Course Introduction

Professional Readings & Discussion
Hospitality Topics (Sub-Fields):
(a) hotel / accommodation
(b) restaurant / catering / F&B
(c) travel / tourism
(d) airline / transportation
(e) event planning / MICE
(f) leisure / recreation
(g) marketing / promotion
Reading Source: Hospitality articles
(Mostly from hospitality magazines)
Article Length: 2-4 pages
Article Rhetorical Patterns:
(a) “Easier”: Descriptive or promotional
(may have a narrative or a personal touch)
(b) “Deeper”: Trend and/or critical approach
(especially noting a change or a challenge)
Introduction to the Reading: whole-class
(1) Presentation of Basics (Content/Org)
Discussions: small-groups, and sharing
(2) Personal Connection
(3) Understanding / Digging Deeper
(4) Extension / Application
Introduction to the Reading:
(1) Presentation of Basics (Content/Org)
(a) Provide a lead-in to the general topic
(additional visuals are OK, but keep it short)
(b) Point out the basic organization pattern
(c) Summarize the key points of the article
(d) Highlight words/sections that are
particularly important and/or difficult
(e) Check comprehension—“Mini-Quiz”
Discussions: small-groups
Characteristics of groups
 Small: 3-5 members—enough to have
multiple ideas, but not too many for
people to feel OK about “hiding.”
 Variety: Not always with the people
sitting around you.
Discussions: small-groups
Characteristics of groups
 Member roles:
(a) Leader: Keeps the discussion on-topic
(b) Note-keeper: Keeps track of the main
points of what’s been said—helpful for
when it is time to share with the class.
(c) Spokesperson: When it’s time to share…
Discussion Goals:
(2) Personal Connection
 Start off with questions that are focused
on personal experiences—but keep the
topic related to the one in the article.
 Try to make these questions based on the
specific article content: if the discussion
can happen without consulting the
article at all, it’s not a reading discussion.
Discussion Goals:
(3) Understanding / Digging Deeper
 The discussions based on these questions
must be focused on specific content from
the articles—preferably about points which
are controversial, or which can be seen as
controversial when you investigate them.
 The point is to understand the details
of the article more fully, and to be
a more critical reader.
Discussion Goals:
(4) Extension/Application
 Examples of these:
(a) Applying the ideas to other places/people,
especially by trying to see how these might
fit into a Taiwanese context
(b) Make/design your own {hotel / tour / etc}
(c) Hold a debate on a controversial aspect
of the article (its details or its topic)
Work that needs to be done:
(1) Group work
1st half of semester
(a) Choose a topic, and find relevant articles
2nd half of semester
(b) Give presentations to the class
(c) Design discussion questions and
application activities, and run
these in small groups
(2) Reading Notebook—Become more
familiar with the variety out there.