Unit 5 Study Guide: Learning Important Dates: 11/7: Quiz 11/14: Unit Test (All work for unit due) Standards Covered: AP students in psychology should be able to do the following: • Distinguish general differences between principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning (e.g., contingencies). • Describe basic classical conditioning phenomena, such as acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination, and higher-order learning. • Predict the effects of operant conditioning (e.g., positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment). • Predict how practice, schedules of reinforcement, and motivation will influence quality of learning. • Interpret graphs that exhibit the results of learning experiments. • Provide examples of how biological constraints create learning predispositions. • Describe the essential characteristics of insight learning, latent learning, and social learning. • Apply learning principles to explain emotional learning, taste aversion, superstitious behavior, and learned helplessness. • Suggest how behavior modification, biofeedback, coping strategies, and self-control can be used to address behavioral problems. • Identify key contributors in the psychology of learning (e.g., Albert Bandura, John Garcia, Ivan Pavlov, Robert Rescorla, B. F. Skinner, Edward Thorndike, Edward Tolman, John B. Watson). Daily Guide: Follow the Guide to Stay Up on Your Work. Date: Thursday 10/30 In Class: 1. Unit 4 Test Friday 10/31 1. Video: Habituation and Dishabituation Video: 2. Discussion: Our Habituation and Dishabituation habits 3. Sensitization and dishabituation project Monday 11/3 1. Discussion: Sensation Assignment 2. Video: Pavlov and his dogs 3. Discussion: Pavlovian Conditioning 4. Notes: Classical Conditioning Homework: 1. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 193 “to” Pg. 196 Classical Conditioning) 2. Define: -Learning, Habituation, Dishabituation, Sensitization 3. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -Briefly explain why the ability to learn is one of the most important psychological processes that we have. -Briefly explain how habituation and sensitization can determine our responses to different stimuli. 1. Work on sensitization assignment 2. Bookwork a. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 196 Classical Conditioning “to” Pg. 204 Instrumental…) b. Define: -Classical Conditioning, Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS), Unconditioned Response (UCR), Conditioned Stimulus (CS)Conditioned Response (CR), Extinction, Reconditioning, Spontaneous Recovery, Stimulus Generalization, Stimulus Discrimination, Second-Order Conditioning c. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -Briefly explain why Pavlov’s discovery was important in developing the concept of conditioning. -Explain how signals, such as timing and biopreparedness can help to explain the concept of classical conditioning -Briefly explain how classical conditioning could be used to help people other than those listed in the textbook. 1. Watch 6 minute video on Little Albert (Accessible on website) 2. Summarize how Watson used the concepts of Classical Conditioning to teach Little Albert to be afraid of fury things. Tuesday 11/4 1. Discussion: Little Albert and Classical Conditioning 2. Discussion: Uses of Classical Conditioning Wednesday 11/5 1. Video: Big Bang Operant Conditioning 2. Discussion of Big Bang Video 3. Video: Gambling and Conditioning 4. Discussion of Gambling Video 5. Notes: Operants and Reinforcers and how they affect us 1. Discussion of Operant Conditioning and Reinforcement summaries 2. Notes: Forming and Strengthening Operant Behavior 3. Operant Conditioning Experiment: teaching students to sing and dance for extra credit Thursday 11/6 Friday 11/7 1. Performances: Singing and dancing for extra credit 2. Video: Dog Training using Operant Conditioning 3. Question: Why does Operant Conditioning work very well with dogs and other animals, but often fails to extinguish certain behaviors within people? 4. Discussion Monday 11/10 1. FRQ PRACTICE: Started in class (Due Thursday) Tuesday 11/11 Wednesday 11/12 Nothing: Veteran’s Day 1. Discussion: Cognition and Learning 2. Notes: Modern Theories of Learning and Education 3. Discussion: What needs to be done to turn the American Educational System into the best Educational system in the World? 1. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 204 Instrumental and Operant… to Pg. 210 Forming and Strengthening Operant Behavior) 2. Define: -Law of Effect, Instrumental Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Operant, Reinforcer, Positive Reinforcers, Negative Reinforcement, Escape Conditioning, Avoidance Conditioning, Discriminative Stimuli 3. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -How have psychologists used devices, such as boxes to experiment on operant conditioning? -How are operants and reinforcers used to modify behavior? -How do escape conditioning and avoidance conditioning help us to avoid negative reinforcement? 1. 1 Page Summary: How might one use operant conditioning and reinforcement to encourage better behavior from a person or a group? 1. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 210 Forming and Strengthening Operant Behavior to Pg. 214 Punishment) 2. Define: -Shaping, Primary Reinforcer, Secondary Reinforcer, Continuous Reinforcement Schedule, Partial Reinforcement Schedule, Fixed Ration (FR) Schedule, Variable Ration (VR) Schedule, Fixed-Interval (FI) Schedule, Variable Interval (VI) Schedule, Extinction, Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect 3. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -How do primary and secondary reinforcers work to shape people’s behaviors? -How do reinforcement schedules work to shape people’s behaviors? -How does extinction prove that operant conditioning has been effective in learning? 1. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 214 Punishment to Pg. 218 Cognitive Processes in Learning) 2. Define: -Punishment 3. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -How does punishment differ from reinforcement? 1. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 218 Cognitive Processes in Learning to Pg. 228 Using Research on Learning) 2. Define: -Learned Helplessness, Latent Learning, Cognitive Map, Insight, Observational Learning, Vicarious Learning, 3. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -How can learned helplessness lead people to give up on trying to change their environment? -Why is observational learning important for children? Notes: Cognitive Processes in Learning 1. Read Chapter 6 (Pg. 228 Using Research on Learning to Pg. 231 End of Chapter) 2. Define: -Active Learning, Skill Learning Thursday 11/13 Friday 11/14 Unit 5 Test Review Unit 5 Test -Turn in all Unit Work -Turn in Flashcards (10 pts. Extra credit) 3. Question: answer each of the following in a 3-5 sentence response -How can active learning and skill learning be used to teach people? Prepare for Unit 5 Test: Check website if you need help Begin Unit 6: States of Consciousness