Illegal drugs test review

Illegal drugs test review
Cocaine is which type of drug?
Which drug has both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects?
Which type of drug is sold as an over-the-counter cough suppressant but is dangerous when
An illegal drug containing THC that impairs short-term memory and changes mood?
A highly addictive stimulant drug obtained from the leaves of the coca bush.
A processed form of morphine that is ten times stronger than morphine.
An opiate drug found in prescription cough medicine.
This is found in soft drinks and acts as a stimulant.
Which drug can cause weight gain, acne, high blood pressure, and liver and kidney tumors?
Name three stimulant drugs.
Name three depressant drugs.
Name three hallucinogen drugs.
Name three opiate drugs.
The number one way to avoid drugs?
Substance abuseIllegal drugsAddictive drugsOverdoseIllicit drug useInhalantsMarijuana-
Anabolic-androgenic steroidsDesigner drugsOpiatesMethCocaineCrack-