English 1 Semester 1 Final Exam Three Components: Speech Presentation, Outline, and PowerPoint/ Prezi/Multimedia Directions: For your Semester 1 Final Exam, each student will research a chosen topic, organize information into a speech, make an outline, and present a 4-6 minute speech. Speech Presentation Guidelines: 1. Research a Historical or Modern Controversial Issue Guidelines: a. Research a controversial issue of merit and take a stance on this issue providing ethos/pathos/logos as a basis for your reasoning. You will present a speech as if you are an activist who believes strongly in your position (even if you own personal feelings are not that strong). a. Must be an issue of merit (see list) b. Instructor approval required for all topics. 2. Organize information into a speech a. Make an outline b. Make and use note cards ( if your speech is not memorized) 3. Clearly and effectively deliver a 4-6 minute speech. You will be judged in four categories. a. Vocal Delivery b. Posture and Body Language c. Professional Attire d. Use Visual Aid Effectively ( PowerPoint) 4. PowerPoint/Multi-Media Guidelines (9 slide minimum): a. Introduction Slide b. At least 7 slides correlating with the body of the speech ( the things you found important about this issue) c. Concluding Slide d. Be Creative, but no distracting backgrounds. Use visuals/pictures to make it interesting.. e. Avoid too much text per slide. f. Avoid animation distractions by keeping transitions simple. Sometimes, less is more. Final Exam Grading Criteria Speech (Content and Delivery) Outline PowerPoint or Other Media Total Points 120 30 100 250 Controversial Issues: 1. Human Trafficking 2. Police Brutality 3. Minimum Wage 4. Illiteracy ( Other than U.S) 5. Free Higher Education 6. Health Care 7. Marriage equality 8. Vaccines for children 9. Abortion 10. Physician assisted suicide 11. Vegetarian/Veganism 12. Animal testing 13. Tablets v. Textbooks 14. Medical marijuana 15. Death penalty 16. Corporal punishment 17. Conceal and carry/ gun rights 18. Affirmative Action 19. Internet censorship 20. Immigration 21. Stem cell research 22. Genetically modified food 23. Arts in school 24. Sex education v. abstinence only education 25. Cloning 26. Common Core Standards 27. Evolution v. Creationism 28. Hunting restrictions 29. Animals in captivity (zoos, sea world, etc.) 30. The wage gap 31. Required physical education/ sports participation at school 32. Standardized Testing (CST, SBAC, SAT, etc.) 33. Mechanization of industry 34. Torture of criminals/terrorists 35. School/Work dress codes 36. Paternity leave 37. Weapons of mass destruction 38. Freedom of speech 39. Home births 40. Separation of church and state 41. Land protection (National parks, nature zones, etc)