The brain and spinal cord Nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord and connect to sense and internal organs Automatic actions such as breathing Nerve path for impulses traveling to and from the brain Part of the neuron which brings impulses to the cell body Part of neuron which carries impulse away from cell body Covering on the axon which keeps the electrical impulse from traveling out of the axon Collects signals from receptor cells and sends them to the brain or spinal cord Connects sensory neurons and motor neurons Messages from the brain and spinal cord go to the motor neurons which are connected to muscle cells Gap between neurons Bypasses normal paths to brain and goes to the spinal cord, where a decision is immediately made and a signal goes to the motor neuron to cause a quick reaction Sensor cells that send a signal to the sensory neuron Cells in muscles that are stimulated by the motor neurons Nervous System Vocabulary Name_______________________________ 1. Myelin – 2. Interneuron – 3. Synapse – 4. Receptor cells – 5. Central nervous system – 6. Autonomic nervous system – 7. Dendrite – 8. Sensory neuron – 9. Motor neuron – 10. Reflex action – 11. Effector cells – 12. Peripheral nervous system – 13. Neuron – 14. Axon –