GRADE 9 STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOP TIME MANAGEMENT WHAT CAN YOU DO TO MANAGE YOUR TIME? LEARN TO SAY “NO” TO THINGS THAT WILL DISTRACT YOU FROM YOUR STUDIES. Say “NO” to: MSN Your play station The Internet T.V. DON’T WORRY ABOUT YOUR MESSY ROOM, STUDY FIRST.. CLEAN LATER DON’T PROCRASTINATE! RANK STUDY TASKS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY! REWARD YOURSELF FOR HARD WORK! MAKE TIME EACH DAY TO STUDY! USE YOUR BEST TIME TO STUDY! ARE YOU A MORNING PERSON? SUBDIVIDE YOUR STUDYING INTO SMALLER CHUNKS! USE A DAILY PLANNER! PRIORITIZE YOU DAILY ACTIVITIES! HAVE A “TO STUDY” LIST! STRESS! WHAT IS IT? HOW DO I DEAL WITH IT? STRESS: Is the wear and tear on our bodies as we live our lives in an ever changing environment Stress can cause negative and positive feelings: Positive reactions can lead to new awareness and perspective. Negative reactions can leave you feeling angry and depressed. SYMPTOMS OF STRESS: • • • • • • • Headaches Upset stomach Rashes Insomnia Ulcers High blood pressure Heart disease and stroke HOW TO MANAGE STRESS! • Recognize your stressors • Change whatever stressors you can • Reduce your emotional reaction to stress • Be strong physically • Be strong emotionally What can you do? • Associate with people who you enjoy and support you…. • Learn and practice relaxation like yoga or meditation. Enjoy a time of silence each day. Engage in vigorous physical activity! Don’t let one thing dominate your life! SEEK CHALLENGES IN YOUR LIFE…DON’T AVOID THEM! Maintain a good diet and sane sleep habits! Avoid drugs and Alcohol…it doesn’t help stress it adds to it! Protect your personal space! Find time each day for yourself! When worries start to build up talk to someone! Attitude is everything! Studying for Exams! • ALWAYS STUDY IN THE SAME PLACE! Make a study schedule and review your notes regularly! Ask your teacher for help when you don’t understand!! Listen carefully during Exam review in class and listen for exam tips. Never assume that something won’t be on the exam and skip over it! Find out what questions will be on the exam! Writing Exams……. Relax and forget about other people! Read the directions carefully Look over the whole exam first so that you can budget your time! Think before you write! Answer all of the questions even if you have to guess! Leave time to check your paper! Eat a good breakfast! Bring extra pens, pencils, erasers….and if indicated bring dictionaries, calculators…if you have a cold bring Kleenex!