Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa FE

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
FE- Akuntansi
Principles of Management
Academic Course Outline
September 2010
Instructor: Mukhtar, SE,Msi.
Email – star.muk@gmail.com Blog: www.starmuk.wordpress.com
Telephone - 081282676903 -- no phone calls after 10:00 PM. If you leave a message be sure to
leave a reach number and at least two alternative times to return your call.
Text: Management, (2002). Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter: Prentice Hall Publishers.
Required Additional Reading:
We will be discussing articles that pertain to corporate styles of management and our studies
each week during class.
Catalog Description: A study of the basic concepts of the management functions in diverse
business environments. Emphasis is placed on the functional approach including planning,
organizing, staffing, coordinating, directing, and controlling.
Goals: To develop an understanding of the many management styles in the workplace today and
how each style has a different impact on employees. An understanding of both the social and
economic consequences of managerial styles will be examined. Current management issues
along with the impact of technology on the workplace and the restructuring of corporate
Indonesia will be examined.
Grading Policy:
Participation and Attendance 10%
Papers: Paper (15 points) 15%
Examinations (25 points & 50 points each) 75%
Cheating Policy: Any student found cheating on an examination or quiz will receive a grade of
0 for that test grade and the incident will be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs. Any
incident of plagiarism will be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs and will result of in a
grade of 0 on the paper and may result in a failing grade for the course.
Course Content:
Dates of study are approximate and subject to change. More or less time will be spent on
specific topics based on the interests and abilities of the class.
week 1
1. Introduction to organizations and management.
2. Management yesterday and today.
week 2
3. Organizational culture and environment.
4. Managing in a global environment
week 3
5. Social responsibility and managerial ethics.
week 4
6. Decision making: the essence of the manager's job.
week 5
7. Foundations of planning.
week 6
8. Strategic management..
week 7
9. Planning tolls and techniques.
10. Organizational structure and design.
week 8 Mid Examination #2.
. week 9
10. Organizational structure and design cont.
11. Human resource management.
week 10
12. Managing change and innovation
We will complete discussions on organizational designs
week 11
13. Foundations of behavior.
14. Understanding groups and teams.
week 12
15. Motivating employees.
16. Leadership
week 13
17. Foundations of control..
18. Operations management.
week 14
19. Control tools and techniques.
Case study / project presentations
Week 15
Final Examination week