APUSH Unit 1 & 2 EXAM

APUSH Unit 1 & 2 EXAM
Review Pageant Chapters 1-5. Be prepared to identify and understand the significance of
each of the following people, places, events, and key terms:
Colonial America
Columbian Exchange
Iroquois Confederacy
Mayflower Compact
House of Burgesses
Dominion of New England
New England Confederation
Penn’s Plan of Union
Great Migration
corporate colonies
royal colonies
New England
Southern Colonies
Acts of Trade and Navigation (1650-1673)
Jonathan Edwards
New Lights
Great Awakening
Triangular Trade
salutary neglect & virtual representation
Dominion of New England
Stono Rebellion, 1739
Paxton Boys
Restoration, 1660
Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494
Act of Toleration
indentured servants
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
John Winthrop
Albany Plan of Union
King Philip’s War, 1675-78
joint-stock companies
proprietary colonies
Headright System
Middle Colonies
Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676
George Whitefield
Old Lights
Halfway Covenant
Black Legend
Roger Williams
Negro Act of 1740
Regulator Movement
Glorious Revolution, 1688-89
APUSH Unit 1 & 2 EXAM
Important Concepts:
1. Describe and explain the explorations and settlements of Spain, England, and France
in the Americas and be able to compare and contrast their interactions with Native
2. Describe and explain the 3 types of English colonies in America and be able to
identify examples of each type of colony. Explain the obstacles to colonial unity.
3. Describe and explain the settlement and development of the 13 English colonies in
America with a focus on society, religion, political institutions, and economic growth.
4. Describe and explain the main causes and lasting effects of Bacon’s Rebellion in
5. Describe and explain the main ideas of the Enlightenment and the impact the Age of
Reason had on political and religious views in America.
6. Describe and explain the main causes of the Great Awakening, the important
teachings of the “New Light” ministers, and the lasting effects of this period of religious
revival in colonial America.
7. Describe and explain the rapid growth of slavery in colonial America during the last
decades of the 17th century.
8. Describe and explain the main causes and lasting effects of the French and Indian
9. Be sure to review all of the documents we have analyzed and discussed in class.