Name: Date: ______ Period: ______ 8.1 Forming Chemical Bonds I

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: _____________
8.1 Forming Chemical Bonds
I. A chemical bond is _______________________________________________________________________.
A. Chemical bonds may form from two ways: ______________________________________________
B. Only _________________ electrons are involved in the formation of chemical bonds between two atoms.
C. Elements tend to react to acquire the _____________________________________________ of a noble
D. Positive ions form when _____________________________________________________________
Ex: If sodium loses its one valence electron, it takes on the electron configuration of ____________.
A positive ion is called a ______________________.
Ions retain their identities as elements because their number of ______________ doesn’t change.
The reactivity of metals is based on ____________________________________________________
5. Group 1A atoms form ions with a _________ charge; Group 2A atoms form ions with a __________
charge; Group 3A atoms form ions with a __________ charge.
6. It is difficult to predict the number of electrons lost by ____________________________________;
they tend to form ions with a _____________ or _____________ charge (not always).
7. The relatively stable electron configurations formed by the gain or loss of electrons is referred to as
E. Negative ions form when ________________________________________________________________
1. ______________________ tend to gain electrons to form a stable outer electron configuration.
2. Negative ions are called _________________________.
3. The names of negative ions are changed to end in ____________, so chlorine loses one electron to
become a ______________________ ion.
4. Group 5A atoms form ions with a _____________ charge; Group 6A atoms form ions with a ________
charge; Group 7A atoms form ions with a ___________ charge.
5. Some nonmetals can lose or gain _________________________________________________________
to form an octet, such as phosphorus, which usually gains 3 electrons, but can also ____________ ____.
8.2 The Formation and Nature of Ionic Bonds
I. Formation of an Ionic Bond
A. An ionic bond is the _____________________________________________________________________
Compounds that contain ionic bonds are _______________ compounds.
If ionic bonds occur between metals and nonmetal oxygen, _______________ form.
Most other ionic compounds are called _____________.
When an ionic compound forms, the number of electrons lost must _______________ the number of
electrons gained.
a. EX: Calcium will lose ______ electron(s) to become a ________ ion; fluorine will gain _______
electron(s) to become a _________ ion. Therefore, for every _________ calcium atom(s), there will
be _______ fluorine atom(s) so that the overall charge of the compound formed is _______.
II. Properties of Ionic Compounds
A. The chemical bonds that occur between the atoms in a compound determine many of the
___________________________ properties of the compound.
B. When an ionic compound forms, the ions are packed into a regular repeating pattern that forms an
C. The strong attraction of positive ions and negative ions in an ionic compound results in a
_____________________________________________________, a three-dimensional geometric
arrangement of particles where ____________________________________________________________
D. _______________________________________, _______________________________________, and
______________________________ are physical properties that depend on how strongly the particles are
attracted to each other.
1. In general, ionic compounds have ___________ melting points and boiling points.
2. ___________________ may also be related to the structure of ionic compounds.
3. Ionic crystals are also ___________, ______________, and ________________ solids due to the strong
attractive forces that hold the ions in place.
E. In the solid state, ionic compounds do not conduct electricity, but when in a liquid state or dissolved in
water, they become ______________________________ able to conduct electricity because ions are free
to move.
F. During any chemical reaction, energy is either ______________________ or _______________________.
1. When energy is absorbed, the reaction is _____________________________; if energy is released, it is
a. The formation of ionic bonds is always _____________________________.
b. The energy required to separate one mole of the ions of an ionic compound is referred to as
_______________________________________________________; the more __________________
the lattice energy, the ________________________ the force of attraction between the ions.
i. Lattice energy is directly related to the _____________ of the ions bonded: smaller ions generally
have a more __________________ value for lattice energy because the ____________________ is
closer and has more attraction to the __________________________________________.
ii. The value of lattice energy is also affected by the ___________________ of the ion: the ionic bond
formed from the attraction of ions with larger positive or negative charges generally has a more
_______________________ lattice energy.
a) The lattice energy of MgO is almost ___________ times greater than that of NaF because the
___________________ of the ions is greater.