Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance Team

Chapter 4
Foundations of
Effective Employee
Hospitality Human Resources
Management and Supervision
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Describe special concerns when an entry-level employee
is promoted to a supervisory position.
• Explain basic employee motivation strategies.
• Describe procedures for building and maintaining
effective teams.
• Discuss the development and management of employee
recognition and incentive programs.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Changing the Focus
Managing Employee Relationships
Gaining Experience
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Make a Good First Impression
Maintain a Professional Workforce
Supervise Effectively
Plan for Success
Help Employees Be Successful
Be a Role Model
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Communicate a Consistent Message
Acknowledge Employees
Express Appreciation
Share Information
Express Interest
Involve Employees
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Types of Work Teams
Simple Teams
Relay Teams
Problem-Solving Teams
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Building Effective Teams
Developing Team Goals
Types of Team Goals
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Team-Building Issues
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Planning Successful Programs
Goals and Parameters
Implementing the Program
Rewards and Celebration
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Evaluating the Program
Examples of Incentive Programs
Service Awards
Sales and Productivity Awards
Customer Satisfaction Awards
Safety Awards
Longevity Awards
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
1. Describe special concerns when an entry-level employee is
promoted to a supervisory position.
New supervisors often face challenges, such as confusion between
working and leading, knowing when to assist with tasks, and
interacting in the new relationship.
Supervisors must develop trust and respect with team members.
This involves being an effective communicator and being consistently
honest and fair.
Experience helps supervisors better meet their responsibilities.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
2. Explain basic employee motivation strategies.
• Motivation is an inner drive, but supervisors can create conditions that
employees typically find motivating, including making a good first
impression and maintaining a professional workforce.
• They also support a culturally diverse workplace.
• Supervisors should direct the work of their employees as they would
like to be supervised.
• They prepare for success by providing a clear vision and making
• They help employees succeed as they develop ongoing training
opportunities and review employees’ work.
• They know that appreciation is a powerful motivator.
• Supervisors serve as role models.
• Their own behavior and attitude set the tone for the department.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
2. Explain basic employee motivation strategies continued…
• They communicate a consistent message about what employees
should do and how.
• Strategies to encourage a motivational environment include
acknowledging employees and expressing appreciation.
• Sharing information and involving employees in problem solving are
also important.
• Supervisors demonstrate an interest in employees as individuals.
• Employees who are involved in planning and decision making know
they are valuable.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
3. Describe procedures for building and maintaining effective teams.
• Members of simple teams have similar work.
• Relay teams interact with each other, as when servers take orders
and cooks produce them.
• Problem-solving teams work together to resolve problems.
• The best way to build teams is to maintain an environment in which
employees can work together effectively.
• Good team leaders use several tactics including the use of
interpersonal skills, allowing team members to make decisions, and
creating an environment to reduce turnover and use available
• Effective teams know their establishment’s mission and their role.
• They develop carefully planned goals focused on team functioning,
information flow, specific assignments, and necessary resources.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
3. Describe procedures for building and maintaining effective teams continued…
• Teams cannot be effective if supervisors use a poor management
style, high turnover exists, or teams fail to focus on goals.
• If simple teams are not performing, more training may be required.
• When a relay team has problems, employees should be reminded
that their work affects the entire team.
• If problem-solving teams are ineffective, corrective procedures are
used and conflicts resolved.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
4. Discuss the development and management of employee
recognition and incentive programs.
• Employee recognition programs provide a way to publicly express
• Incentive programs encourage employees to meet specific goals by
offering a reward.
• Planners should determine what motivates their employees and what
resources are available to reward the employees.
• They must also determine what behaviors or accomplishments should
be recognized, determine the specific rewards for specific behavior
and results, and communicate the recognition and incentive
program information to the employees.
• Those planning recognition and incentive programs must also
determine time frames and program rules and results.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee
Performance - Summary
4. Discuss the development and management of employee recognition and
incentive programs continued…
• They must also decide how those who achieve program goals should
be determined, and how the effectiveness of the program will be
• It is also important to continuously implement other recognition and
incentive programs based on the evaluation results.
• Examples of incentive programs include awards for service, sales and
productivity, customer satisfaction, safety, and longevity.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Key Terms:
Benefits Compensation other than wages or salary, which may include
meals, uniforms, educational assistance, health care, vacation, and sick
Career ladder A plan that explains how job advancement may occur.
Compensation All of the financial and nonfinancial rewards given to
employees for their work.
Continuous quality improvement (CQI) A management philosophy that
emphasizes that most work processes can be improved.
Cross-functional team A special type of problem-solving team,
composed of members representing different departments who work
Diversity The concept that people are unique with individual differences
and variations in race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, age,
and physical abilities, among others.
Employee incentive program A program designed to encourage
employees to meet specified goals by offering some kind of reward.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Employee recognition program A program that provides a way for
establishments to publicly express appreciation for employees, or to
acknowledge and celebrate them as individuals.
Entry-level employee An employee who works in a position that requires
little experience and has no supervisory duties.
Esteem needs Needs that focus on how people feel about themselves
and how they think others feel about them.
Fast-track employee An employee who meets work requirements in his
or her present position and participates in a professional development
program that allows the employee to advance quickly in the operation.
Harassment Unwanted and annoying actions by one or more persons,
including threats or demands.
Income statement A summary of an operation’s profitability that shows
revenues generated, expenses incurred, and profits or losses realized
during a specific accounting period.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs A theory that people have five basic needs
that typically arise in a certain order; when one need is fulfilled to the
extent desired by the person, he or she is motivated to fulfill the next
Open-ended question A question that encourages a response that
exhibits a person’s knowledge or feelings.
Physiological needs The most basic physical needs, such as food, water,
air, and sleep.
Pre-shift meeting A short employee meeting held before the work shift
begins to discuss plans and details and sometimes present brief training
Role model A person who performs in a way that meets the standards
expected for employees’ behavior.
Safety needs The needs for people to feel safe and secure, such as
having a safe work environment.
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Self-actualization The drive to do the very best that one can do.
Social needs The needs of people to interact with others.
Stakeholder Someone who can impact or be affected by the actions of
the work team.
Work team A group of employees who cooperate on the job to attain
objectives and who hold themselves accountable for their success.
Zero tolerance A policy that allows no amount or type of harassing
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Chapter Images
Chapter 4 Foundations of Effective Employee Performance
Chapter Images continued