Study Guide

Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ________________
Week 31 Quiz – 4/25/2014 – Study Guide
Note: Students are required to bring this study guide, signed by their parent or guardian, to turn in prior to
taking the assessment on Friday 4/25/2014. Failure to do so will result in the student not being able to retake
the assessment in the event that the student receives less than 70% on the assessment. (There is no
consequence if the student passes the assessment with a 70% or higher.) This step is being taken to provide
incentive for the student to study for the initial assessment vice studying for a retake after failing the
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________
Infectious diseases are diseases that can be passed from one person to another.
Epidemiologists study the spread of disease through a group or population.
Carriers are people that can spread an infectious disease without developing symptoms of the illness they
Vectors are non-human organisms that spread disease-causing germs, usually without getting sick itself. For
example, mosquitoes spread malaria without becoming infected themselves.
Quarantine is the process of separating or putting into isolation people that have been exposed to an
infectious disease or that exhibit symptoms of an infectious disease
The Germ Theory of Disease is the idea that germs are responsible for causing infectious diseases that can
be spread to humans.
The Germ Theory of Disease was a significant advancement in the understanding of infectious diseases
because it allowed scientists and doctors to combat the spread of these “germs”. Historically, people believed
a disease to be caused by dirty air, odors, weather, evil spirits, and many other factors.
Cells are the building blocks of life and the smallest living things on Earth. It is the basic structural and
functional units of all living organisms.
Organelles are specialized cell parts that have their own functions. Both plant and animal cells contain
organelles. The following organelles are in both plant and animal cells:
 Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs
 Ribosomes build protein within the cell
 Endoplasmic Reticulum prepares the protein to be moved throughout the cell
 Nucleus contains all the genetic information for the cell; it’s the brain
 Golgi Apparatus store the protein that is not currently in use
 Cell Membrane keep the organelles in the cell and keeps out any bad stuff
 Lysosomes digest the waste within the cell
 Cytoplasm the inner fluid of a cell that the organelles exist inside of, cytoplasm is between the cell
membrane and the nucleus
Plant cells undergo photosynthesis, a chemical process that converts light energy into carbohydrates that can
be used as fuel for an organism. The following organelles exist in plant cells in order to aid in photosynthesis:
 Chloroplasts absorb the sunlight and convert it into the energy that powers photosynthesis
 Chlorophyll is NOT an organelle, but is contained in the chloroplast, it is what allows the chloroplast
to utilize the light energy.
Plant cells also have a cell wall. This gives the plant structure and support that isn’t provided by a skeleton
(like in animals).
Cellular respiration occurs in both plant and animal cells. It is a chemical process that converts
carbohydrates into energy for the organism to use.
In animal cells the carbohydrates come from food the animal eats. In plant cells, the carbohydrates are
produced through the process of photosynthesis.