ffi DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE THE DEANOF THE FACULTY USAFACADEMYCOLORADO 1 ? JAN2007 Brigadier GeneralDana H. Born Dean of the Faculty 2354FairchildDrive, Suite5A35 USAF AcademvCO 80840-6200 Dr. Gail Jaquish President,Jaquish& KenningerFoundation P.O. Box 129 Lake TahoeNV 89448-0L29 Dear Dr. Jaquish I have received,and the United StatesAir Force Academy gratefully acceptsthe very generousgift donation(in the form of a check dated 12 December2006 in the amountof $10,000)from the Jaquish& KenningerFoundation. We are also grateful for the additional funds of $2,350 you have generouslyoffered to provide during the fiscal year 2007. This money will be usedby our SummerResearchProgram,"Law of Armed Conflict Competition," to supportthe participationof our cadetsat the InternationalInstitute of HumanitarianLaw in San Remo, Italy. Last year,75internationalcadets,representingsix continents,15 countries,and22 military academiesparticipatedin the Competition,and one of our cadetsearnedthe most prestigiousaward as a part of the "Best Mixed Team" with cadetsfrom Israel and Russia. We truly look forward to building our relationshipwith eachother and working together toward expandingthe knowledgeof our young men and women. Theseactivities are made possiblethroughthe compassionategifts and donationsfrom foundationssuch as the Jaquish& KenningerFoundationand your assistanceis invaluablein our efforts to offer world-class educationto build leadersfor tomorrow's Air Force. For your records,the United StatesAir ForceAcademy is a tax-exemptorganizationand we have not provided your foundationwith any Air Force Academy goodsor servicesin connectionwith this $10,000charitablecontribution. Thank you very much for your interestand supportof the United StatesAir Force Academy andourprog* )rf fl#r I 4L DANA H. BORN,Brig Gen,USAF