The end of this 2013 school year will be my sixth year at my school

The end of this 2013 school year will be my sixth year at my school. This might sound
horrible, but that is because you do not know what school I am from. My school has grades K all
the way up to twelfth; Vanguard Academy which is the fine arts based school. The seniors this
year will be the first graduating class of Vanguard Academy; I will be one of the sixteen seniors
My plans after high school are to go straight into a local university and finish my basics.
By the end of this year I will have thirty-two college hours which means I will only need about a
year more of basics. After I have completed my basics I plan to transfer into a school where I can
get my masters in mechanical engineering. These are my academic goals after high school.
I have been at Vanguard Academy since sixth grade, which even then I was part of the
“senior class” of Vanguard Academy. By this I mean the oldest class, so each year they added a
grade for us. Being the “seniors” since sixth grade gave us many perks and disadvantages. Some
of the advantages/perks were to choose our mascot and the school colors. We were guaranteed
that our mascot would be irremovable so future classes are going to have to become Spartans and
learn to bleed red and gold. As a senior class we set up most of the events, and are the main
leaders in every event held at our campus. Over the last six years at Vanguard Academy I have
gained the trust of many teacher and administrators who come to me and ask to lead many
events. I have helped organize different clubs like ATF all the way up to cleaning committees.
My sophomore year was the first year that I was ever asked to lead an entire event. It was
really frightening experience which I know I learned a lot from. I was put in charge to lead the
very first ATF. Acquire The Fire is a Christian based event which has concerts and speakers
preaching the word of God. This event happens on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and takes
place about three hundred miles away from our school. This is about a four hour bus ride away
from the school. I was put in charge of everything except handling the money which my
Principal Mr. Diaz took care of. That year two hundred students went, that is three buses full of
students. This trip was so successful that it became an annual thing, so then next two years of my
high school years I remained the main student leader of this event. This last year since this is my
senior year I had a junior shadow me and really did take a load off my shoulders which was a lot
of help. The responsibility taught me three things: one always be organized, two you have to be
kind, generous, and loving with the power that is trusted of you, and the most important do not
dwell of the things that might go wrong, but learn to trust in God.