Name__________________________________________________ Period ________________ Teen Brain and Drug Quiz #1 1. On the lines below, please list the 3 parts of the brain that drugs impact. Then, next to each part of the brain listed below, write the overall function of that part of the brain. a. __________________ ______________________________________________________ b. __________________ ______________________________________________________ c. __________________ ______________________________________________________ 2. Name the 2 most important parts of the “Healthy Decision Making Process” a. _____________________________ b. _______________________________ 3. At what age does the brain STOP growing? ___________ 4. On the lines below, put the number of the correct definition next to the correct word. a. ____ Tolerance b. ____ Neurotransmitter 1. Part of the brain that is swollen in teens and makes things feel better and is why drugs are more addictive to teens than adults. c. ____ Amygdala 2. The need for more and more of a drug to achieve the “high” or its effects d. ____ Stimulants 3. Increase the Central Nervous system, causing rapid heart rate, fast breathing and “nervous energy” e. ____ Depressants 4. Decrease the central Nervous system, causing slow heart rate, slowed breathing and a slowing of speech, judgments and movement. 5. Naturally occurring chemical message in the brain that get flooded or stuck in the brain when drugs are used, causing the “high” of the drug. 5. Define addiction _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Give an example of a depressant that we discussed in class: ______________________ 7. Give an example of a stimulant that we discussed in class: ________________________ 8. Name the 2 main effects of hallucinogens AND give 2 examples of hallucinogenic drugs 9. Discuss the 2 main brain changes caused by drug use in terms of neurotransmitters and receptors. Be sure to talk about homeostasis and tolerance. 10. If you have had 6 drinks, use the “rough” estimate I taught you to determine how many hours until you are sober. _____________ 11. If you know your B.A.C. is .21, using the .02 rule, how many hours until you are sober (0.0)? Show your math!!! ________________ 12. Discuss the 3 BRAIN DEVELOPMENT reasons why alcohol is such a bad choice for teenagers (only discuss the 3 brain differences between teens and adults) i. ii. iii. 13. From fastest to slowest, rank order the drug delivery methods: a. b. c. d. _____ Snorting _____ IV or injection _____ Smoking _____ Transdermal (skin) e. _____ Ingestion (eating or drinking) Matching (2 points each) 23. ______ Steroids 24. ______ Oxycontin/Vicodin A. Liquid depressant, common use with teens, not legal until 21 B. Known as “speed;” stimulant; legal with prescription; helps with concentration 25. ______ Valium/Klonipin/Xanax 26. ______ Caffeine C. Rx depressant drugs that are used to “calm down” D. Rx pain reliever, prescribed after surgeries and injuries; very addictive 27. ______ Alcohol 28. ______ AD/HD drugs/ Amphetamines E. Legal, addictive stimulant; found in soda, chocolate & coffee F. Increase muscle mass while enhancing secondary sex ________________________________ characteristics of the opposite gender of the user. 29. ______ LSD (acid) & PCP (angel dust) A. Opioids, extreme pain relievers; one legal, the other illegal 30. ______ Hashish & Marijuana B. Comes from Cannabis sativa; THC active ingredient C. Man-made hallucinogens; usually on tabs of blotter paper 31. ______ Morphine & Heroin or in crystal powder form D. Fungi, that when eaten or smoked, can cause hallucinations 32. ______ Mushrooms/’Shrooms E. New” Illegal drug that acts as a man-made stimulant, sold in packages sometimes called “plant food” 33. ______ Ketamine 34. ______ Bath Salts F. Originally a cat sedative, now used as club drug _____________________________________________ 35. ______ Inhalants A. Club drug known as the “love drug,” causes sweating, heart racing; increased movement, and teeth-clenching 36. ______ Methamphetamine/Meth B. Strongest illegal stimulant; causes addiction, tooth decay/loss, extreme weight loss and aged appearance 37. ______ Ecstasy/E or X C. Illegal and powerful stimulant, 2 forms including a more expensive powder and cheaper “rock” form 38. ______ Cocaine/Crack D. Not drugs but poison; common household products 39. ______ GHB/Rohypnol E. Known as “date rape drug” because it is colorless & tasteless & makes one have no memory of events afterward 40. ______ Nicotine F. Addictive ingredient in chew and cigarettes, can cause lung, mouth cancer and emphysema