PURIFICATION OF MFP FROM AN OVERNIGHT CULTURE LABORATORY 6 PART B OVERVIEW: • Goals: • Explain confirmation of protein relates to function of protein • How does protein folding occur? • Lab: • Take cells growing in broth: • Lyse (break open) • From overnight LB/amp/ara culture • Purify mFP from cell lysate • using column chromatography INTRODUCTION • Once laboratories locate promising therapeutic protein: • Then locate and isolate gene that encodes the protein • Insert gene into plasmid (to clone gene) • Cloning vectors • Plasmid engineered to replicate in high numbers • Within bacterial cell • Expression vectors • pARA-R with rfp gene • Plasmid engineered specifically for protein expression • Transformed cells • Allowed to express protein • Lysed to release synthesized protein from cell INTRODUCTION • Mutant fluorescent protein: • 238 aa in size • Fluorophore located in center • Highly hydrophobic • In order to purify (separate) protein: • Look for differences in hydrophobicity • Hydrophobic verse hydrophilic • Some have regions that are both • Hydrophobic regions will “hide” in interior of molecule • How to isolate a single protein? • E. coli we are using produces HIGH concentrations of mFP Separation uses protein folding Unfolded Folded− INTRODUCTION • Column chromatography • Purification technique uses hydrophobicity to separate and purify proteins • Plastic cylinder with resin • Separating medium • Contains small hydrophobic beads • If mFP placed into solution of high salt concentrations: • mFP molecule distorted • Hydrophobic regions adhere to resin • Hydrophilic proteins then continue down column and flushed away INTRODUCTION • mFP trapped in resin bed: • Wash column with solution low salt concentration • Hydrophobic regions of mFP point towards interior of molecule • Will elute (wash out) moderately hydrophobic molecules with buffer • Use solution of very low salt concentration to release mFP from resin beads Unfolded Unfolded Unfolded Folded Protein folding in binding buffer SIDER: If a mutation CONSc IDE hanges R: If aan mutation amino CONSIDE ac changes id, R: how If a mutation an might amino this cac hanges cid, hange how an affec mig am in folding andprotein proteinfolding function? and protein protein folding function? and protein function? ! fi c proteins areSeither pecifi chydrophobic proteins are Spec either orifi hydrophilic c proteins hydrophobic ,are either or hydrophilic hydrophobic , nding on the relative depending amount on the of depending hydrophobic relative amount on and the ofrelative hydrophobic amount and of hy ophilic amino ac hydrophilic ids they contain. aminohydrophilic Hydrophobic acids they camino ontain.ac Hydrophobic ids they contain. Hy eins and hydrophilic proteins proteins and hydrophilic can proteins be separated proteins and hydrophilic bycan be separated proteinsby can be mn chromatography column . Incthis hromatography method, column a column . In chromatography thisis method, a.cIn olumn this method is Column ed with small beads packed that with aresmall coated pac beads with kedthat with a material are small coated beads with that a material are coated Resin-coat sin) that attracts (ahydrophobic resin) that attrac amino (a tsres hydrophobic ac in) idsthat , andattrac the amino ts hydrophobic acids, and the amino beads ure of proteinsmixture is dissolved of proteins and pas mixture s is ed dis over solved ofthe proteins and pas issdis ed s over olved the and pass s. In order for the beads hydrophobic . In order for amino beads the hydrophobic ac . In ids order to stic for k amino the hydrophobic acids to sticami k e resin, the proteins to themus resin, t be the unfolded proteins to theto res mus expos in, t the be eunfolded the proteins mus to expos t be unfold e the ophobic aminohydrophobic acids, which tend amino hydrophobic toac be ids found , whicon h amino tend the to acids be,found which on tend the to e of the protein. ins C ide ertain of the saltprotein. solutions inside Certain called of the s buffers alt protein. solutions Certain called salt buffers solutio nfold proteinswill to varying unfold degrees proteins will . tounfold varying proteins degrees to . varying degrees. ER 6 • In binding buffer, hydrophobic proteins unfold ! ! • Unfolded hydrophobic proteins adhere to the hydrophobic column resin • Folded hydrophilic | S T UE D– E6 N T G U ICDHE A P T E R 6 | S T U D E N T G U I D E proteins never adhere to the column es Amgen erved.Foundation. All © 2013 rights Amgen reserved. Foundation. All rights reserved. Hydrophilic proteins ! Unfolded Unfolded Unfolded Folded Protein folding in wash buffer SIDER: If a mutation CONSc IDE hanges R: If aan mutation amino CONSIDE ac changes id, R: how If a mutation an might amino this cac hanges cid, hange how an affec mig am ein folding andprotein proteinfolding function? and protein protein folding function? and protein function? ! fi c proteins areSeither pecifi chydrophobic proteins are Spec either orifi hydrophilic c proteins hydrophobic ,are either or hydrophilic hydrophobic , nding on the relative depending amount on the of depending hydrophobic relative amount on and the ofrelative hydrophobic amount and of hy ophilic amino ac hydrophilic ids they contain. aminohydrophilic Hydrophobic acids they camino ontain.ac Hydrophobic ids they contain. Hy eins and hydrophilic proteins proteins and hydrophilic can proteins be separated proteins and hydrophilic bycan be separated proteinsby can be mn chromatography column . Incthis hromatography method, column a column . In chromatography thisis method, a.cIn olumn this method is Column ed with small beads packed that with aresmall coated pac beads with kedthat with a material are small coated beads with that a material are coated Resin-coat sin) that attracts (ahydrophobic resin) that attrac amino (a tsres hydrophobic ac in) idsthat , andattrac the amino ts hydrophobic acids, and the amino beads ure of proteinsmixture is dissolved of proteins and pas mixture s is ed dis over solved ofthe proteins and pas issdis ed s over olved the and pass s. In order for the beads hydrophobic . In order for amino beads the hydrophobic ac . In ids order to stic for k amino the hydrophobic acids to sticami k e resin, the proteins to themus resin, t be the unfolded proteins to theto res mus expos in, t the be eunfolded the proteins mus to expos t be unfold e the ophobic aminohydrophobic acids, which tend amino hydrophobic toac be ids found , whicon h amino tend the to acids be,found which on tend the to e of the protein. ins C ide ertain of the saltprotein. solutions inside Certain called of the s buffers alt protein. solutions Certain called salt buffers solutio nfold proteinswill to varying unfold degrees proteins will . tounfold varying proteins degrees to . varying degrees. ER 6 • In wash buffer, moderately hydrophobic proteins fold ! ! • Highly hydrophobic proteins, including RFP, stay unfolded • Folded moderately hydrophobic proteins are | S T UE D– E6 N T released G U ICDHE A P T E R 6 | Sfrom T U D E N T G the U I D E column es Amgen erved.Foundation. All © 2013 rights Amgen reserved. Foundation. All rights reserved. Moderately hydrophobic proteins ! ed Unfolded Folded Folded Folded Protein folding in elution buffer c E hanges id, R: how If a mutation an might amino this cac hanges c id, hange how an affec might amino t this acid, change how might affect this change affect folding n function? and protein function? ! ! ! drophilic proteins hydrophobic ,are either or hydrophilic hydrophobic , or hydrophilic, ng obic amount on and the ofrelative hydrophobic amount and of hydrophobic and hobic ey iliccamino ontain.ac Hids ydrophobic they contain. Hydrophobic roteins ated and hydrophilic bycan be separated proteinsby can be separated by c n umn hromatography thisis method, a.cIn olumn this method, is a column is Column Column hat with a material are small coated beads with that a material are coated with a material Resin-coated Resin-coated ophobic sthat , andattrac the amino ts hydrophobic acids, and the amino acids, and the beads beads olved er ofthe proteins and pas issdis ed s over olved the and passed over the drophobic n ds order to stic for k amino the hydrophobic acids to sticamino k acids to stick mus es expos in, t the be eunfolded the proteins mus to expos t be unfolded e the to expose the whic und obicon h amino tend the to acids be,found which on tend the to be found on the ain ed the s buffers alt protein. solutions Certain called salt buffers solutions called buffers old ying proteins degrees to . varying degrees. ved. • In elution buffer, highly hydrophobic proteins, including RFP, fold ! ! ! • Folded highly hydrophobic proteins, including RFP, are released from the column • RFP can be collected RFP Column Resin-coated beads WHAT WILL YOU NEED TO DO? • Preparation day 1 – lysing the cells • Preparation day 2 – mFP purification using column chromatography Reasons for lysis • Soluble proteins made by cell, including red fluorescent protein, are dissolved in cell cytoplasm • Only way to access soluble proteins is to lyse (break open) cell • After lysis, soluble proteins can be easily separated from insoluble structural proteins Reasons for separation • Although the bacteria make a lot of red fluorescent protein, there are up to 1,000 other proteins in a living cell • Those other proteins might interfere with intended use of RFP or of any other protein you are isolating • Pharmaceutical companies require purified protein WHAT WILL YOU NEED TO DO? • Chromatography columns • • • • Capped tightly Stopcocks closed Store upright to allow resin bed to form flat surface Use ethanol to rinse resin if splashed on sides • Open stopcock and let ethanol drain from column • Leave about 2mm layer above resin bed WHAT WILL YOU NEED TO DO? • Chromatography columns • Columns will have equilibration buffer • (add 3000 µl equil. Buffer) • Dispense down to 1 cm above resin • Set up on ring stand for model • High enough for collection below • Make sure resin bed visible • When done: • Flush columns with 4-5 mL elution buffer • Flush columns with 3 mL 20% ethanol • Cap tightly!!!! METHODS • Do not let the supernatant (red) run through the tube….once it is gone, it is gone!! • as soon as the red hits the first level of the chromatography column tip, get the 1.5 mL tube ready…collect when the red drips!! Purification of RFP from an overnight culture Bruce Wallace Overnight Cell pellet culture with RFP Lysed cells Pellet RFP with cell debris binding buffer Results CONCLUSIONS • What product do you have? • Would this normally be the end? • What's next?? • Now that have purified protein, run steps to be sure it is purified • Quality control, SDS Page, ELISA, Western Blot • “fill and finish” • Make into final form ready for distribution • Ex: Enbr • Two 20000 L tanks with bacteria • Two 2L purified protein • $2 million a Liter!! IN SUMMARY: • Rfp genemfp protein (highly hydrophobic) • BB (Binding Buffer)- Unfolds hydrophobic mfp causing it to adhere to the resin. Washes out all other very hydrophilic elements • WB (Wash Buffer)- Washes out the binding buffer and folded moderately hydrophobic proteins. • EB (Elution Buffer)- Folds highly hydrophobic proteins (mfp) and releases them from the column last before washing out any other remaining elements. • Leaves you with just the purified mfp: red flourescent protein, which glowed under UV light : )