Bill of Rights Amendments 4-8

Bill of Rights Amendments 4-8
Sam Green and Bryan Carpenter
• Although the first three Amendments of the
Bill of Rights protects the rights of citizens,
the next five, are aimed to guard the
liberties of the accused.
Bill of Rights
• James Madison- 1789
• In effect- 1793
• GA, MA, and CT- 1939
4th Amendment
• Allows citizens to not have to undergo
unreasonable search from authorities
• Authorities need a warrant to search
• Warrant needs to be issued by a judge on
a probable cause
5th Amendment
• Citizens cannot be tried for serious felony unless
there is enough evidence
• Fair trial
• Indictment or Grand Jury needed to try military
personnel during war or emergency
• Double Jeopardy
• Not testify against self
• Cannot take property w/o due process or
– Due process: everyone treated equal by law
6th Amendment
Public and quick trial
Impartial Jury
Trial held in location of crime
Information- accuser, what crime, why
Bring anyone to a trial
Rights- silence + lawyer
7th Amendment
• < 1500$ no jury
• Gov’t court (state, town, city, national)
8th Amendment
• No extreme fines or bail
• “Cruel or unusual punishment”