MIS2020—Business Information Systems Supplemental Cluster Syllabus Prof. Vic Matta Copeland 228 matta@ohio.edu 740-593-0656 Prof. Hao Lou Copeland 226 lou@ohio.edu 740-593-1799 Prof. Wayne Huang Copeland 210 lou@ohio.edu 740-593-1801 Hours: T: 10:30-11:30 am, W: 9:30 am-11:30 am, and by appt. Hours: M & W 12 – 2 pm and by appt. Hours: M & W 9:30-11:30 am and by appt. Description This is the survey course of Management Information Systems (MIS) for College of Business students. The class provides a broad view of MIS by integrating business and Information Systems (IS) perspectives. It focuses on the multitude of current information systems types, associated issues, and impacts on individuals, organizations and business in general. Course Materials Business Driven Technology, 5th Edition Paige Baltzan Loose-leaf color version with selected chapters Includes Connect Plus Access Card, ISBN-10: 0077760689 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Copyright: 2013 Purchase locally, or online at: http://shop.mcgraw-hill.com/mhshop/productDetails?isbn=0077760689 The course will be delivered through OU’s BlackBoard (Bb) Learning Management System and can be found at http://blackboard.ohio.edu. MIS2020 Syllabus, Page 2 Course Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Define and understand MIS 1. Define information systems (IS) and the IS triangle. 2. Identify various roles, career paths and opportunities in IS. 3. Depict IT and IS architectures (ES, CS, BI). Understand the role of IS in Organizational Strategy 4. Evaluate the use of IS for Organizational Strategy and Competitive Advantage. 5. Discuss how Business Process Management (BPM) adds business value. 6. Describe how Organizational Strategy determines IS structure. Understand the role of Enterprise IS in business 7. Explain the purpose of Enterprise IS in business (ERP, SCM & CRM). 8. Define and assess the use of Business Intelligence (BI), Knowledge Management (KM) and e-Commerce. 9. Describe and apply principles contemporary Social and Collaboration Systems (Web 2.0 and Social Networking). Apply principles of Information Systems Management 10. Explain and apply principles of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as a problem solving approach. 11. Identify and utilize basic Project Management Principles. 12. Implement best practices in Consulting. Understand Remember Remember Analyze Analyze Analyze Understand Understand Apply Apply Apply Apply Evaluation Assignments are designed to assess the course learning objectives and reinforce student learning for each objective. Below is a brief description of each of the evaluation components and associated points. Evaluation components are as follows: Grading Scale 93.3% A 80.0% B66.7% D+ 90.0% A76.7% C+ 63.3% D 86.7% B+ 73.3% C 60.0% D83.3% B 70.0% CPoint Distribution: 600 points total 240 pts. – 12 Quizzes, 20 points each 100 - 150 pts. – 10 Homework Assignments, 10 - 15 points each 50 pts. – Hot Topic Facilitation (team grade) 50 pts. – Final Exam (Individual Assessment) 50 pts. – Engagement (class attendance, participation and professional conduct) 490 - 540 pts. - TOTAL Final Grade The final grade will be calculated based on the following calculation: 1. 60% x (MIS2020 course percentage) + 2. 40% x (Total of Projects percentage): P1 (13%) + P2 (10%) + P3 (17%) = 40% MIS2020 Syllabus, Page 3 Course Components Course Schedule MIS 2020 is a part of a complex integrated cluster of courses that needs to flex to dynamic needs of the integrated experience. As a result the schedule can change and is therefore not printed. Please use BlackBoard (Bb) for the most up-to-date version of our schedule. Chapter Readings and Homework Assignments Chapter readings are assigned for each class session, which typically covers one chapter in the textbook at a time. The class sessions touch on key points, may involve a case discussion, and are then followed by a quiz on that chapter. Therefore, readings are necessary for complete coverage and understanding of the content. All chapter homework assignments are due according to our MIS 2020 Course Schedule as published on Bb, no exceptions! Furthermore, all assignments require individual effort, are to represent your own work and must be in your own words. While you are encouraged to work with one another on assignments, it does not mean that you can have someone else do your assignments for you, or copy their work. Any duplicated assignments will be considered evidence of cheating (Please see the Academic Conduct section of this Syllabus). Quizzes Quizzes are designed to reinforce concepts presented in the assigned readings and from the inclass discussions/activities, and are conducted at each class session. Each quiz will be in the form of multiple choice questions and will be administered online via Bb. All quizzes are password protected and must be taken in our assigned computer lab/classroom at the assigned date/time. In addition, there will also be a comprehensive final exam. Final Exam (Individual Assessment) The final exam is comprehensive, and will be in the form of multiple choice questions delivered through Bb, just like the quizzes. The final exam will be delivered in your assigned labs. Hot Topics There will be eight hot topics in all. Each team will present on a hot topic assigned to them, and facilitate a class discussion, on which the team will be graded (30 points for the presentation and 20 points for the class facilitation). All students will receive a reading related to the hot topic on which they will be quizzed. Engagement Attendance for class is required. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to make up the work. All absences will require a make-up activity for taking a quiz late, provided that it is done within a week. All homework assignments are cannot be made up, and must be done per the schedule, since they are not dependent on coming to class. Most importantly, students are expected to contribute to the learning process by participating in class discussions and activities. Each engagement grade will depend on the quality of your class contributions and your professional behavior in the class. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner while engaging in class related activities. Merely attending every class session will NOT result in your receiving all possible points for this category if you never contribute to our discussions/activities! MIS2020 Syllabus, Page 4 Academic Conduct The most important principle of this class is academic integrity. Instances of its violation (e.g. academic dishonesty, cheating, etc.) will result in a minimum penalty of a failing grade for that assignment, a penalty of two to four times the point value of the assignment as a reduction in your prior earned scores, and may also include a failing grade for the course, reporting of the incident to OU’s Student Judiciaries Office and possible expulsion from the university. Cheating is considered to be a very serious offense. Cheating also includes the sharing of quiz and/or exam passwords, questions, potential answers, etc. All Ohio University policies for academic conduct will apply to this course. Complete details of Ohio University’s policies are available at: http://www.ohio.edu/students/handbook. All quizzes and exams are administered to assess your own individual understanding of the material. Therefore, they are administered as closedbook, closed-notes, and no other web pages and/or files may be open while the quizzes are being administered. At no time is any student allowed to use a language translator, either online or hand-held, without the express written permission of the instructor. Disability Policy Every reasonable attempt will be made to remove any physical barrier, which may hamper the ability of an individual to learn in this classroom. Anyone who has a physical or learning limitation that would impact attendance, preparation, participation, or timely completion of assignments should feel welcome to discuss this limitation with the professor. The College of Business and its faculty are committed to helping meet your individual needs and to supporting your efforts for a quality education. Details of university services and policies are available on http://www.ohio.edu/equity. Religious Holidays In the case of any conflicts due to religious events, please notify the instructor well in advance of the event to allow for appropriate planning and handling of deliverables that may be due.