SHADAI SCHOOL Cumulative charts III PARCIAL Teacher:_Mrs Karla Silva Class Math Science Health/ Agriculture Phonics Spelling Reading Language Grade: Fifth “A” cumulatives and evaluations Study multiplication tables Practice three-digit multiplication and división. Solve the exercises from the guide. Present it on Monday. Worth Read How and why objects move pgs 232-238, and A force between objects in contact pgs 242-245. Solve the questionnaire from the guide. Look for the meaning of the words to know on pages 232 and 242. Also some new words for you. Write them on the notebook. Be ready with your exposition, when we comeback you Will perform them. Look for the meaning of the boldfaced words (in black) and answer the quick checkup on the notebook, work On your notebook. Write the meaning of Acronym, write it on your notebook. Write an acronym using the letters of your name on Your notebook. Vowel pairs: ee, ea, ei, ie . they have long sound /e/. Look for a list of 15 words for each vowel pair, write Them on the notebook. Read the story The Scrapbook, then on a page tell it to me with your own words. Answer checking comprehension and skills on page 228 on the notebook. Read page 234 and copy the meanings of the three types of fiction on the notebook. Read Phoebe and the General and look for new words For you, write them on the notebook. Solve the guide. Copy and study the summaries from pages 178,180,182,184. Do exercises on the notebook from pages; 179,181,183,185. Read pages 221-224 and 227-230 look for the meaning of the key words, and answer the Reading checks, on Social Studies The notebooks. Biblia APRENDER DE MEMORIA CADA UNO DE LOS LIBROS DELA BIBLIA CON SU RESPECTIVA DIVISION VALOR 20%(PRUEBA ORAL Y ESCRITA EL DIA QUE SE RETORNE A CLASES) Estimados Padres de Familia: En vista de la dura crisis política y social y por la constante interrupción de clases hemos preparado un cronograma de actividades escolares para que de esta manera los alumnos trabajen y avancen académicamente en sus casas. Estas tareas se tendrán que desarrollar de acuerdo al horario de clases en caso que las mismas sean suspendidas por circunstancias ajenas a nuestra voluntad y deberán ser presentadas sin falta el día que nos reintegremos a clase, cada tarea académica tendrá un valor acumulativo de 10% y luego se promediará de acuerdo a la necesidad. Cualquier duda llamar a la escuela o a Mrs Karla Silva al 96145597. Agradeciendo su atención y colaboración con el avance académico de su hijo (a). Atentamente. LA DIRECCION