Prueba de Capítulo 9 El verano y el invierno WHAT TO STUDY: You will need to identify images of parts of a beach resort (including the beach, pool, and tennis court), beach gear, parts of a ski resort and ski gear. You will need to be familiar with beach/summer activities and ski resort/winter activities. You will also need to be familiar with all of the weather expressions we have covered. HOW TO STUDY: Use your Chapter 9 Vocabulary list to help you study. You can also visit the links below that have flashcards with images for each vocabulary word. Make sure you can answer the following questions: 1. ¿Qué tiempo hace en el verano? 2. ¿Qué tiempo hace en el invierno? Review the information below: Bajas la pista. Subes la montaña en el telesilla/el telesquí. You go up the mountain on the ski lift. You go down the trail/slope.