Por favor o No gracias? - Edinburgh Modern Languages

City of Edinburgh
Modern Languages
1+2 Spanish
¡Hacemos la lista!
Me llamo Ann
Soy Education Support Officer
Modern Languages
en Edimburgo en Escocia.
Mi correo electrónico es
¿Quién es?
¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo…
¡Mucho gusto!
Manuel Montenegro
St Thomas’s High School
¡Hola Liberton!
¡Buenos días Craigour Park!
¡Hola Gilmerton!
¡Buenos días señorita!
¡Buenos días señora!
¡Buenos dias señor!
Los objetivos
•Hablar en español
•¿Por qué 1+2?
•Recursos españoles
•La cultura!
9.00 Introduction to 1+2 and the rationale
10.15 – 10.45 - Break
10.45 – 11.30 - Introduction to Spanish resources
11.30 – 12.00 – Break out sessions
12.00 – 12.15 – Plenary and close
The Ambassador’s Reception
¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo…
¡Mucho gusto!
Haced la fila
(To the tune of farmers in his den)
¡Haced la fila!
¡Haced la fila!
Todos los alumnos de la classe,
¡Haced la fila!
¡Que tiempo hace conga!
¿Que tiempo hace?
¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo
Hace sol, sol, sol, sol
Hace sol, sol, sol, sol
¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo
Hace calor, calor, calor, calor
Hace calor, calor, calor, calor
¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo
Hace frío, frío, frío, frío
Hace frío frío, frío, frío, frío
¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Qué tiempo
Hay tormenta, tormenta
Hay tormenta, tormenta
Los números
Sentaos en grupo
¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo ____________.
¡Mucho gusto!
1+2 running dictation!
La récréation
20 minutes
5 a day Spanish
La programa
1+2 a Edimburgo
El planning
Los cursos a Edimburgo y en España!
Timeline for implemenation
Funding for 2014/2015
A progressive experience for all of
learning an additional language from
P1 onwards (L2).
A revisited and progressive
experience of another
language in addition to this
A progressive experience for all of
learning an additional language from
P1 onwards (L2).
Embedded language
 Supportive
 Embedded
 Practical
 Accessible
 Engaging
 Flexible
 Progressive
Username: edinburghlanguages
Password: edinburgh
All lower case!
2 parts to the resource
Embedded language
Choice Topics
French from P1 Framework
Embedded language
•Minimum expectation for full implementation by
•Covers a set of core vocabulary topics which can
be embedded in daily routines and across
classroom practice
•Greetings, numbers (1 -31), dates, weather,
classroom talk
•Resources developed at Early, First and Second
Levels including all vocabulary, sound files,
activities, web links and songs.
Spanish Early Level
Classroom Talk!
Early Level Significant Aspects of Learning
• Use language in a range of contexts and across learning
• Develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the
language being learnt
• Begin to develop an awareness of other countries, cultures and
• Listen and join in with simple songs, stories and rhymes
• Explore and recognise patterns and sounds of language through
listening, watching and playing
• Understand, respond to and say simple greetings and personal
information (e.g. name)
• Repeat and understand simple familiar language from a familiar
• Actively take part in simple daily routine language
• Participate in familiar games including outdoor learning
• Begin to explore resources to support my learning e.g. picture
Classroom Talk!
!Haced la fila!
Please (for use when pupil is
talking to the teacher, or the
teacher is talking to the whole
Line up
Thank you
Por favor
Por favor!
Por favor!
¡Haced la fila!
Embedding the language
Using ‘Por favor, gracias, sí and no’ as part of everyday
classroom language.
You could do the register with ‘sí and no’ on some days.
The language for the teacher e.g. ¡haced la fila!, listen and
look are designed to be embedded in everyday classroom
For this topic, this would be the focus as opposed to the
language being taught as such.
There are example activities however to help teachers
reinforce the language being used.
La palabra de la semana
La palabra del mes
La palabra de la semana means word of the week. La palabra del
mes means word of the month.
As a way of building up classroom vocabulary gently, you could
have a word of the week/month which everyone will use in class
(or out of class too if they like!)
Once you move onto your next word, keep the previous words
going! This way the pupils will build up their language gradually!
The Big Buenos días
1. Set pupils the challenge of saying Buenos días, hola, gracias, por
favor and de nada (or whichever vocab you like) to everyone they
speak to.
2. You could get them to tally mark how many they do in a week
and have an inter-class competition.
Sample activities
You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to
practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or
adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
You will find a set of more challenging activities in Level 1
Classroom Talk.
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
Pupils look at the following slides and decide if they would like
it or not by saying either ¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
You could make this more active by having 2 sides of the room
with each designated as the Por favor side and the other as
the No, gracias side. Ask pupils to then choose a side which
matches their opinion and say their opinion (¿ Por favor o
No, gracias?) as a group.
You could follow this up with asking them to choose pictures
from cut outs or create their own drawings under the headings
‘Por favor o No, gracias’
Por favor o No, gracias
las fotos
decid sí
Por favor
No, gracias
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿Por favor o no gracias?
Versión profesor
¿Por favor o
No gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
¿ Por favor o No, gracias?
Jacobo dice…
Jacobo dice… is Spanish for Simon says.
It works exactly the same way whereby if you say Jacobo dice…
(Jack said) at the start of a command then everyone has to do
it. If you just say the command then pupils should stand still. If
they do the action, they then sit down. Sample commands are
¡Jacobo dice escuchad! (pupils can cup hand to ear)
¡ Jacobo dice mirad! (mime searching)
¡ Jacobo dice haced la fila! (pupils get into a line)
¡Haced la fila! ¡Sentaos! ¡Levantaos!
Songs and videos!
You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use
to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt
them to suit the needs of your class.
¡Haced la fila!
(to the tune of farmers in his den)
¡Haced la fila!
¡Haced la fila!
¡Los alumnos de la clase,
haced la fila!
¡Buenos días song!
ICT Resources online
You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to
practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or
adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you
click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you
can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.
Languages Online
Languages Online Australia
Embedded language
• Choose a starting point which suits you and your class
• Don’t worry about repetition of language – repetition
is everything in language learning, they can’t hear it
• Little and often – drip, drip effect.
• For Early – P2 start with Early Level
• P3 – perhaps Early too
• Everyone else – First for vocabulary. You can apply
the approaches of 2nd to the amount of vocab at 1st
• P6/7 working up to 2nd
• Approaches are more linked to Levels rather than the
vocabulary – there is usually just more of it the higher
you go.
• Don’t be afraid to get it wrong! It’s a positive thing
for the pupils to see you learning with them.
• Go at a pace which you are comfortable with.
Choice topics
• Range of contexts which can be fitted in across the
• Designed to promote pupil and teacher choice
• Some contain new vocabulary
• Others build on previous learning
• Some require no previous knowledge
• Still mostly in development
• Like feedback today about what you would like
• Would also like feedback about what the pupils would
Choice topics
Spanish Level 1
First Level Significant Aspects of Learning
• Use language in a range of contexts and across learning
• Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the
language being learnt
• Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language
• Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other
countries, cultures and languages
• Appreciate and understand the value of language learning
• Recognise familiar written words when listening
• Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help
• Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable
• Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary
• Actively take part in daily routines
• Listen and join in with stories, song or poem
• Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others
using resources to support learning
• Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays
• Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple
opinions and asking simple questions
1. Family
Quien es?
Mi Familia
Mi madre
Mi padre
Mi hermana
Mi hermano
Mi abuelo
Mi abuela
Mi madre se llama
Mi padre se llama
Who is it?
It is…
my family
my mum
my dad
my sister
my brother
my grand-dad
my gran
my mum is called…
my dad is called…
Mi familia
Me llamo Claire.
Mi madre
Mi madre se llama Anna.
Mi padre
Mi padre se llama Javier.
Mi hermana
Mi hermana se llama Julia.
Mi hermano
Mi hermano se llama
Mi abuelo
Mi abuelo se llama
Mi abuela
Mi abuela se llama Maria.
¡Mis abuelos!
Sample activities
You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to
practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or
adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
¿Mi, mi o mis?
las caras
decidid si
¿Mi o mis?
¿Mi o mis?
¿Mi o mis?
¿Mi o mis?
Spanish Level 1
Party Games!
Actividad 4 – ¡Las sillas musicales!
Modern Languages
I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness
and interconnected nature of languages
English and literacy
I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation
and grammar to read with understanding and expression.
ENG 1-12a
Expressive Arts
I can sing and play music from other styles and cultures,
showing growing confidence and skill while learning about
musical notation and performance directions.
EXA 1-16a
Prior learning:
Actividad 4 – Teacher’s notes
Actividades: Las sillas musicales
1.Pupils walk around a number of chairs (1 less than number of
pupils) and sing to Spanish music. When the music stops they
must sit down in a seat which is free.
2.The person who is left is the out but they can still sing along
and you can ask them to ask everyone to stand up and then
choose a seat to remove next.
3.To add some extra Spanish you can stick and question or a
Spanish challenge to each seat e.g. count to five, say your name,
say what the weather is like today etc. and get them to say it to
their neighbour.
4.You could also link this to whatever topic you have been doing
e.g. pictures of animals if you’ve been looking at pets and they
would have to say what it is.
¡Uno, dos, tres, anda!
1, 2, 3 – walk!
¡Busca una silla!
Find a chair!
Sit down
¡Oh no! ¡Estás eliminado(a)!
Oh no, you are out!
¡Lo siento!
Stand up
Coge una silla
Choose a chair
Let’s continue!
¡Las sillas musicales!
Escucha la música…
Canta …
¡Y anda alrededor de
las sillas!
Cuando la música pare….
¡Los dinosaurios!
Actividad 1 – Teacher’s notes
Modern Languages
I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness
and interconnected nature of languages
English and literacy
I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation
and grammar to read with understanding and expression.
ENG 1-12a
Prior learning:
1. Where I live
2. Simple descriptions
3. Colours
4. Pets
5. Food and drink
Read and listen to the
information about the
different dinosaurs and
then do the quiz in
groups or as a whole
¡Este es Estegosaurio!
¿De qué color es
¡Estegosaurio es verde!
El Estegosaurio es grande…
…como un autobús…
No estoy
muy bien!
¿Estàs bien Tyranosaurio
Hay un Tyranosaurio Rex en
el Museo Nacional de Ecococia
en Chambers Street.
¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo te
¡Me llamo Tricérotops!
7. ¿Cuál dinosaurio es
grande como un autobús?
Soy muy
¡Si! ¡Es Estégosaurio!
8. ¿De qué dinosaurio está
disfrazado el perro?
¡Si, estupendo!
¡Es Tyranosaurio Rex!
9. ¿De que dinosaurio está
disfrazado el perro?
¡Si, fantástico!
¡Es Estégosaurio!
¡Soy un
, no soy
un perro!
10. ¿De qué dinosarurio está
disfrazado el perro?
¡Si, muy bien!
¡Es Tricérotops!
All the children stand on a line apart
from one child, who stands on the
opposite side of the playground with his
back to them. They try to move
forwards as he says Uno, dos, tres …
sol. He turns round, and any child still
moving is out. The first child to reach
the speaker and touch his back is the
¡Spanish Level 1
La magia!
¡Buenos días a todos los magos!
¡Bienvenidos al colegio de
On your mobile device go to:
Enter the game pin and give yourself a name
which will appear as your player name
To set up your own kahoot set up an account at:
Group discussion
Look through the resources and decide
what you might like to try with your own
What choice topics would you like to see
as part of the resource?
CPD Courses
Mandarin 1A – Leith Academy, Confucius Classroom Hub
French 1A – Queensferry High School Course Code: CF2087
Course Code: CF2081
Start date: Wednesday 7th January 2015
Start date: Wednesday 7th January 2015
Venue: Leith Academy
Venue: Queensferry High School
Time: 16.30 – 18.00
Time: 16.30 – 18.00
Course tutor: Lucy Zhang
Course tutors: Emma Tannock and Laura Marshall (QHS)
French 1A – St Thomas of Aquin’s High School
French Level 2C – St Thomas of Aquin’s High
Course Code: CF2081
Start date: Tuesday 6th January 2015
Start date: Wednesday 7th January 2015
Venue: St Thomas of Aquin’s High School
Venue: St Thomas of Aquin’s High School
Time: 16.30 – 18.00
Time: 16.30 – 18.00
Course tutors: Angela Davies (Gracemount High School)
Course tutor: Rachel Roberts (St Thomas of Aquin’s RC
High School)
Spanish 1A – St Thomas of Aquin’s High School
Course Code: CF2075
Start date: Wednesday 7th January 2015
Venue: St Thomas of Aquin’s High School
Time: 16.30 – 18.00
Course tutors: Manuel Montenegro
Immersion Courses
Along with L’instituit Francais and LFEE we will
be running a French immersion event in
Edinburgh on 13th-14th March 2015. This is an
exciting new course which will allow teachers
to up-skill their language skills as well as
bringing a little bit of France to Edinburgh,
allowing participants to experience some of
the cultural aspects of language learning.
Booking details and further information will
be available shortly.
Erasmus+ funding for CPD abroad
January 26th 2015
St Thomas of Aquin’s High School
Please sign up using survey monkey:
Next steps
• One post-it per person with one thing
you will do in class.
• Any question – whole group
• Support – further
Hasta manana
(to the tune for Guantanamera)
Hasta mañana!
Ooohh hasta mañana!
Hasta mañana!
Adios y hasta mañana
Muchas gracias y adios!