoting unity.
c. It led to a lack of interest in social issues.
d. It created greater social awareness.
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200 points
In what way did television greatly impact culture in the ‘60s
and ‘70s?
a. Its popularity made radios obsolete.
b. It ended social and political strife by promoting unity.
c. It led to a lack of interest in social issues.
d. It created greater social awareness.
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300 points
Which of the following had the greatest impact on the US
middle class?
a. Reconstruction
b. Model T
d. Erie Canal
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300 points
Which of the following had the greatest impact on the US
middle class?
a. Reconstruction
b. Model T
d. Erie Canal
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400 points
The US economy boomed during World War II. Yet, the United States
did not become a consumer society until the 1950’s. To what can this
delay in consumerism be attributed?
a. Citizens conserving for the war effort
b. Citizens still living in an economic depression
c. Too many women working in factories
d. Fears surrounding the Cold War
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400 points
The US economy boomed during World War II. Yet, the United States
did not become a consumer society until the 1950’s. To what can this
delay in consumerism be attributed?
a. Citizens conserving for the war effort
b. Citizens still living in an economic depression
c. Too many women working in factories
d. Fears surrounding the Cold War
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500 points
Which of the following statements is accurate concerning
technology developed during WWII?
a. It served a strictly military purpose.
b. No medical advances of note occurred.
c. Some technological advances actually occurred by
d. Computers were not invented until year after the war.
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500 points
Which of the following statements is accurate concerning
technology developed during WWII?
a. It served a strictly military purpose.
b. No medical advances of note occurred.
c. Some technological advances actually occurred by
d. Computers were not invented until year after the war.
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100 points
Progressives tended to favor
a. integration.
b. government regulation.
c. laissez-faire economics.
d. conservative ideas about government.
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100 points
Progressives tended to favor
a. integration.
b. government regulation.
c. laissez-faire economics.
d. conservative ideas about government.
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200 points
A reformer in the 1800’s who subscribed to the publications of William
Lloyd Garrison, was impacted by the writings of Harriet Beecher
Stowe, and moved by the speeches of Fredrick Douglass would have
most likely been a member of what reform movement?
a. The temperance movement
b. The women’s rights movement
c. The abolitionist movement
d. The civil right movement
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200 points
A reformer in the 1800’s who subscribed to the publications of William
Lloyd Garrison, was impacted by the writings of Harriet Beecher
Stowe, and moved by the speeches of Fredrick Douglass would have
most likely been a member of what reform movement?
a. The temperance movement
b. The women’s rights movement
c. The abolitionist movement
d. The civil right movement
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300 points
Which of the following most affected John D. Rockefeller?
a. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Plessy V. Ferguson
b. The Sherman Antitrust Act
c. The Thirteenth Amendment
d. The writings of Upton Sinclair
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300 points
Which of the following most affected John D. Rockefeller?
a. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Plessy V. Ferguson
b. The Sherman Antitrust Act
c. The Thirteenth Amendment
d. The writings of Upton Sinclair
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400 points
What reaction did most leaders and businessmen in New York have to
the Erie Canal?
a. They were upset because the canal would inevitably lead to other
cities drawing business away from New York
b. They were thrilled because the canal would benefit New York and
give it access to new markets.
c. They were angered because the canal was controlled by the
British until 1900.
d. They did not care because the Erie Canal was built in Virginia and
therefore had little impact on New York.
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400 points
What reaction did most leaders and businessmen in New York have to
the Erie Canal?
a. They were upset because the canal would inevitably lead to other
cities drawing business away from New York
b. They were thrilled because the canal would benefit New York and
give it access to new markets.
c. They were angered because the canal was controlled by the
British until 1900.
d. They did not care because the Erie Canal was built in Virginia and
therefore had little impact on New York.
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500 points
Joseph McCarthy’s efforts and HUAC were both examples of
a. how Communism had infiltrated the government after WWII.
b. Congress’s attempts to stamp out Communism in government in
the 1940’s and 1950’s.
c. Southern Democrats’ unwillingness to support civil rights.
d. The need to build interstates high ways after WWII.
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500 points
Joseph McCarthy’s efforts and HUAC were both examples of
a. how Communism had infiltrated the government after WWII.
b. Congress’s attempts to stamp out Communism in government in
the 1940’s and 1950’s.
c. Southern Democrats’ unwillingness to support civil rights.
d. The need to build interstates high ways after WWII.
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