Teacher: Subject: M O N D A Y BLOCK DAY T U E S D A Y Sra. Ciesielski-Motta Week of: Aug.10-14,2015 Español -1 Español- 2 Per. 1,3,6 & 7 Per. 2,5 Standard: Communication 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard: Connections 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Mon. Take attendance 1. Practice: New seats- Introductions- Introduce yourself to your new partner. Practice Yo, tú, él, ella 2. White boards: Dictation: write the word (draw a picture if you know the meaning of the word) 3. Go over Preliminario vocab. list 4. Teach CR language: Necesito, hay, puedo, no entiendo, otra vez, por favor, repite,por favor 5. tú= usted: tú is used with friends—usted is used with adults 6. HW: Textbook pg. 9- write the numbers 1-30 in Spanish *Explain how HW is to be completed and turned in ** Tue. Take attendance Per. 3 1. Practice:Write the correct greeting according to the picture 2. Tell your partner hello and goodbye 3. Vocab list- write the seasons and draw a picture 4. Tell partner seasons of the year-without looking 5. The date-practice 6. Days of the week- song 7. BINGO-make a card with days,months,seasons 8. Play BINGO 9. HW: Textbook pg 10 Ex 2&4 Write complete sentences ** Quiz tomorrow- el alfabeto and dictación Mon. Take attendance 1. Practice: Answer the questions: ¿Dónde estás ahora? ¿ A dónde vas después de la clase de Español?¿ Da la maestra muchos exámenes en la clase de Español? 2. Repaso de los verbos IR-DAR-ESTAR 3. Write 3 sentences using each verb 4. Review: Characteristics-of people and things 5. Review for “juego” ¿Qué llevas hoy? ¿Cómo es? ¿De qué color es? Play “¿Quién es?” 6. HW: Textbook- pg R-5 ex.4 Answer the questions in complete sentences Tue. Take attendance 1. Practice: Worksheet-¿Cómo estás?-work with partners- answer the questions 2. Review AR-ER-IR ending verbs 3. With partner make a list of verbs-3 groups(rows) AR,ER,IR 4. Write a sentence for each verb (on the board) 5. Review SER and ESTAR and the differences 6. Ser:origen,names,occupation,physical characteristics Estar:place,location,emotions,temporary conditions 7. Write examples of SER and ESTAR- using each rule 8. TBpgR13 Review subject verb agreement 9. Review definite and indefinite articles 10. HW: complete wksheet of “articles” el,la,los,las.un,una,unos,unas BLOCK DAY W E D N E S D A Y Wed. Take attendance 1. 2. 3. 4. Same as Tuesday 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HW: Thu. T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y Notes: Per. 6 Take attendance 1. Practice-Take alphabet quiz and dictation 2. Answer questions: ¿Qué día es hoy?, ¿Qué día es mañana?, ¿Cuáles son los días de la semana? 3. El calendario. Si hoy es_____mañana es_______etc. 4. Practice with numbers- choose a number and say what it is in Spanish 5. HW: Write the expression for your Birthday Mi cumpleaños es el ____de______ El día de la semana es__________ Wed. Take attendance 1. 2. 3. 4. Same as Tuesday 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HW: Thu. Take attendance 1. Practice-QUIZ Answer the questions in complete sentences: ¿Cómo eres?, ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?, etc 2. Write out your class schedule in Spanish: review subjects in Spanish. Tell what class and what period you have it. 3. Tell what time the class is –A que hora: a las…. 4. Describe your classes and the professor- follow example 5. HW: Textbook pg R12 Ex.3 6. Fri. Take attendance 1. Turn in HW 2. Follow teacher- Birthdays compared- how many people have a BD each month? Write a graph of the months- list each birthdaywrite the dates in Spanish 3. Learn definite and indefinite articles 4. Hand out Libros de Tarea 5. Worksheet-definite and indefinite 6. HW: complete worksheet Fri. Take attendance 1. Turn in HW 2. Practice: textbook pg R13-answer the questions about the photo 3. Describe your favorite class 4. Juego: 3 teams Describe: your family, describe your school, describe your friends 5. 6. HW: Write a question using each interrogative expression Donde,de donde, cuanto, como, que, quien, cuando 4 assignments due 4 assignments due