BMGT302 Syllabus - Dale Kim

BMGT302 - Syllabus
Developing Business Applications
Fall 2012
Lecture Meeting Time:
Sect. #0101 – Tuesday, Thursday (11:00 am to 12:15 pm)
Sect. #0201 – Monday, Wednesday (03:30 pm to 04:45 pm)
Sect. #FP01 – Monday, Wednesday (12:30 pm to 01:45 pm)
Location (Lecture):
VMH 1311
Lab Meeting Time:
Sect #0101 – Thursday (5 to 5:50 pm) – Mr. Scott Hudson
Sect #0201 – Thursday (6 to 6:50 pm) – Mr. Scott Hudson
Sect #FP01 – Thursday (7 to 7:50 pm) – Mr. Scott Hudson
Location (Lab):
VMH 1311
Course Web Site:
(you can access the course Web site after logging in)
Office Hours:
Dr. Peng Huang
4350 VMH
Tu/Th, 1:30 – 3:30pm; or by appointment.
Teaching Assistants:
Mr. Scott Hudson ( – lab instructor
Mr. Bryan Huang (– section 0101
Mr. Aman Chopra ( – section 0201
Mr. Kevin Faranetta ( – section FP01
The Visual Basic programming language is used to teach business computer programming using an
Object Oriented Programming approach; including fundamental programming principles in eventdriven programming. The course is designed to teach programming and problem-solving practices
which are applicable to any programming environment, but with specific emphasis on the Visual Basic
programming language and the Windows operating environment. The class will include lectures and
discussions supplemented by hands-on exercises in lab sessions.
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Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010: RELOADED, 4th
By Diane Zak
Publisher: Course Technology
ISBN-10: 1111221790
ISBN-13: 9781111221799
Simply Visual Basic 2010: An App-Driven
Approach, 4/E
By Pual Deitel
ISBN-10: 0132990601
ISBN-13: 978-0132990608
Publisher: Prentice Hall
1. USB Drive (use to back up your work when you do not have H: drive; school emails won’t do
since the system won’t let you send executable files!!!)
2. Access to a Windows PC. You can
1) Use the computer in the lab
2) Use your own laptop or computer, if you have a PC
3) If you have a Mac, set up a virtual machine using software such as VMWare. However, Mac
support is not provided by the instructor.
3. Software: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 (available in the lab).
You can also get your copy of the software for free from Microsoft one of the following ways:
1) The Express edition of Visual Basic 2010 can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft
web site Go to Download and select Visual Basic 2010
Express edition.
2) The Professional edition of Visual Studio 2010 can be downloaded from This web site verifies your student status before allowing you to
download the software.
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and implementations of programming using Visual Basic.
Computers have become an integral part of the business today. As such, in this class we will emphasize the
programming concepts relevant to business and we will focus on the development of applications used in a
business environment.
In teaching information systems, we strongly believe in learning-by-doing. Students will be in a learning
environment where they have to implement the programming concepts they learn. Students will be
provided with hands-on instruction as well as lectures. Some of the topics to be covered in this course
include the design of the user interface, use of named variables and constants, sequential, repetition and
decision structures, commonly used data structures, writing object-oriented programs, and use of data files.
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
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1. Have a general understanding of the fundamental concepts of programming and application
2. Know how to create a graphical user interface (GUI) and write simple event procedures associated with
the GUI controls.
3. Be able to define variables and constants of various data types and use them in calculations
4. Be able to apply programming constructs such as sequence, decision structures, and repetition
5. Be able to write reusable code using sub procedures and functions.
6. Be able to develop multiple form programs.
7. Know various ways to display output and how to format it.
8. Understand and apply arrays and structures.
9. Be able to develop applications that use data files.
10. Know how to create your own classes and objects
The lectures will focus on discussing concepts with simple examples. The lecture meetings will be in
the classroom. The student will be responsible for all the material and updates presented and discussed
in the lectures. The text, lecture notes, and lectures will provide a base of knowledge that participants
can use in assignments and the course project.
The objective of laboratory sessions is to present an opportunity to enable students to apply and learn
programming concepts in VB. The lab is an integral part of the course, which is why we will meet
once a week in the lab. The lab sessions will provide students an opportunity to work on real world
programming tasks.
The assistants will help you during the lab. If you wait until the lab to start thinking about the
assignment, you will not take advantage of the assistance made available to you. Please come prepared.
The Smith School of Business offers rigorous, academically-challenging courses and provides
meaningful feedback on student performance to facilitate learning. Transparency and consistency in
grading are important elements that ensure the integrity of the curriculum.
Grading method
HW Assignments (5 HWs)
In Class Quizzes (6@15 each)
Exams (2 @ 100 each)
Course Project Final
Maximum Points Possible
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Final grades
The following are indicative of how the points on the course would be mapped to a grade. This is only
indicative and may be adjusted at my discretion.
A = 90%+, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = 60% -.
Quizzes (in class)
To reinforce application concepts and encourage you to read the chapters, six multiple-choices / true or
false quizzes will be given during class time throughout the semester. The quizzes are close-book
quizzes. For the quiz schedules, check the class schedule file. The quizzes will be relatively simple
and based on the readings & lecture of the previous week/chapter.
Please note that if you miss a quiz due to absence of classes, no make-up quiz will be given unless
you have documented emergencies that are specified by UMD school policy. For details, see
Homework assignments
There will be five homework assignments to be completed individually. Each assignment will
reinforce specific concepts related to the relevant chapter/lecture. All assignments include conceptual
and applied components. As you will notice, a significant part of the course grade is determined by
your performance on the assignments so it is my belief that working on the assignments will help you
learn application concepts and their implementation in VB.
It is not wrong to seek clarifications and minor help with completion of each assignment but
there is a very fine line between seeking assistance and cheating. Please stay on the legal side of
that line. Lab assistance is provided specifically to help you, and you are always welcome to consult
me during the office hours should you have questions.
To prevent plagiarism in homework assignments, the grading of HWs may also include an oral
part. For each homework assignment, I may randomly select a subset of students to come to my office
during office hour and explain the logic of the code that is submitted. If a student cannot clearly
explain how his/her own code works, it is up to my discretion to decide whether plagiarism occurs and
corresponding measures will be taken.
Each assignment will require you to spend time on the computer. Please plan on it. Each assignment
will be worth 25-40 points. Submission instructions for all assignments will be covered at the
beginning of the each assignment. Please keep in mind that several files need to be turned in to allow
the grading of your assignment. If all relevant files are not submitted, you will not receive full credit
for the assignment. Exceptions to this may be made at the instructor's discretion during the first
assignment; after this point, the rule will be strictly enforced.
All assignments are due by 12 midnight on the day due (see schedule for specific dates). These
assignments are submitted via Bb and Bb will shut down the submission window at the due
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Late assignments must be submitted via dedicated late submission item on BB (again, don’t send
through email since it won’t work!!!). Late assignments (by less than 24 hours) will result in a
grade reduction of 25%. Assignments submitted late by more that 24 hours will receive a zero.
You have been warned!
The exams will include conceptual questions and code examples. Exams will primarily test whether
you understood concepts covered in the lecture and reading. There will be two exams, worth 100
points each.
No extra time will be provided for late arrivals. Exams can only be made-up in the event of
documented emergencies. In any event, make-up exams are only given at instructor discretion. If your
cell phone or pager goes off during an exam you will receive a grade reduction of 1/8.
Course Project
There is a course project that is expected to give you an opportunity to combine the skills you have
acquired in the course. The project is to be completed individually. The description of the course
project will provide you with more detailed information. Please see the schedule for deadlines. All
project deliverables are due via Bb at the date and time indicated in the schedule below.
Students are responsible for class attendance. Students who miss class should make arrangements to
obtain notes pertaining to the lecture and/or laboratory missed. The key to good participation in this
course is being a ‘good citizen’ (i.e., being present, doing the readings, and doing all your work in a
timely fashion, participating in class voluntarily and when called upon, etc.). Also, never hesitate to
ask questions. If something seems unclear, it is your responsibility to stop me to ask for clarification. If
you do not understand something in-class or have a question, the chances are someone else may also
have the same question! Please take the initiative to ask!
The use of cell phone/tablet and all other forms of distracting information technologies in the
classroom is PROHIBITED. Use classroom computer only when you are instructed to do so.
Audio and video recording of the class discussion is only permitted by the professor’s approval.
Students may take digital notes of class discussions only with the professor’s approval, as long as they
are seated in the first row of the class.
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The scores of HWs will also be posted on Blackboard within a week after submission. The course
project will be graded in the most expedient way possible at the end of the semester. Please recognize
that given the extensiveness of the project, there may be a delay in posting grades at the end of the
semester. If you are graduating this semester, please be sure to inform me toward the end of the
semester so that your grade may be posted in time for graduation.
A grade of ‘Incomplete’ may be awarded to students who have a legitimate reason for needing
additional time to complete a course. Legitimate reasons include emergencies or extenuating
circumstances that prevent a student from completing the course requirements within the normal time
frame. Students must initiate the request for an incomplete prior to the end of the semester. In no case
will a grade of incomplete be awarded to someone seeking more time to master the course material in
order to improve his or her grade. However, under all circumstances, an ‘I’ will be awarded only at the
discretion of the instructor.
You must make the appeal in writing. However, score changes are at the discretion of the instructor
and may be up or down based upon a complete review of the work in question. It is important to
recognize that a grade reflects another person’s judgment of your work. In this sense, all grading is
subjective. Appealing scores is discouraged. Changing a few points on assignments rarely makes a
difference in the final grade. Time is much better spent discussing and clarifying the information
content presented in the course. In the event of disputes at the end of the semester, you will be required
to produce the testing material in question.
In the case of a grading mistake (i.e., grade is posted incorrectly, grader did not give credit for an item
that exists) you must first contact the TA who graded the assignment.
The University's Code of Academic Integrity is designed to ensure that the principles of academic
honesty and integrity are upheld. All students are expected to adhere to this Code. The Smith School
does not tolerate academic dishonesty. All acts of academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance
with the provisions of this code. Please visit the following website for more information on the
University's Code of Academic Integrity:
On each assignment you will be asked to write out and sign the following pledge. "I pledge on my
honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this exam/assignment."
Any student in this class who has a documented visual or physical impairment, hearing disability, or
any other disability covered by the University’s Services for students with disabilities should contact
the instructor during the first week of class to discuss and arrange any instructional accommodations
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that may be necessary. If you need additional information, please contact the Disability Support
Service of the University at 301-314-7682. Students who would like to serve as volunteer tutors,
readers or note takers for students needing special assistance are encouraged to contact me during the
first week of class.
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