2014-2015 Application
To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities.
To improve equality of life, by igniting the largest student-led social responsibility movement on the planet.
To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities while fostering local cultures, as well as implementing the voice of the community in our efforts, to improve equality of life; by igniting a student-led social responsibility movement at the University of California, Los Angeles and to apply the knowledge learned abroad toward the positive eradication of structural inequalities in our own communities.
Global Brigades, Inc (USA)
Global Brigades, Inc (USA) was founded in 2007 as a California-based not-for-profit organ ization and achieved US 501c3 status in 2008. Prior to its creation, Global Brigades solely operated as a Honduran charitable organization as a division of Sociedad Amigos de los NinĚos. www.globalbrigades.org
Name: ____________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____
Sex: ___M ___F
Year in School: ______
Major: _________________
Frequently checked e-mail: __________________
Current Address: _____________________________________________________
Permanent Address: ______ ___________________________________________
Phone: (______) _______ - _______
How did you hear about Global Brigades? (i.e. on-campus announcements, through a friend, online research, etc.) ___________________________________________________________
What does it mean to become a GB volunteer?
By becoming a part of Global Brigades at UCLA you are joining the largest student-led effort toward sustainable development. With chapters at Universities across the globe you will be acting as an agent of change in communities in Honduras, Ghana, Nicaragua, Panama, and just recently, here in Los Angeles! As a part of one of ten brigade focuses you will work with community members to realize their goals of improving their equality of life.
As a GB at UCLA volunteer you will have the opportunity to
• Gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics underlying development work
Get involved in your local and global communities by partaking in brigades
Engage in on-campus awareness events
Short Answer Questions
Please respond to one of the following questions from the list below in paragraph form. Please submit a typed response no longer than half a page. This response will be used to determine your dedication to Global Brigades at UCLA as well as your understanding of the mission statement.
1. Why do you want to become involved in Global Brigades? (250 words max)
2. How does the Global Brigades model reflect international development as opposed to international aid ? Furthermore, what does sustainability mean to you? (250 words max)
Local Volunteer Opportunities
Please indicate whether you are interested in getting involved in your local LA community:
___ Community Brigades
Community Brigades is dedicated to the development of sustainable communities here in Los
Angeles by increasing awareness of global and local issues and helping work with these communities to address their own individual needs. This year we will be working closely with the
El Sereno School System to help develop education curricula that promotes student action in their community by addressing social issues faced within their community.
International Volunteer Opportunities
Please rank your top three (or more) brigade disciplines of interest (you MUST rank at least three to be considered):
Learn about our programs at www.globalbrigades.org or uclaglobalbrigades.wordpress.com
___ Architecture
___ Business and Microfinance
___ Dental and Medical
___ Environmental
___ Human Rights
___ Public Health and Water
Brigade Dates: Winter Break (Exact Dates TBD), Spring Break, Summer Break (between
Spring Quarter finals and beginning of Session A).
Please respond to at least one of the following questions from the list below in paragraph form.
Please submit a typed response no longer than half a page. This response will be used to determine your dedication to Global Brigades at UCLA as well as your understanding of the our mission and vision.
1. Global Brigades is structured in such a way that students go on short term trips into communities. Communities in underserved populations may be the recipients of a brigade every
3-4 months while our in-country staff remains in communication with them during breaks in brigades. Why do you think this method is important, how does the purpose differ from that of a long term volunteer trip in which individuals stay in the community for weeks or months at a time? (250 words max)
2. Global Brigades is comprised of nine international disciplines with a variety of development focuses. How does this promote sustainability? (250 words max)
What does it mean to fund a brigade?
Students go on brigades to implement projects and drive empowerment. Therefore, the individual cost of participating in a brigade is a contribution to a larger project completed through the efforts of many students.
How can you raise your program contributions?
While fundraising resources are available including group fundraisers, company sponsorships, and other fundraising ideas; ultimately the brigade costs are your sole responsibility. Please recognize that we cannot provide a definite cost amount as flight prices vary over time. The full amount will be paid on Empowered.org which allows for full tax deductibility of all donations with the exception of your $20 non-refundable membership fee which will be paid in cash or check at the time of turning in your application. You will be responsible for reaching out to donors and raising your own funds. All funds raised are non-refundable.
The in-country cost that covers lodging, transportation and food while abroad ranges from $750 to $850 depending on the country and brigade in which you are participating. The final amount that determines the total cost will be the flight cost, which ranges from $600-$2,200 depending on the country. Therefore, entire brigade cost may be between $1400-$3,000.
$20 Non-Refundable Membership Fee – Due with Application, cash will be accepted.
$250 Initial Contribution – Due on Empowered within 72 hours of turning in your application.
You will be given explicit instructions on how to use Empowered the night after you turn in your application. Be sure to double-check your spam folders!
Approximately $600-$2,200: Full cost of flight will be due approximately Week 3 of the quarter preceding the brigade (variable based on country and flight availability).
Approximately $750-$850: Remainder of brigade cost - will be due approximately Week 8 of the quarter preceding the brigade.
**Please note that these deadlines are temporary and are subject to change. Notice will be provided well in advance.**