IB Chemistry Syllabus 14

Teacher: Lee Hammers
Grades: 11th and 12th
Room: 2514
Class Website: www.hammersscience.com
Email: lee.hammers@highlineschools.org
Cell Phone: 206-388-3087
Office Hours
I will be available in my room most days after school with the exception of early release Fridays because I have meetings that I am
required to attend. I will do my best to announce when I will not be available due to meetings or other appointments. Please do
your best to inform me when you will be stopping by to make sure that I am available.
** LABORATORY FEE = $20.00 Due by the end of September to the Registrar. Please bring me a copy of the receipt. **
The Class Overview
The curriculum for this course includes quantitative chemistry, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, electrochemistry, energetics,
kinetics, acids and bases, equilibrium, oxidation and reduction, organic chemistry, measurement and data processing. There will be
two additional topic options, which will include more advanced chemistry content. We will be using regular laboratory exercises to
discover, explore and reinforce the aforementioned content. In addition to following traditional lab procedures, you will eventually
devise your own procedures and design your own experiments. The overall goal of this course is to not only prepare you for the IB
Chemistry SL exam, but to have you develop a thorough background in chemistry that can be applied to many aspects of your
personal life and also as a preparation for college level science. You will earn a 1.0 science/elective credit upon successful
completion of this class.
Math Ability
Advanced algebra skills are essential for this course, as a large amount of time will be used processing and analyzing raw lab data. If
you have not successfully completed Algebra II or IB Math Studies, I strongly encourage you to reconsider your course selection.
Supplementary IB Material
(for testers only)
Chemistry: 6th Edition. Raymond Chang. (ISBN: 0-07-011644-X)
IB Course Companion: Chemistry. Geoffrey Neuss. (ISBN: 978-0-19-915146-2)
IB Study Guides: Chemistry. Geoffrey Neuss. (ISBN: 978-0-19-915142-4)
Important Supplies
1. Textbook (no class set, personal copies only)
2. Pencil or Pen (not red or green)
3. Notebook or Binder with Paper (graph paper may be
useful for some lab work)
IB Chemistry Data Booklet (given to you)
Calculator (scientific or graphing)
Ruler (recommended)
Highlighter (recommended)
Assessment Strategies
You will be assessed based on the scores you earn on labs, quizzes, tests, problem sets, projects, participation and class work. All
assignments will be graded using a point system, and your overall grade will be based on the number of points you accumulate out
of the possible total for each category. For example, the base score for most quizzes and homework will be 100 points, but a smaller
assignment might be worth 50 or 25. Grades will not be curved or adjusted in any way. You earn what you earn. Your grade is a
running point total until the end of each semester and I do not average quarter grades.
Assessment Categories
Homework – 25 %
Tests/Quizzes – 25 %
Internal Assessment
(Laboratory) – 25 %
Expectation and
Participation Points – 25 %
Grading Scale
Letter Grade
Percent Scale
Approximately one homework assignment (problem set) will be assigned per chapter or chapter
section (with larger chapters). Additionally, there will almost always be an option to earn extra credit
on homework assignments. Homework must be completed on loose leaf paper to turn in.
There will be a test/quiz at the end of each chapter or section based explicitly on the IB standards
connected to that particular topic. These IB standards will be given to you at the beginning of each
chapter or section. The tests/quizzes will contain a variety of problem types, such as multiple choice,
calculations and short answer.
Starting with the third chapter, there will be at least one lab every chapter that is directly connected to
the content in the current chapter. Most lab work will be formally assessed using the standardized IB
rubrics for Design (D), Data Collection and Processing (DCP) and Conclusions and Evaluations (CE). If
you are testing, you must complete at least two D, two DCP and two CE lab sections.
You will earn 5 points a day, called expectation points, which you earn by being prepared, following
instructions and contributing positively to the class. If you do not meet those expectations you will
permanently forfeit your points for the day.
Below 60
Access to Grades (hps.illuminatehc.com)
Your grades will be available to you and your parents/guardians online for you to access at any time. After you login, you will be
able to see your current semester grade and the assignment breakdown. A printed copy of the class grades will always be posted by
the door in my classroom and it will be updated on a regular basis. To login, simply use the directions given to you by the school.
Your parents/guardians should email or contact the school counseling office to obtain any additional information on this system.
Class Website (www.hammersscience.com)
The main purpose of the class website is keep you informed and to provide resources that will help you with this course. The
website will contain electronic copies of all of the textbook chapters and the study guides that accompany those chapters. All
problem sets, handouts, notes and labs will also be posted on the website. The class calendar is also available online, which includes
daily topics, due dates and test dates. There is no login information required to access these resources.
Work Policy
Homework, lab work and any other assigned work is due ON THE ASSIGNED DAY AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. You are never excused from
any work, regardless of absences and late work will not be accepted. Late work and missing work will be assigned 0 points and
cannot be made-up. If you are absent on the day something is due, you are required to turn it in on the day that you return to
school. You are responsible for yourself. I am not responsible for reminding you. If you are planning on being absent for an
extended period of time for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact me regarding the work that you will be missing. All work is
to be submitted to the appropriately numbered bin in the front of the class unless otherwise stated.
Review and Getting Help
I will work with you to the best of my ability to help you when I can. I plan on hosting homework help sessions (coffee shop reviews)
throughout the year, which take place a day or two before any problem set is due. This is in addition to normal afterschool help and
texting support. IB test review will be starting in the spring. Later on in the year, I will be asking the testers about what days and
times work best for you as to when to hold these review sessions. I will also post all session dates, places and times on the
classroom and website calendar. I strongly recommend attending them when possible. Just remember, it’s not you versus me… It’s
us versus IB. Please ask for help when you need it. 
Bathroom/Water Fountain Policy
Please use the facilities before or after class. Unless it is an emergency, I will not allow you to leave class.
Food and Drink Policy
My classroom is a chemical laboratory so, in accordance with standard safety procedures, student food and beverages will not be
allowed in my classroom at any time. Water is an exception, but is not allowed in the lab area at any time. This is not negotiable.
Failing to meet this expectation will result in the forfeit of your expectation points.
Electronics Policy
During the 2014-2015 school year, classrooms will be electronic free zones. This means that no cell phones are out or used in the
classroom, no headphones or listening to music in the classroom and no personal electronic devices of any type are to be out or in
use in the classroom. Any student who chooses not to follow these instructions will be referred to the school electronics policy and
will forfeit his/her expectation points.
Tardy and Absence Policy
If your tardiness or absenteeism starts becoming a regular occurrence, a conference will be called and further consequences will be
decided. These could include, but are not limited to, detention, administrative referral or in school suspension. This is your
education so please be prepared for class and on time.
Group 4 Project (IB Science Testers Only)
The group 4 project is a required collaborative activity where students from different group 4 subjects work together on a scientific
or technological topic. It will be your responsibility to create and carry out an experiment or project with students from the other
scientific disciplines, IB Physics and IB Biology. Topics and locations will be chosen in January, after which more information will be
available. The current project model is based on group Facebook discussions and a PowerPoint and is moderated by the IB science
teachers (Hammers, Kawamura, Meloottu and Roths).
IB Score (Testers Only)
Your IB score is based on the grades from your internal assessments, your exam and your group 4 project. Your group 4 project
should be completed by the end of February. All internal assessments are to be completed by the end of March and your exam will
take place on May 14th and 15th. We should be done with any new content by the end of April. Lastly, your scores will be available
online at the beginning of July.
College Credit for SL Classes (Testers Only)
Most colleges in this area do not accept SL classes for credit, but that list is growing. Having any IB science on your high school
transcript, however, is a nice thing to have when applying to any college or university. Mr. Wilder is your IB advisor and he should
be your resource when you have a question about specific college information and IB. (christopher.wilder@highlineschools.org)