Two Organ Systems Control All the Other Organ Systems Nervous system characteristics Rapid response Brief duration Endocrine system characteristics Slower response Long duration Two Anatomical Divisions Central nervous system (CNS) Brain Spinal cord Peripheral nervous system (PNS) All the neural tissue outside CNS Afferent division (sensory input) Efferent division (motor output) Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system Two Classes of Neural Cells Neurons For information transfer, processing, and storage Neuroglia Supporting framework for neurons Phagocytes Three Functional Classes of Neurons Sensory neurons Deliver information to CNS Motor neurons Stimulate or inhibit peripheral tissues Interneurons (association neurons) Located between sensory and motor neurons Analyze inputs, coordinate outputs Neuron Anatomy Cell body Nucleus Mitochondria, RER, other organelles Dendrites Several branches Signal reception (inward) Axon Signal propagation (outward) Structural Classes of Neurons Unipolar Dendrite, axon continuous Afferent neurons Multipolar Many dendrites, one axon Most common class of neuron Bipolar One dendrite, one axon Very rare Types of Neuroglia (glia) In CNS Astrocytes Part of blood-brain barrier Oligodendrocytes Responsible for myelination Microglia Phagocytic defense cells Ependymal cells Lining of brain, spinal cord cavities Source of cerebrospinal fluid Two Types of Neuroglia in the PNS Satellite cells Surround cell bodies Schwann cells Surround all peripheral axons Form myelin sheath on myelinated axons Key Note Neurons perform all of the communication, information processing, and control functions of the nervous system. Neuroglia outnumber neurons and have functions essential to preserving the physical and biochemical structure of neural tissue and the survival of neurons. Anatomic Organization of CNS Neurons Center—Collection of neurons with a shared function Nucleus—A center with a discrete anatomical boundary Neural cortex—Gray matter covering of brain portions White matter—Bundles of axons (tracts) that share origins, destinations, and functions Ganglia—Groupings of neuron cell bodies Nerve—Bundle of axons supported by connective tissue Spinal nerves To/from spinal cord Cranial nerves To/from brain Pathways in the CNS Ascending pathways Carry information from sensory receptors to processing centers in the brain Descending pathways Carry commands from specialized CNS centers to skeletal muscles Neuron Function: The Membrane Potential Resting potential Excess negative charge inside the neuron Created and maintained by Na-K ion pump Negative voltage (potential) inside -70 mV (0.07 Volts) Changes in Membrane Potential Result from changes in ion movement Ions move in transmembrane channels Membrane channels can open or close If Na+ channels open positive charges enter cell membrane potential moves positive (depolarization) If K+ channels open positive charges leave cell membrane potential moves negative (hyperpolarization) Key Note A membrane potential exists across the cell membrane because (1) the cytosol and the extracellular fluid differ in their ionic composition, and (2) the cell membrane is selectively permeable to these ions. The membrane potential can quickly change, as the ionic permeability of the cell membrane changes, in response to chemical or physical stimuli. Generation of Action Potential Depolarization of membrane to threshold Rapid opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels Na+ entry causes rapid depolarization Voltage-gated K+ channels open K+ exit causes rapid repolarization Refractory period ends as membrane recovers the resting state Propagation of an Action Potential Continuous propagation Involves entire membrane surface Proceeds in series of small steps (slower) Occurs in unmyelinated axons Saltatory propagation Involves patches of membrane exposed at nodes Proceeds in series of large steps (faster) Occurs in myelinated axons Key Note “Information” travels within the nervous system primarily in the form of propagated electrical signals known as action potentials. The most important information (e.g., vision, balance, movement), is carried by myelinated axons. Structure of a Synapse Presynaptic components Axon terminal Synaptic knob Synaptic vesicles Synaptic cleft Postsynaptic components Neurotransmitter receptors Synaptic Function and Neurotransmitters Cholinergic synapses Release neurotransmitter acetylcholine Enzyme in synaptic cleft (acetylcholinesterase) breaks it down Adrenergic synapses Release neurotransmitter norepinephrine Dopaminergic synapses Release neurotransmitter dopamine Neural Communication Neuronal pools Groups of interconnected neurons with specific functions Divergence Spread of information from one neuron to several others Convergence Several neurons send information to one other Key Note A synaptic terminal releases a neuro-transmitter that binds to the postsynaptic cell membrane. The result is a brief, local change in the permeability of the postsynaptic cell. Many drugs affect the nervous system by stimulating neurotransmitter receptors and thus produce complex effects on perception, motor control, and emotions. Excitatory transmission: creates an action potential by making the membrane permeable to sodium (ACH, norepinephrine) Caffeine is a stimulant Inhibitory transmission: prevents an action potential by making the membrane permeable to potassium (endorphins, enkephalins, serotonin, epinephrin, GABA-) Alcohol, barbiturate are depressant CNS Protection Skull/vertebral column Cerebrospinal fluid Meninges Meninges Layers that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord (CNS) Dura mater (“tough mother”) Tough, fibrous outer layer Epidural space above dura of spinal cord Arachnoid (“spidery”) Subarchnoid space Cerebrospinal fluid Pia mater (“delicate mother”) Thin inner layer Spinal Cord Relays information to/from brain Processes some information on its own Divided into 31 segments Each segment has a pair of: Dorsal root ganglia Dorsal roots Ventral roots Gray matter appears as horns White matter organized into columns Foramen magnum: cavity at base of skull for spinal cord Conus medullaris: end of spinal cord, second lumbar vertebra Cauda equina: collection of nerves starting at the conus medullaris. Filum terminale: extension of pia mater Brain Regions 1- Forebrain Cerebrum Diencephalon 2- Midbrain Midbrain 3- Hindbrain Pons Medulla oblongata Cerebellum 4- brain stem Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata Convolution: result of rapid growth Gyri: upwards projection of convolution Sulci: downward shallow groove. A sulcus separates lobes. Fissure: deep groove Corpus callosum: brodge connecting both cerebral hemispheres Four functional regions called lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital Ventricles Ventricles are cavities in the brain containing CSF. All four ventricles are continuous with the subarachnoid space. Lateral ventricles: one in each cerebral hemisphere Foramen of Munroe Third ventricle in center of diencephalon Cerebral aqueduct Fourth ventricle between cerebellum and medulla oblongata Central canal CSF Circulation CSF produced by choroid plexus: capillaries in ventricles that filter blood CSF is similar to blood plasma but doesn’t contain cells, bacteria or proteins CSF circulation: Lateral ventricle Interventricular foramen Third ventricle Cerebral aqueduct Fourth ventricle Central canal Subarachnoid space Arachnoid villus Superior sagittal sinus (vein) To blood stream Function of Cerebrum Conscious thought Intellectual activity Memory Origin of complex patterns of movement Functions of the Cerebral Cortex Hemispheres serve opposite body sides Primary motor cortex Directs voluntary movement Primary sensory cortex Receives somatic sensation (touch, pain, pressure, temperature) Association areas Interpret sensation Coordinate movement Hemispheric Lateralization Categorical hemisphere (usually left) General interpretative and speech centers Language-based skills Representational Hemisphere (usually right) Spatial relationships Logical analysis The Central Nervous System Brain Waves (Electroencephalogram) The Basal Nuclei Lie deep within central white matter of the brain Responsible for muscle tone Coordinate learned movements Coordinate rhythmic movements (e.g., walking) Functions of the Limbic System Primitive brain structure on top of the brain stem Includes: amygdala, hippocampus, limbic cortex and septal area Involved in emotions and motivation related to survival such as fear, anger, and emotions related to sexual behavior Some structures of the limbic system related to memory such as the hippocampus and amygdala Control reflexes associated with eating Store and retrieve long-term memories The Diencephalon Switching and relay center Integration of conscious and unconscious motor and sensory pathways Components include: Epithalamus Choroid plexus Pineal body Thalamus Hypothalamus The Diencephalon: Functions of the Thalamus Relay and filter all ascending (sensory) information Relay a small proportion to cerebral cortex (conscious perception) Relay most to basal nuclei and brain stem centers Coordinate voluntary and involuntary motor behavior Early conscious recognition of very primitive sensations; related to survival Functions of the Hypothalamus Coordinate nervous and endocrine systems Secrete hormones Coordinate voluntary and autonomic functions: center of autonomic nervous system Part of the limbic system Regulate body temperature: body thermostat Anatomy and Function of the Brain Stem Midbrain Myelinated fibers Cerebral peduncles: connection for motor pathway between cerebellum and cerebrum Corpora quadrigemina: reflex center for rapid eye mvt, head and trunk movement Process visual, auditory information Pons Links to cerebellum Involved in control of movement Breathing rhythm, relay of sensory impulsses Medulla oblongata Relay sensory information Regulate autonomic function Cardiac center, vasomotor and respiratory center Anatomy and Function of the Cerebellum Oversees postural muscles Stores patterns of movement Fine tunes most movements Links to brain stem, cerebrum, spinal cord Communicates over cerebellar peduncles Key Note The brain, a large mass of neural tissue, contains internal passageways and chambers filled with CSF. The six major regions of the brain have specific functions. As you ascend from the medulla oblongata to the cerebrum, those functions become more complex and variable. Conscious thought and intelligence are provided by the cerebral cortex. PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYTEM PNS Basics Links the CNS with the body Carries all sensory information and motor commands Axons bundled in nerves Cell bodies grouped into ganglia Includes cranial and spinal nerves CRANIAL NERVES 12 Pairs Connect to brain not the cord Olfactory (CN I) Sense of smell Optic (CN II) Sense of vision Oculomotor (CN III) Eye movement Trochlear (CN IV) Eye movement Trigeminal (CN V) Eye, jaws sensation/movement Abducens (CN VI) Eye movement Facial (CN VII) Face, scalp, tongue sensation/movement Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) Hearing, balance Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) Taste, swallowing Vagus (CN X) Autonomic control of viscera Accessory (CN XI) Swallowing, pectoral girdle movement Hypoglossal (CN XII) Tongue movement Key Note The 12 pairs of cranial nerves are responsible for the special senses of smell, sight, and hearing/balance, and control movement of the eye, jaw, face, tongue, and muscles of the neck, back, and shoulders. They also provide sensation from the face, neck, and upper chest and autonomic innervation to thoracic and abdominopelvic organs. The Spinal Nerves 31 Pairs 8 Cervical 12 Thoracic 5 Lumbar 5 Sacral 1 coccygeal Dermatome—Region of the body surface monitored by a pair of spinal nerves Nerve Plexus A complex network of nerves Four Large Plexuses Cervical plexus Brachial plexus Lumbar plexus Sacral plexus Reflex An automatic involuntary motor response to a specific stimulus The 5 steps in a reflex arc Arrival of stimulus and activation of receptor Activation of sensory neuron CNS processing of information Activation of motor neuron Response by effector (muscle or gland) Examples of Reflexes Monosynaptic reflex—Simplest reflex arc; sensory neuron synapses directly on motor neuron Stretch reflex—Monosynaptic reflex to regulate muscle length and tension (example: patellar reflex) Muscle spindle—Sensory receptor in a muscle that stimulates the stretch reflex Polysynaptic reflex A reflex arc with at least one interneuron between the sensory afferent and motor efferent Has a longer delay than a monosynaptic reflex (more synapses) Can produce more complex response Example: flexor reflex, a withdrawal reflex Brain can modify spinal reflexesA Key Note Reflexes are rapid, automatic responses to stimuli that “buy time” for the planning and execution of more complex responses that are often consciously directed. PNS FUNCTIONAL DIVISIONS I- SOMATIC SYSTEM Conscious effort Divided into sensory and motor pathway sensory pathway: One sensory neuron between receptor and CNS Motor pathway: only one motor neuron One type of neurotransmitter: Ach, excitatory transmission II- autonomic system No conscious effort Sensory pathway: simple, impulses go directly to hypothalamus, brain stem, or spinal cord, one sensory neuron Motor pathway: more complex; two different antagonistic routes: sympathetic and parasympathetic 1- preganglionic neuron from CNS, myelinated Leaves with cranial or spinal nerve Parasympathetic: originates from either brain or sacral area Sympathetic : originates from T1 to L2 area Separates from above and goes to 2- ganglion A- parasympathetic, ganglion is near/on visceral organ B- sympathetic, ganglia form a chain parallel to spinal cord 3- postganglionic neuron: unmyelinated 4- visceral organ The Autonomic Nervous System The two divisions of the ANS operate largely without our awareness. Fight or flight The sympathetic division increases alertness, metabolic rate, and muscular abilities, neurotransmitter ACh preg, noradrenaline post ganglionic. The parasympathetic division reduces metabolic rate and promotes visceral activities such as digestion, neurotransmitter ACH for both pre and post ganglionic. Relationship between the Two Divisions Many organs receive dual innervation In general, the two divisions produce opposite effects on the their target organs Aging and the Nervous System Age-Related Changes Reduction in brain size and weight Loss of neurons Decreased brain blood flow Changes in synaptic organization of the brain Intracellular and extracellular changes in CNS neurons