11 12 1 10 2 10 1 6 9 2 7 min 358 4 min min 9 8 3 4 40 50 10 40 50 40 10 40 10 40 30 20 20 30 50 20 10 50 10 50 30 30sssssss 7 6 C1 independent study task. 5 Settler: list the order of fractions in a fractional distillation column (start with bitumen at the bottom and gases at the top) Challenge: •How are the fractions separated? •Give a use for each fraction. • list the changes in properties that occur as you go down the column Choose your own tasks Answer all the questions and then get a lead learner near you to check your answers with red pen. C1.1 – Earth and atmosphere C1.2 – Materials from Earth C1.3 – Neutralisation/Acids C1.4 – Obtaining and using metals C1.5 – Fuels C1.1 – Earth and atmosphere 3) Describe 3 ways that carbon dioxide was removed from the atmosphere. 1) Describe how Earth’s early atmosphere was formed. 2) Describe the composition of the early atmosphere. 4) Describe how oxygen levels increased in the atmosphere. 5) Describe the composition current atmosphere. 6) What is ozone and how did it help organisms evolve. 7) How is the level of carbon dioxide increasing in the current atmosphere? 8) Explain how ice cores can help us find out the composition of the atmosphere from thousands of years ago? 9) Explain why it is difficult to be precise about the composition of the early atmosphere. C1.2 – Materials from Earth. 1) Describe how sedimentary rocks form 2) Describe how metamorphic rocks form 3) Describe how the two types of igneous rocks form 4) State the uses of limestone. 5) Describe the positives and negatives of quarrying. 6) Give 2 examples of each type of rock. 7) Describe what thermal decomposition is 8) Write word and symbol equations for the following reactions: a) Thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate. b) Calcium oxide and water. c) Carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide, 9) What is conservation of mass? C1.3 – Acids and neutralisation 1) What are the pH ranges for acids and alkalis 4) Acid + carbonate ? + ?+? Sulfuric acid + calcium carbonate ? + ? + ? 7) Electrolyse brine solution (saltwater) 3) Acid + alkali ? + ? 2) Which acid do we have in our stomachs and why? Nitric acid + magnesium hydroxide ? + ? 5) What is electrolysis? 8) Give uses to the products of electrolysis of brine. 6) Electrolyse water 9) a) b) c) d) What are the tests for: Chlorine gas Carbon dioxide gas Hydrogen gas Oxygen gas C1.4 – Obtaining and using metals 1) What is an ore? 2) Which metals do not have to be extracted from ores? 3) What are oxidation and reduction? 4) Why can’t aluminium be extracted using heating with carbon? 5) Why wouldn’t we extract iron using electrolysis? 6) Give the uses of aluminium, steel, gold and copper and link them to their properties 7) Why is aluminium resistant to corrosion? 8) Why are alloys better than pure metals? Draw alloy structure Explain what smart alloys are with example uses. 9) Explain why it is important to recycle. Give the economic and environmental benefits. C1.5 – fuels 1) Describe what crude oil is 2) What is a hydrocarbon 3) Explain how incomplete combustion is different to complete combustion using word and symbol equations 4) Describe a good fuel. 5) Describe how acid rain and global warming occur. 6) What are iron seeding? 7) Describe what biofuels and fuel cells are and how they work 8) What is cracking and what are the conditions needed for it? Crack decane into an alkane and ethene. 9) What are the conditions needed for polymerisation? Draw the polymers poly(ethene), poly (propene), poly (chloroethene) and poly (tetrafloroethene) Give the main problem with using polymers Review • Did going through this type of task help you? • How?