You are responsible - State College Area School District

Français 3
Madame Showers
Salle 185
No de téléphone: 272-8669
Bonjour et Bienvenue!
Bonjour and welcome to French 3! In the third year of French language study, you
will reinforce and strengthen the skills developed in previous years of French. We will
learn new vocabulary and grammatical structures, participate in various forms of
communication, and study and discuss cultural topics. As the course progresses, you will
build upon that which you have already learned as a student of French and will also
acquire new knowledge of the French language and francophone cultures. The aim of this
course is to develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills and to further
your ability to survive in everyday and academic situations in the target language. You
will work individually, in pairs, and in groups throughout the year – you will be expected
to actively participate in class and complete all assignments. Moreover, since you already
have a basic knowledge of the French language, this course will be conducted in French.
1. Textbook -You’ll be issued a textbook, Discovering French Nouveau – Rouge, for
your use this year. You will find that you are familiar with the book as it is the
follow-up to the book you used in French 1 and 2. You are responsible for
proper care and handling of this textbook. It is to be covered AT ALL TIMES.
2. Packets – We do a lot of work in two main packets: La Structure and La
Culture. Some days you’ll need both, other days just one – I will always let you
3. Binder/Notebook – You’ll need a three-ring binder just for this class. Keep a
French-only notebook inside for notes, classroom activities and exercises, as
well as your packets and handouts. It is important to keep your notebook
organized so that you can use it as a study tool before tests/quizzes.
4. Writing Utensil – Pen/pencil, etc. Never show up to class without something
to write with. A highlighter is another good thing to keep handy.
5. A Positive Attitude – Bring it with you to class every day, and come ready to
I will communicate with you at various times throughout the year by
means of your school-issued e-mail account. Please make it a point to
check this address on a regular basis.
Class Expectations – We are here to work together and to learn French!
1. Please arrive to class on time with all of your materials every day. It is NOT
acceptable to arrive unprepared. Nor is it acceptable to be late for any reason
without a pass.
2. Please respect yourself and others during class. This means raising your hand to be
recognized to speak, and treating others and their property as you wish to be
3. You are permitted to eat/drink during class as long as it not distracting to you or
others. You must bring food/beverages with you to class – you are NOT permitted
to go to the vending machines/cafeteria/etc. during class.
4. Please ask to leave the classroom for any reason. This includes using the restroom,
going to your locker, getting a drink of water, or going to the nurse. ALWAYS
sign in/out and take the pass with you. Using the hall pass is a privilege, not a
right, and abuse of this privilege will lead to individual/class consequences.
5. Absolutely, positively NO cell phones during class. If you have yours out (even if
you are not using it), it will be taken and turned into the office. You are NOT
permitted to be late to class because you are using your phone. No exceptions.
Failure to comply with the above rules will result in disciplinary actions stated in the
Student Handbook.
Being present in class (physically AND mentally) is one of the most important things you
can do this year to help your understanding and comprehension of French. But I realize
that things happen and absences do occur. HOWEVER, it is not ok to not be prepared!
If you are absent, you MUST come and see me about what you missed. You are responsible
for your work – I should not have to approach you. If you do not ask me about what you
missed BEFORE class starts when you return, I will not give you the work. When you
know that you are going to miss a class (trips, sporting events, etc.), let me know in
advance. I can give you any information, assignments, papers, etc. so that you can stay
with us. You are responsible for making sure you have the information from that day. You
will need to make up your class participation point for every day that you are absent. If you
miss a quiz or a test, you are responsible for making it up within the amount of days that you
were absent. (If you were absent for two days, you have two days to make up your test).
Failure to do so will result in a zero. You will not be permitted to make up a test or quiz
during class time. We can make arrangements to take the test during a study hall or lunch
period at the Testing Center. If you do not take the test at the time upon which we agreed,
you will receive a zero.
Your grade will be calculated by weighted categories of assignments for each marking
period. You will be evaluated by journals (usually 5-7 per marking period), oral situations
(dialogues, speaking activities), vocabulary/grammar quizzes (announced/unannounced),
projects, homework (about 4 nights per week), and class participation. Please see the
attached sheet for more information.
Class Participation
Your class participation grade is based on attendance, effort, preparation for class,
willingness to speak French, contribution to a cooperative classroom environment, and the
quality and quantity of your participation in class discussions and group activities. You
receive one point per day if you adequately fulfill the guidelines stated above. If you are
absent, you lose that point because you cannot participate if you are not here. HOWEVER,
you can earn that point back by having a brief conversation with me EN FRANÇAIS. The
topic of discussion can be anything and it gives you a good chance to directly find out what
you missed. Do it the day you return, before or after class, if convenient. Please sign up on
the calendar so that I know when to expect you. If more than one week goes by and you do
not make up your point, it will remain a zero.
Assignments will be due the following day at the beginning of the period. Some days I will
collect homework, other days I will check for completion and we will correct it as a class.
NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Homework is essential to comprehension and
mastery of a subject, so please make it a priority to do it to the best of your ability. I will
not settle for anything less than your best and neither should you!
You will be evaluated by a variety of assessments throughout the year, including (but not
limited to): quizzes, exams, essays, projects, dialogues, technology-based activities, etc. If
you are in class when an assignment is given, be prepared to adhere to the class timeline
for that activity.
Academic Integrity
Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated in this course. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited
to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating information or citations, facilitation acts of academic
dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of exams, submitting work of another
person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with academic
work of other students. Students who are found to be dishonest will be subject to disciplinary
actions and consequences as stated in the Student Handbook.
Helpful Hints
1. Participate. Try your best. Be involved! This is an elective course, meaning that you
CHOOSE to be here. Make the most of your time and give your all every day.
2. Do your homework ALL OF THE TIME!
3. Listen. Pay attention. Follow instructions. You’ll be successful if you do.
4. Study! Enough said.
5. Speak French. Make an effort. You will only get better by trying.
6. Ask for help. I am happy to be of service if you are having difficulty or need some
extra practice. Just ask!
If you forget your book at school, you can use the online book found at Simply navigate through by choosing World Language >
Pennsylvania > High School, then select our book. There are also practice quizzes,
cultural activities, and really cool practice flashcards where you can see AND hear the
terms and expressions. It’s a great way to practice!
Last but not least, I would like us to get to know each other better. Please visit my page
through the school website to learn a bit about me and then follow the link to fill out the online
form with a few questions so that I can get to know you better as well. (Click on the
‘Getting to Know Each Other’ tab on the left). I’m looking forward to reading your
Learning a language is a daily building process. Each little part that you learn will be used
as the basis for the next lesson. It is essential to keep up with the daily learning so you can
continue to build the foundation. It can be disastrous to fall behind!
Bonne chance,
Madame Showers
Never settle for less than your best!
World Language Online Translating Policy 2009-2010
The teachers of World Languages of State College Area School District have, as
their objectives, the successful achievement of our curriculum goals and the
appropriate and valid assessment of every student. Recently there have been some
concerns about the use of online translating sites. The Internet can and will be used
as a research tool to learn more about current and historical facts of the target
culture, lifestyle, geography, art, architecture, pop culture, etc. In addition, it may
be used as a dictionary, which is the search for an individual word, and as a tool to
consult for synonyms or grammatical questions.
However, the use of online translators for completion of assignments is equivalent to
having another person do the work, and as a result the student does not have the
educational benefit of the learning process, nor of the application of concepts
presented in the classroom. In light of this, the use of translating sites to complete
or accomplish assignments and projects is not appropriate, and is in fact, a violation
of the Code of Student Behavior according to the handbook as stated under Level II
“A. Academic Dishonesty encompasses but is not limited to:
-Cheating: includes, but is not limited to, a student copying an assignment or test
and submitting it as his/her own; allowing someone to copy an assignment or test
and submit it as his/her own; unauthorized use of or communicating with notes,
calculators, computers, textbooks, cell phones, etc. during an exam or project;
telling other students what is on a test or quiz or providing specific questions or
answers before or after the test.
Student Name: ______________________ Class: _____________ Period:____
The above student and I have read the above information, and are aware of the
policy regarding online translating sites.
Parent / Guardian Signature: ________________________ Date: __________
-Plagiarism: a student intentionally or negligently using someone else's ideas,
words, or artistic creations without crediting the source.
-Fabrication: a student using invented information in assignments.
-Forgery: a student using imitations or copies of images, documents, signatures, etc,
in assignments.
-Obstruction: a student preventing other students from getting their work done or
limiting their access to educational resources
-Multiple Submissions: a student submitting the same work in two or more
courses without permission from the teachers.
The student will receive no credit on the assignment or assessment.”
If teachers have sufficient reason (e.g. student is using advanced structures that
were never presented, or an internet search produces the identical work) to suspect
that a translating or other site was used, students may be asked to reproduce work
independently, and if that is not possible, the student will receive a zero for the
This policy is in place to ensure that we maintain high ethical standards for all of
our students and staff. Please sign and return the bottom portion of the previous
page to your language teacher.