3 rd Amendment

The Bill of Rights:
2 Amendment
“A well regulated militia being
necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep
and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
2nd Amendment
The right to “keep and bear arms” (own and
carry weapons).
For a “well-regulated militia” (state army
used only in emergency).
2nd Amendment
Supporters of gun
rights have resisted
gun control - laws and
regulations on guns.
2nd Amendment
Others favor gun control, due to changes in
More dangerous weapons
Rising rates of violent crime
We don’t use state militias
Geography and Guns
Big cities = higher crime rate = more gun control
Rural areas = lower crime rate = less gun control
Proposed Gun Control in PA
Limit handgun purchases to 1 per month.
Allow local governments to pass gun laws.
Report stolen or lost guns within 24 hours.
20 year minimum jail sentence for shooting
in the direction of a police officer.
Do Now
Take out your homework from last night
Share your thoughts with your desk partner
We are going to conduct a short discussion
about the articles
Open up your notes to the 2nd amendment
section from yesterday. Label a new area
as “3rd and 4th amendments”
Nicknames of the Bill of Rights
Amendments 1-3: Protecting Citizens
Amendments 4-8: Rights of the Accused
Amendments 3 and 4
Privacy Rights
3rd Amendment: Government cannot
force soldiers into your home.
* One exception: if congress passes a law
during wartime.
4th Amendment
No “unreasonable searches and seizures.”
Search Warrant – a legal document issued by a
judge that allows a search.
 Probable Cause
or Reasonable Suspicion
New Jersey v. T.L.O
1. Do students have privacy rights in
school? If so, what are reasonable limits to
that right?
2. Did the principal have probable cause to
search T.L.O?
3. Are school officials more like police
officers or parents? What is the difference
in terms of the 4th Amendment?
List 5 reasonable searches of a student’s
cell phone in school.
The Bill of Rights
5 Amendment
Recap of Rights
1st Amendment: Expression
2nd Amendment: Protection
3rd and 4th Amendment: Privacy
5th, 6th, 7th Amendment: Rights of the
5 parts of the 5th Amendment
1. Grand Jury review
2. No self-incrimination
(The right to remain silent)
3. No double jeopardy
4. Due process of law
5. Power of eminent domain
Grand Jury Review
A jury of your peers
determines if there is
enough evidence to
have a trial.
You have the right to remain silent.
(No self-incrimination)
You cannot be forced
to give information at
the time of arrest or at
To “plead the fifth” at
trial means you will not
take the stand.
Due Process of Law +
Double Jeopardy
Due Process of Law:
Fair, legal proceedings
used to accuse
You are innocent until
proven guilty.
No Double Jeopardy:
Government cannot
put you on trial for the
same crime, twice.
Eminent Domain
If government takes your property, they
must pay for it.