DDG: Mr. Rajesh Jock 13 March 2012 Background Organisational Structure Departmental Outcomes Programmes 1 - 7 Programme Objectives ◦ Strategic Objectives ◦ Key Performance Indicators /Activities ◦ Challenges and Interventions 2 Presentation of a revised 2011/12-2013/14 Strategic Plan as a result: ◦ Following Auditor-General’s comments that our Strategic Plan is not measurable (in terms of SMART principles) ◦ No definite targets Restructuring of the Department from policy making to policy and coordinators of implementation resulted in a Mode based structure: ◦ Seven (7) Branches/Modes 3 Shift from Policy making to implementation coordination This correlates directly with the mandates of Department Modes of transport are quite distinct & overlaps will be minimised Centralises & incubates scarce expertise (from the dimension of function) > skills and capacity Focus on the “what” rather than the “how” Outward orientated (focuses on services to public/clients) Makes oversight of public entities easier because they are function specific 4 5 Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning Programme 3: Rail Transport Programme 4: Road Transport Programme 5: Civill Aviation Programme 1: Administration Department of Transport: “Transport, the Heartbeat of Economic Growth and Social Development Programme 6: Maritime Transport Programme 7: Public Transport 6 Hierarchy of types and nature of Plans to Execute the Strategic Plan of a Department 1. Vision/Policy 2. Strategic Objectives 3. Measurable Objectives 4. Performance Measures 5. Targets/Indicator s 6. Activities/ Initiatives Strategic Plan (3-5 yrs) 2011/2012-2013-14 2. Business/Budget Plan (3yrs MTEF/Review/MTEC) 3. Annual Performance Plan (APP) (1 yr/annually) 4. Operational Plan (1 year with 4 quarters/quarterly) 5. Work plans and Project Plans (Weekly) 6. Itemised Daily Activity Plans Development plans (individuals at all levels) NB: Each Performer level is responsible for a micro-plan which is a subsystem of the macro-plan 7 Outcome 1: An efficient and integrated transport infrastructure network for social and economic development Outcome 6: Increased contribution of transport to environmental sustainability Outcome 2: A transport sector that is safe DoT: Outcome 5: Increased contribution to job creation Outcome 3: Improved rural access, infrastructure and mobility Outcome 4: Improved public transport systems 8 Engagement Time Frames Branch Strategic Planning Sessions November – 14 December 2011 One-on-one sessions between DG and respective DDGs Submission of first draft inputs 5 -11 January 2012 Departmental Strategic Planning Session Presentation of the Strategic Plan to the Minister and Deputy Minister Attendance (MANCO: DDG’s; Chief Directors and Directors) 26 – 27 January 2012 Presentation of the Strategic Plan 2012 to Portfolio Committee on Transport 14 February 2012 Final Draft and printing of the Strategic Plan (awaiting SONA and Budget Speech) 25 Feb. – 3 March 2012 9 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 10 Programme 1: Administration Purpose: To coordinate and render effective, efficient strategic support and administration services to Ministry, Director-General and the Department Strategic Focus on the following sub-programmes: ◦ Transport Information Systems ◦ Enterprise Portfolio Management (EPM) (Project Management Unit) ◦ Communications and Stakeholder Management 11 Enterprise Portfolio Management (EPM) Transport Information Systems (TIS) Understanding that we can not do it Programme 1: alone Administration Communications and Stakeholder Management Ministry; Office of the Deputy Minister; Office of the DirectorGeneral (ODG); Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO); Corporate Management; Human Resource Man. & Development; Legal Services and International Relations 12 13 Citizen’s face an incoherent and fragmented interaction system ◦ Ticketing systems vary by mode and geography Goods are not processed fast enough at sea ports and airports ◦ ICT can enable faster processing as the physical infrastructure upgraded and/or renewed A reliable, consistent and traceable means of licensing vehicles and drivers is required ◦ ICT can provide more tamper-proof solutions The new tolling facilities require complex monitoring and management systems for revenue management ◦ ICT is able to provide the business intelligence and revenue management solutions 14 Silo IT Systems •Higher Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Lack of Information approach •No single version of the truth Lack of single service strategy •Fragmented citizen/stakeholder experience Fragmented procurement •Opportunity cost of lead Sourcing practice, e.g. Demand Aggregation DoT does not have a retained ICT organisation •Poor management of ICT state and key service suppliers 15 Convenient travel and administration Smooth and efficient traffic flow Safe and secure transport Green, energy saved less CO2 emission ICT Hub Modernized logistics & multi-mode transport collaborated Forward-looking decision-making Comprehensive business intelligence 16 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ITS Branch Purpose: Provision of effective and efficient Transport Information Systems Strategic Objective (SO): To obtain approval for the establishment of a Transport Information Technology Hub Key Performance Indicators • Obtained approval to establish a National Transport Information Hub •Branch Supported administrative, andand technical operations in the Purpose: Provision of legal, effective efficient Transport IT Hub Information Systems Strategic Objective (SO): To provide secure, reliable and easily accessible Transport related information Key Performance Indicators • Implemented business intelligence, corporate governance and consolidated key ICT operations in the transport family • Implemented efficient change management principles in ICT • Implemented an Electronic Content Management solution across the transport family as the backbone for information and document management • A fully functional National Land Transport Information Timelines (target) 2011 – 2012 2012 Timelines (target) 2011 – 2012 2012 2012 - 2013 2012 – 2013 17 Branch Purpose: Provision of effective and efficient Transport Information Systems Strategic Objective (SO): To ensure that the relative legislative framework exists to support the IT Hub Key Performance Indicators • Drafted a Bill that outlines the purpose, scope, and operations of the Transport Information Technology Trading Entity Timelines (target) 2012 - 2013 18 Phase 1 2012~2013 Tangible and immediate benefit Phase 2 2013~2014 Infrastructure expand Phase 3 2014~2015 Widely effective and integrated, comprehensive business intelligence Phase 4 2015~2016 Safer and securer, Convenient and seamless transport business 19 20 Actionable Intelligence transform Big Data into Intelligence transform 21 ENTERPRISE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT (EPM) 22 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES EPM Purpose: Enterprise Portfolio Management (EPM) (former Project Management Unit (PMU)) : Creation of a Transport Enterprise Portfolio Management Unit Strategic Objective (SO): To develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation tool for catalytic transport projects Key Performance Indicators • A complete national catalytic project portfolio list, aligned with department’s Infrastructure Programme • Monitoring and Evaluation tool for the Transport sector Timelines (target) December 2012 March 2013 Strategic Objective (SO): To develop an assessment criteria and ranking tool for the prioritisation and sequencing of identified strategic projects Key Performance Indicators • Project Assessment criteria and ranking tool March 2013 Strategic Objective (SO): To create a knowledge management centre for the transport sector Key Performance Indicators • A comprehensive and accurate record management system, March 2013 23 COMMUNICATIONS 24 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES COMMUNICATIONS Purpose: Strategic Objective (SO): To align communication activivites and campaigns Timelines (target) Key Performance Indicators March 2012 • Develop a Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and implementation plan Strategic Objective (SO): Policy advocacy for projects and programmes of the DoT being carried out by different Branches/Modes Key Performance Indicators • Draw up and implement clear communication (media campaigns and events) plans to profile and publicise work being done by various Branches/Modes March 2013 Strategic Objective (SO): To create platforms on road funding and promote Transport Infrastructure Development projects Key Performance Indicators • Convene a road funding summit for stakeholders to coincide April 2012 25 Purpose: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES COMMUNICATIONS Strategic Objective (SO): To encourage and promote the use of public transport Timelines (target) Key Performance Indicators • Conceptualize and convene public transport engagement forums, i.e. June 2012 roundtable discussions on state, investment into and benefits of public transport and a major Summit •Purpose: Conceptualize and convene public transport awards October 2012 Strategic Objective (SO): To implement the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety and national Road Safety Strategy Key Performance Indicators • Conceptualise and execute high impact social behavioural change communication programmes (sustained media campaigns, stakeholder events and key messages throughout the year) • Conceptualize and execute high impact and comprehensive Easter and December holidays season-specific Road Safety media campaigns • Profile national road safety programmes as part of the March 2013 April/May 2012 Dec/Jan 2013 26 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES COMMUNICATIONS Purpose: Strategic Objective (SO): Profile and highlight the country’s state of transport, investment and future plans Key Performance Indicators • Conceptualize and and execute high impact campaigns and events during the month of October, i.e. October Transport Month • Profile key transport infrastructure projects, i.e. Moloto Corridor and other successful interventions that forms part of the Presidential Infrastructure Commission (PICC) Timelines (target) August-October 2012 October 2012 27 RISK/CHALLENGES Non cooperation from agencies MITIGATION Stakeholder Engagement and robust communication plans • • • • COTO CEO’a Forum MinMec National Treasury Lack of Funding Playing an active part in the budgeting process, and convincing Line functions and National Treasury of the value of these functions Stakeholder buy-in and cooperation Establish stakeholder platforms, to participate in the development and approval of the process No clear communication strategy/plan Draft and approved Communication Strategy Inadequate resources (skills and human capacity) and misalignment Filling of posts, review of job specifications, roles and 28 PROGRAMME 2: INTEGRATED TRANSPORT PLANNING 29 Macro Sector Planning examines land use for transport in all spheres of government from a multimodal perspective to provide guidance on future investment. It manages, coordinates and facilitates the implementation of the planning provisions contained in the National Land Transport Act (2009) and the subprogramme also develops planning guidelines and a national five-year strategic framework to inform provincial and municipal planning. Logistics develops and coordinates the implementation of freight logistics strategies aimed at unblocking bottlenecks in the freight logistics system and the related supply chains, with particular emphasis on integrating elements of the system across modes The subprogramme will be responsible for reviewing and implementing the national freight logistics strategy, developing and updating the national transport database and finalising the branchline strategy following the development of the rail policy. Modeling and Economic Analysis undertakes economic studies, develop models, and applies economic analysis tools to the context of the transport sector policy development. The subprogramme started a study on the macroeconomic impact of transport to the economy and completed a paper on South Africa’s global competitiveness by reducing transport costs in 2011/12. The subprogramme also established a greenhouse gas inventory and a model to reduce emissions in the transport sector. Research and Innovation manages and conducts research for the various modes of transport, participates in transport innovation and technology activities, formulates and implements the sectors’ environmental policies and strategies, as well as monitors and evaluates the impact of transport programmes and projectsincluding a focus on climate change mitigation purposes by converting public transport vehicles to the use of compressed natural gas Regional Integration manages, coordinates and facilitates developing of strategies for engagement in the SADC region and the continent and the subprogramme will seek to develop a working relationship with all regional institutions and established regional corridors clusters 30 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Branch Purpose: Strategic Objective (SO):To support, manage and facilitate national planning underpinned by the strategic planning framework and relevant strategies, coordinate inter-sphere relations in relation to transport planning, support line functions and other spheres of government in creating seamless integration in transport operations, co-ordinate efforts to integrate interventions in the region and continent and provide economic modeling and analysis and manage research, innovation and environmental activities for the sector SO: Macro Sector Planning: Timelines (target) To ensure that macro-transport sector planning is integrated, coordinated with all land use to facilitate multi-modalism Key Performance Indicators •Master planning Implementation and review •Macro Planning Statutory instruments and Policy Coordination •Sector Planning and Coordination •Multi-modal transport Planning Projects/Programme •Cabinet approval of the NATMAP 2050 document. •Macro Planning Framework •Development of National Planning and Implementation Bill •National Transport Planning Forum established •Feasibility study on Databank development. • June 2012 •March 2013 •March 2014 •June 2012 •March 2014 31 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective (SO): Research and Innovation manages and conducts research for the various modes of transport, participates in transport innovation and technology activities, formulates and implements the sectors’ environmental policies and strategies, as well as monitors and evaluates the impact of transport programmes and projectsincluding a focus on climate change mitigation purposes by converting public transport vehicles to the use of compressed natural gas SO: RESEARCH AND INNOVATION: To research and innovate and applicable technologies for improved and environmentally sustainable transport systems Timelines (target) Key Performance Indicators •Transport Research •Transport Innovation and Technology •Environmental Co-ordination •Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Projects/Programme •Mitigation and conversion of public transport vehicles to CNG •Study on Transport Energy Consumption and Mitigation Strategies •Development and setting of cutting edge research transport areas and technology •Conceptualisation and development of a Transport Monitoring and Evaluation Framework • • • March 2014 March 2014 March 2014 • Dec 2012 32 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective (SO): Modeling and Economic Analysis undertakes economic studies, develop models, and applies economic analysis tools to the context of the transport sector policy development. The subprogramme started a study on the macroeconomic impact of transport to the economy and completed a paper on South Africa’s global competitiveness by reducing transport costs in 2011/12. The subprogramme also established a greenhouse gas inventory and a model to reduce emissions in the transport sector SO: MODELING AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Timelines (target) Provide economic modeling and analysis of the socio – economic transport sector Key Performance Indicators •Modeling and Macroeconomic Analysis Frameworks and Reports •Funding Models •Transport Statistical data •Implementation of Integrated Transport Sector B-BBEE Codes •Economic Intelligence for decision making Projects/Programme •Macro economic impact of transport •Transport modal shift analysis •National Household survey •Establishment of a BBBEE Charter Council •March 2014 •March 2014 •March 2013 •Dec 2012 33 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective (SO): To develop and coordinates the implementation of freight logistics strategies aimed at unblocking bottlenecks in the freight logistics system and the related supply chains, with particular emphasis on integrating elements of the system across modes The subprogramme will be responsible for reviewing and implementing the national freight logistics strategy, developing and updating the national transport database and finalising the branchline strategy following the development of the rail policy. SO: LOGISTICS: Timelines (target) Enhance and coordination of integrated transport facilities to support and improve seamless supply chain movement, platforms and Performance Key Performance Indicators •Integrated Freight Corridors •Development and enhancement of Logistic Infrastructure •Develop corridor performance indicator framework and platforms •Develop an integrated national intermodal Projects/Programme •2050 vision: Durban – Johannesburg Corridor Project •National update of Freight Transport Databanks •Intermodal facility framework and development plan •Trade and transshipment hubs •March 2014 •Sep 2013 •March 2013 •June 2013 34 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective (SO): manage, coordinate and facilitate and develop strategies for engagement in the SADC region and the continent and the subprogramme will seek to develop a working relationship with all regional institutions and established regional corridors clusters SO: REGIONAL INTEGRATION: Timelines (target) Improve port of entry efficiencies to ensure the seamless and integrated movement of traffic through development & implementation of optimization plans Key Performance Indicators •Efficient trade through the development of regional corridor •Efficient flow of goods through the borders of the country •Enhanced Africa integration Projects/Programme •Border optimization plan •Study on harmonization of transport standards •Develop management instruments for Regional Corridors •Study on the status of regional infrastructure • • • • March March March March 2014 2013 2014 2013 35 RISK/CHALLENGES MITIGATION Institutional development planning alignment Establishment of National Transport Forum Department and Public entity planning and infrastructure alignment Finalisation of Convergence Framework Delays in approval of draft Bills Minister and Deputy Minister to engage Parliament for processing of legislation quicker Unavailability of transport data Development of a freight filling information Lack of stakeholder buy in Stakeholder engagement exercises 36 PROGRAMME 3: RAIL TRANSPORT 37 Purpose: Rail Transport Branch To facilitate and coordinate the development of sustainable: rail transport policies, rail economic and safety regulation, infrastructure development strategies and systems that reduces system costs and improves customer service. To monitor and oversee: the Railway Safety Regulator and the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, the implementation of integrated rail services planned through the lowest competent sphere of government 38 Strategic Objective: 1.7 ENHANCE EFFICIENCIES AND RELIABILITY IN RAIL TRANSPORT SECTOR 2.1 TO ENSURE A SAFE RAILWAY AND CONDUCIVE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT Projects Development of the Rail Transport Policy Establishment of a Rail Economic Regulator Reduce accidents and incident in the rail environment Key Performance Indicators Publish Green Paper Adopt White Paper & Promulgate Rail Act Timelines 2012/13 2013/14 Interim regulatory capacity established Establishment of Rail Economic Regulator – STER 2012/13 2013/14 Finalise accident and incident status quo report Conclude regulatory safety gap analysis & Implemented Gap Analysis recommendations 2012/13 2013/14 39 Strategic Objectives: 1.6 TO UPGRADE AND EXPAND THE PRIORITY COMMUTER RAIL CORRIDORS (7 OF THE 21 CORRIDORS BY 2014) 5.1 TO CREATE JOBS WITHIN THE RAIL SECTOR Projects: Upgrading and Refurbishment of commuter coaches, Priority corridors upgraded & Acquisition of new rolling Stock Key Performance Indicators 450 rail coaches generally overhauled and upgraded 450 rail coaches generally overhauled and upgraded Timelines 2012/13 2013/14 Gauteng Train Control Nerve Centre 5/6 sections Gauteng Train Control Nerve Centre 6/6 sections 2012/13 2013/14 Greenview – Pienaarspoort extension – Construction 70% complete Constructions of stations & perway 100% complete 2012/13 2013/14 Bridge City Rail extension - Construction of perway at 50% completed Constructions of stations & perway 100% complete 2012/13 2013/14 Approve preferred bidder for new Rolling Stock Signing of contract with preferred bidder 2012/13 2013/14 40 Strategic Objective: 1.6 TO UPGRADE AND EXPAND THE PRIORITY COMMUTER RAIL CORRIDORS (7 OF THE 21 CORRIDORS BY 2014) Project Performance Monitoring and Evaluation – Development and implementation of National Service Level Agreement Key Performance Indicators Development of National Service Level Agreement & pilot DoT & PRASA Implementation of Service Level Agreement and introduction of regional services level agreements Timelines 2012/13 2013/14 41 RISK/CHALLENGES MITIGATION Ineffective planning, implementation and poor strategic project management by PRASA/RSR Dedicated project team, performance monitoring, coordination, intervention by Executive Authority Delay in the finalization of framework for the National Service Level Agreement (SLA) with PRASA Establishment of Steering Committee to drive the process from development to implementation Job creation/ local content risk - the risk that the job creation targets are not achieved due to unavailability of appropriate skills Liaison with Dep. Higher Education & Training Progressive increase in local content over the procurement period Clear definition of local content targets and output specifications Penalty regime/performance monitoring continued updating of risk matrix Capacity at local level to manage the commuter rail subsidy function Building of capacity and funding support at local level to prepare for 42 management of rail subsidy function RISK/CHALLENGES MITIGATION Availability of verified data and affordability of information and monitoring system by the RSR Implementation of National Information and Monitoring System at RSR Delay in publishing of Green Paper, adoption of White Paper and promulgation of Rail Act Effective stakeholder management through a structured Stakeholder Management Plan 43 44 Programme 4: Road Transport To Regulate road traffic management; ensure the maintenance and development of an integrated road network through the development of standards and guidelines and oversight of the road agencies and provincial road expenditure 45 CD: Road Transport Regulation Strategic Objective: To reduce accidents and incidents on the roads and change driver behaviour Programme/ Projects Key Performance Indicators Timelines To facilitate the implementation of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Rollout of AARTO across the entire Republic April 2012. Service Delivery improvements at DLTC, Registering Authorities, Vehicle testing Stations. Development of Service delivery Charter and Standards for DLTC, Registering Authorities, Vehicle testing Stations. Implementation of improved service delivery standards April 2012 Ministerial approval of the Task Team and Terms of Reference. Investigations into fraudulent issuance of Roadworthy Certificates. Feb 2012 Legislative amendments to all empowering legal prescripts April 2012 Establishment of the Road Traffic National Task Team Road Traffic legislative review. June 2012 March 2012 46 CD: Road Transport Regulation Strategic Objective: Coordinate and provide support to Provinces and Agencies on road safety to change the attitude and behaviour of road users and fostering stakeholder participation on road safety interventions. Programme/ Projects Key Performance Indicators Development of the Road Safety Strategy Implementation of road safety programmes– Train the Road Safety Councils in implementing road safety programs in their areas Siyabakhumbula/ Re a ba gopola Road Safety education Roll out of the Decade of Action Implementation of the Learners and driving Licenses programmes within Grade 12 and Tertiary Institutions Incorporation of the Driver learner program within the Education programs Timelines April 2012 April 2012 47 CD: Road Transport Regulation Strategic Objective: To reduce the accidents and incidents on the roads Projects/Programme Implementation of Periodic Motor vehicle test for motor vehicles 10yrs and older Key Performance Indicators Amendment of the National Road Traffic Act incorporating Periodic Motor vehicle Testing. Timelines Sep 2012 Legislative review focusing on – speed, alcohol and seat belts as priorities Amendment of the legislative provisions dealing with the reduction of speed and Zero alcohol limit Sep 2012. • Hosting of the driving schools summit. • Development of Legislation and driving Standards. March/ April Amendment of driving licenses legislative provisions Dec 2012 Regulation of the Driving School Industry and instructors Introduction of 3 year probationary driving licence period May 2012 Dec 2012 48 CD: Road Infrastructure & Industry Development Strategic Objective: To manage maintenance and preservation of the road network. Programme/ Projects Key Performance Indicators Timelines S’hamba Sonke Road Programme • Provincial Road Maintenance • Coal haulage Number of kilometers/m2 roads maintained. 2012/13 Development of Roads Act ;Policy; and Regulations Finalised and approved policy on roads. March 2013 Roads Funding Summit Hosting of the Summit and the development of roads funding models. May 2012 49 SO: To create job opportunities through the Road Transport Programmes Programme/ Projects Key Performance Indicators: • 120 000 Full Time Employment Created • 68 000 (2011/12); • +20 000 (2012/13) • +30 000(2013/14) S’hamba Sonke Job creation Programe through the maintenance of secondary road network Timelines (target) 120 000 FTEs by 2013/14 SO: To improve Non-Motorised facilities, infrastructure and services Programme/ Projects • Assist 21 District Municipalities in developing Non-Motorised Infrastructure and facilities Key Performance Indicators: • Number of municipalities rolling out NMT infrastructure 2012/13 NMT rolled out in 12 Municipalities 2013/14 NMT rolled out in 21 Municipalities 50 CD: Road Engineering Standards ( RES) Strategic Objective: To develop, update and coordinate implementation of road engineering technical guidelines, norms and standards. Programme/ Projects) Key Performance Indicators Timelines S’hamba Sonke “ Know Your Network” Component •Road asset management policy & Guideline Road asset management policy & Guideline developed COTO approval by 2012. •Critical technical standards & norms reviewed and revised • • COTO approval for TRH3, TRH20. Digitised Road Traffic Signs Manual and updated Route Numbering & Destination Analysis Document COTO Meeting in 2012 •Road Infrastructure Safety Framework • Road Infrastructure Safety Framework developed March 2013 51 CD: Driving License Card Account Strategic Objective: To manage the manufacturing of driving license cards Programme/ Projects Key Performance Indicators Timelines Produce and deliver drivers license cards within a specified number of calendar days •2 001 000 cards 2012/13 •70 LCU 2012/13 To provide and maintain Live Capture Units (LCU’s) at Driving License Testing Centres (DLTC’s) 52 RISK/CHALLENGES MITIGATION • Non compliant society – no respect for the law • Alcohol abuse widespread • Inadequate enforcement – concentration on speed – not moving violations and alcohol. Urban speed limits too high for pedestrians Behavioral change difficult to achieve Fraud and Corruption within road management • Alignment of efforts with agencies(e.g. RTMC) Review of Mandate & Reporting Framework Provinces & driving license testing centres are not paying for drivers license card fees which negatively impair the cashflow for the entity and unable to repay the loan to DoT (+-R50mill) Amend legislation to enforce the payment for cards on placing of order Full compliance by provinces with S’hamba Sonke Guidelines Adoption of S’hamba Sonke Concept Document and Implementation Manual by COTO and MINMEC Deployment of Programme Management and Support at national and provinces. Classification of the Grant : Schedule 4(a) Combination of PRMG and Disaster Management into one grant Strict compliance with DORA for PRMG and Disaster Management Grant Alignment of efforts with agencies(eg. SANRAL) Review of Mandate & Reporting Framework Participation and acceptance by stakeholders. Policy directive and on-going consultation transport 53 PROGRAMME 5: CIVIL AVIATION 54 Branch: Civil Aviation Purpose : Facilitate the development of an economically viable air transport industry that is safe, secure, efficient, environmentally friendly and compliant with international standards through regulation and investigation and to oversee aviation public entities. This is also informed by a Ministerial foreword in the 2009/10 Strategic Objective when he sighted this – “Daily, goods and people are transported from place to place because some form of efficient transport exists. Over the years, transport has performed well and contributed immensely to South Africa’s economic growth, and the growth of Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Africa as a whole.” 55 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe To effectively regulate air transport Reviewed Airlift Strategy (which expired in 2010) Cabinet approval by March 2013 Negotiated and reviewed bilateral air service agreements 8 Key countries by March 2013 Liberalised air services framework in SADC, JCA and in Africa as a whole in line with the YD (Yamassokouro Decision) March 2013 Developed air freight Strategy 2012/2013 To improve air freight services 56 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators To ensure effective air transport economic regulations Reviewed regulatory framework for ACSA March 2013 and ATNS Incorporate the funding model and regulation into the permission Application Process Forecast planning framework Forecast planning framework Collect and analyse data to monitor industry performance and forecast industry performance Managed permission application process for ACSA and ATNS Facilitate the “Approach to the Permission” process and the “Permission Application” processes Oversee and facilitate implementation Timeframe March 2013 March 2013 2013/2014 57 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe To revise the National Civil Aviation Policy National Civil Aviation Policy reviewed Minister’s approval Cabinet approval January 2013 March 2013 Approved National Airports Development 2012-2013 Plan To continuously improve civil aviation safety Promulgate regulations: review and update regulations inline with the ICAO SARPS Ongoing Established Aviation Appeals Committee March 2013 Established Independent Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigations Board (IAAIIB) March 2014 58 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe To enhance civil aviation regional and international cooperation Facilitate the effective representation of South Africa at SADC, Africa and International For a, i.e. representation at SADC, AFCAC and ICAO Ongoing Enhanced/effective communication with SADC, AFCAC and ICAO Ongoing Effective management if the Transport March 2013 Facilitation Committee – promulgation of the NATFC and 100% response raised by members Ratified civil aviation conventions and protocol – ratification of 4 recently adopted international legal instruments December 2012 59 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe To continuously improve civil aviation security Promulgate regulations in line with the ICAO SARPS Ongoing Aviation security (AVSEC) Audit finalised December 2012 Reviewed National Security Programme (NASP) Presentation to SADC and conduct a risk assessment Submit a security risk assessment report Facilitate the establishment of an OneStop Aviation Security System, including PNT in the region – to comply with the recommendation of the AU Ministerial resolution on the ABUJA roadmap on March 2013 January 2014 March 2013 60 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe To minimise aviation emissions To institute a legal instrument on the restriction/addition of stage 2 aircraft in our registry December 2013 To institute a regional awareness December 2014 programme on the elimination of stage 2 aircraft To implement the Medium Orbit Search and Rescue (MEOSAR) satellite system as regional Compliance with the ICAO Assembly Resolution A22 March 2013 A 37 Assembly resolution supported – prepare a working paper to the A38 for presentation at ICAO Assembly of 2013/14 November 2013 Cost effective COSPAS-SARSAT MEOSAR system within the SADC region – convene a consultation conference to develop an action plan and obtain SADC approval March 2013 61 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators To integrate Standardised SAR regulations for the aviation search and SADC region rescue regimes, services and systems within the Signed MoU on the coordination of SAR SADC region services by SADC Member States To improve airport/airspace efficiency at congested airports Timeframe 2012/2013 2013/14 SADC Regional SAR Plan 2012/13 Established Regional SAR Coordinating Committee with clear Terms of Reference December 2012 Airport/Airspaces Slot Coordination March 2013 Framework – to complete framework and monitor, also facilitate the regional PBN compliance 62 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe To facilitate and enhance programme that seeks to transform and develop the industry at downstream Commemorated International Civil Aviation Day September 2012 Promoted aviation awareness within the learnership – visit 70 schools per year 70 school by March 2013 Profile aviation as a choice of employment Ongoing 63 RISK/CHALLENGES Budget constraints MITIGATION Prioritising budget within Departmental allocation to meet projects requirements Disagreement with regard to Ongoing tracking and follow-ups member states ‘ individual Prolonged negotiations until a contributions to initiatives compromise is reached Diverging in Member States’ national priorities and diverging in Member States’ constitutional requirements Lack of stakeholder buy-in Delayed approvals Pursuance of other liaison avenues/channels to encourage participation Lobby with member states and prostakeholders for pressure for buy-in Ongoing tracking and follow-ups 64 PROGRAMME 6: MARITIME TRANSPORT 65 Branch: Maritime Transport Core functions include: ◦ Research, analyse and develop maritime transport policies and strategies that promote maritime safety, maritime security, environmental protection, maritime infrastructure planning and maritime industry development ◦ Audit effectiveness of implementation of current safety, security and environmental protection standards and regulations (i.e manage public entity performance and review their mandate) ◦ Evaluate and adopt conventions, multilateral and bilateral agreements ◦ Ensure compliance of legislation and regulations with international standards (IMO) ◦ Facilitate implementation of the policies across the sector ◦ Ensure that the policy and legislative framework promote the economic growth of the maritime transport industry, distribute wealth and create jobs 66 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe Establishment of maritime transport policy and legislation framework Compile position papers on status quo and global trends w.r.t. port efficiencies, operations and management September 12 Study on effectiveness of administration and services of current SA ship registry June 12 Amend National Ports Act (2005) January 13 Evaluate efficiency of maritime freight logistics February 13 Develop green paper on maritime transport shipping policy (coastal, transhipment, shipping industries and registration policy proposals) May 12 67 Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Timeframe Establishment of maritime transport policy and legislation framework Study on carbon footprint in SA maritime June 12 transport & develop policy position on GHG reduction Review marine environment legislation and mandate of DoT, DEA and SAMSA November 12 Amend draft Merchant Shipping Bill to include security and safety regulations, maritime labour regulations and other marine environment protection regulations January 13 68 Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators Timeframes Improved maritime safety and security Develop MoU on Djibouti Code of Conduct -complete ratification process -set up National Coordination Strategy May 2012 Awareness campaign on ISPS Code September 2012 Complete Inland Waterways strategy July 2012 Develop Small Vessels registration database October 2012 Develop URS for IT base ship security clearance system June 2012 Audit implementation of safety regulations in line with SOLAS January 2013 Develop framework for reporting on safety and security incidents quarterly July 2012 69 Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators Timeframes Create jobs through improved capacity and systems to develop seafarers Promote career awareness in maritime transport sector Ongoing Audit rate of employment creation in maritime transport sector over past 2 years and ongoing trends (emphasis on seafarers) August 12 Evaluate current institutional arrangements for skills development of seafarers August 12 Analyse current SA seafarers training curriculum and benchmark with global trends October12 Review SAMSA’s skills development strategy May 12 Develop bilaterals to improve employment November 12 rate of SA seafarers globally 70 Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators Timeframes Promote catalytic economic initiatives in maritime transport sector Develop business case for a coastal shipping line between Nqgura and Richards Bay (type of cargo, duration, costs, storage, etc) October 12 Develop business case for ship acquisition and operations (financial sustainability, cargo, crew, operations, markets, ROI, etc) December 12 Develop operational models for transhipment hub at Ngqura August 12 71 Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators Timeframes Reduce level of pollution at sea Audit of implementation of current environmental protection laws September 12 Facilitate implementation of environmental protection bilaterals and conventions Ongoing Review the National Salvage strategy May 12 Review recommendation on second tug boat and develop ToR for a revised feasibility study July 12 Ratification of environmental protection conventions Ongoing Develop framework for reporting on pollution incidents at sea August 12 72 RISK/CHALLENGES Human Resources Capacity : 1 Director, 5 Deputy Directors, 1 ASD No supervision since SMS level unpopulated No qualifications/skills in Maritime law, maritime transport economics or maritime infrastructure planning or policy formulation Pocket of skills in ship security clearance and security coordination No auditing skills (M&E functions lacking) Poor work ethics (hi rate of absenteeism, no planning) Specialised in negiotiating bilaterals (without implementation) No project management skills MITIGATION Rapid deployment of critical skills on SMS level (directors and CDs) to provide supervision and manage work performance Appointment of panel of experts on safety, security, environmental protection and industry matters to bridge the technical skill gap Implement recruitment process as per budget Develop and implement a skills development strategy for DDs and lower levels that include coaching and mentorship Complete detailed annual performance plan Align individual performance agreements with strategic objectives and KPIs Reassess capacity strategy based on quarterly progress report Public entity management inexistent Strengthen oversight role over Public Entities Lack of policy/strategic direction within maritime shipping industry Develop and finalise Maritime Policy 73 e-Toll Bus Industry Taxi Industry √ Rea Vaya BRT 74 Branch: Public Transport Purpose: To promote a safe, reliable, effective, efficient, coordinated, integrated and environmentally friendly public transport system by developing norms and standards as well as regulations and legislation to guide the development of public transport for rural and urban passengers; and To regulate interprovincial public transport and tourism services and monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Public Transport Strategy and the National Land Transport Act. 75 Branch Purpose:To promote a safe, reliable, effective, efficient, coordinated, integrated and environmentally friendly public transport system by developing norms and standards as well as regulations and legislation to guide the development of public transport for rural and urban passengers Strategic Objective: Projects/ Programmes Timelines/ Target Date National Land Transport Act amendment Finalised in 2012 Establishment of national (NPTR), provincial and municipal (MRE’s) regulatory institutions Number appeal cases resolved Undertake study on alternatives to transport (PRE’s) 1 NPTR, 3 PRE’s and 1 MRE in 2012 25 cases in 2012 regulate public Report with options in ‘12 Pilot NLTA rollout in a small town or city Integrated 2012 plan in Train and place interns in DM’s 20 interns placed in 2012 Establish transport forums 17 forums in 2012 76 Strategic Objective: Public Transport Industry Development Projects/ Programmes Timelines/ Date Target Develop systems to ensure full participation of small bus Formal national operators in the public transport operations structure in 2012 Manage and monitor the public transport contracts and Plan/ strategy for institute subsidy management systems differentiated approach in 2012 Develop taxi industry empowerment implementation Implementation plan plan to support the TR3 2020 strategy and co-op plan in 2012 Develop a public transport conflict resolution strategy Strategy finalised in ‘12 Manage the roll out and monitoring of the taxi Review of the TRP recapitalisation project and introduce environmentally finalised in 2012 friendly taxi vehicles 77 Strategic Objective: Public Transport Industry Development Projects/ Programmes Timelines/ Date Target Develop systems to ensure full participation of small bus Formal national operators in the public transport operations structure in 2012 Manage and monitor the public transport contracts and Plan/ strategy for institute subsidy management systems differentiated approach in 2012 Develop taxi industry empowerment implementation Implementation plan plan to support the TR3 2020 strategy and co-op plan in 2012 Develop a public transport conflict resolution strategy Strategy finalised in ‘12 Manage the roll out and monitoring of the taxi Review of the TRP recapitalisation project and introduce environmentally finalised in 2012 friendly taxi vehicles 78 Strategic Objective: Development of Integrated Rapid Public Transport Networks in twelve (12) cities Projects/ Programmes Timelines/ Date Target Number of cities with approved Phase 1 Network 6 cities by 2012 Operational plans Number of cities with Integrated Public Network 2 networks in 2012 Strategic Objective: Efficient and effective scholar transport system Develop Scholar Transportation framework inclusive of a Finalised by end of policy, operating standards and safety guidelines 2012 Develop a migration plan for scholar transport Finalised by end of 2012 Integrate Shova Kalula into scholar transport services 700 bicycle in 201279 RISK/CHALLENGES MITIGATION Funding to deal with integration and Develop appropriate with relevant transformation of public transport funding models (PTIS rural areas?) (under-spending on PTIS) Over- emphasis of the Public Transport Strategy (2007) on urban transport (IRPTN’s/ BRT) at the expense of rural transport Develop appropriate solutions for PT improvements for different types of challenges/ environment (improved quality conventional PT services?) Inadequate intervention strategies (PT Develop appropriate solutions for PT solutions for small and medium size improvements for different types of towns challenges/ environment (improved quality conventional PT services?) Collapse of the TRP programme Review the current TRP programme Unity (lack thereof) within the minibus Use support for industry driven TR3 taxi industry 2020 as a lever. NLTIS and PT regulation/ licencing Fix the NLTIS in the short term and develop alternative methods 80of THANK YOU 81