what group has 7 valence electrons so only need one more?

• metals: lose valence electrons
–form cation (+ ion)
• non-metals: gain electrons
–form anion (- ion)
Ionic Bond
• occurs between:
metal element & non-metal element
• involves transfer of electrons between
metal & non-metal elements to form
• # electrons lost by cation(s)
= # electrons gained by anion(s)
Metals are Losers!
• Na atom configuration: 2-8-1
• Na loses 1 electron → Na+1 ion
–Na+1 configuration is 2-8
• same as Ne configuration (2-8)
Na metal 
elements from what group _?_
will easily take the one valence
electron from Na??
what group has 7 valence electrons so
only need one more?
group 1 elements will easily give up
their one valence electron to the
elements in group 17
Non-metals are Winners!
• Cl configuration: 2-8-7
• Cl gains 1 electron → Cl-1 ion
–Cl-1 has the configuration 2-8-8
• same as Ar configuration (2-8-8)
Cl2 (g) 
electron transferred from Na to Cl
Structure of Ionic Compounds
• oppositely charged ions are attracted to
each other by strong electrostatic
interactions (+/-)
• (+/-) ions form crystal lattice
– regular 3-D pattern or array
– ions held in fixed positions (solid state)
• Unit Cell = smallest repetitive unit in lattice
NaCl has its own
unique properties
lattice structure 
The more Na and Cl2, the
larger the resulting crystal of
NaCl will be
different representations
of a crystal lattice
Lewis Diagrams for Ionic
Lewis structure for NaCl shows ions:
• -1
[Na] [ •Cl •]
remember: Lewis diagrams show valence electrons!
Predicting Ionic Compounds
• What is the ionic compound formed from
calcium and iodine?
• calcium: metal with 2 valence electrons
- loses both electrons  [Ca]+2
• iodine: non-metal with 7 valence
•• -1
- gains 1 electron  [•• I ••]
• how many iodine ions are needed to make a
neutral compound?
Lewis Diagram of calcium iodide
·· -1 ·· -1
[Ca] [:I:] [:I:]
·· -1
[:I:] [Ca] [:I:]
note: total charge MUST add up to zero
since compounds are neutral
Properties of Ionic Compounds
high melting points
low vapor pressures
tend to be hard and brittle
solids do not conduct electricity
molten (liquid) states do conduct electricity
aqueous solutions do conduct electricity
transfer of e- from
metal to non-metal
atoms: IONS form
attraction between
+/- ions leads to
ionic bond